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WowManualidad de busto de Batman
En nombre de sus padres asesinados, Bruce Wayne libra una guerra eterna contra los criminales de Gotham City. Él es venganza. Él es la noche. Él es Batman.
Batman, uno de los personajes de ficción más emblemáticos del mundo, ha dedicado su vida a una cruzada interminable, una guerra contra todos los criminales en nombre de sus padres asesinados, que le fueron arrebatados cuando era sólo un niño. Desde esa trágica noche, ha entrenado su cuerpo y su mente hasta casi la perfección física para convertirse en un superhéroe hecho a sí mismo. Ha desarrollado un arsenal de tecnología que avergonzaría a la mayoría de los ejércitos. Y ha reunido equipos de sus compañeros superhéroes de DC, como la Liga de la Justicia, los Forasteros y Batman Incorporated.
• 5 archivos de plantillas PDF listos para imprimir
• 1 hoja de instrucciones detallada en PDF
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• Espesor recomendado : 220/280g
• 12 hojas A4 (1 blanca, 6 negras, 3 grises, 1 beige, 1 amarilla)
• Estos colores son sólo sugerencias, ¡no dudes en sorprendernos con tus propios colores originales!
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• Dimensiones (ancho x largo x alto, en milímetros): 365 x 204 x 449
• Número de piezas a montar : 39
AWESOMEBatman Bust papercraft
In the name of his murdered parents, Bruce Wayne wages eternal war on the criminals of Gotham City. He is vengeance. He is the night. He is Batman.
One of the most iconic fictional characters in the world, Batman has dedicated his life to an endless crusade, a war on all criminals in the name of his murdered parents, who were taken from him when he was just a child. Since that tragic night, he has trained his body and mind to near physical perfection to be a self-made Super Hero. He's developed an arsenal of technology that would put most armies to shame. And he's assembled teams of his fellow DC Super Heroes, like the Justice League, the Outsiders and Batman, Incorporated.
• 5 ready-to-print PDF templates files
• 1 detailed PDF instructions sheets
• Recommended thickness : 220/280g
• 12 A4 sheets (1 white, 6 black, 3 grey, 1 beige, 1 yellow)
• These colors are only suggestions, feel free to surprise us with originals colors of your own !
• Dimensions (W x L x H, in millimeters) : 365 x 204 x 449
• Number of pieces to assemble : 39
Buste de Batman en papier
Au nom de ses parents assassinés, Bruce Wayne livre une guerre éternelle aux criminels de Gotham City. Il est la vengeance. Il est la nuit. Il est Batman.
Batman est l'un des personnages de fiction les plus emblématiques au monde. Il a consacré sa vie à une croisade sans fin, une guerre contre tous les criminels au nom de ses parents assassinés, qui lui ont été enlevés alors qu'il n'était qu'un enfant. Depuis cette nuit tragique, il a entraîné son corps et son esprit jusqu'à la perfection physique pour devenir un super-héros autodidacte. Il a développé un arsenal de technologies qui ferait honte à la plupart des armées. Et il a réuni des équipes de ses camarades super-héros DC, comme la Justice League, les Outsiders et Batman, Incorporated.
• 5 fichiers de modèles PDF prêts à imprimer
• 1 feuille d'instructions PDF détaillée
• Épaisseur recommandée : 220/280g
• 12 feuilles A4 (1 blanche, 6 noires, 3 grises, 1 beige, 1 jaune)
• Ces couleurs ne sont que des suggestions, n'hésitez pas à nous surprendre avec vos propres couleurs originales !
• Dimensions (L x L x H, en millimètres) : 365 x 204 x 449
• Nombre de pièces à assembler : 39
niceeeeeeBatman Bust papercraft
In the name of his murdered parents, Bruce Wayne wages eternal war on the criminals of Gotham City. He is vengeance. He is the night. He is Batman.
One of the most iconic fictional characters in the world, Batman has dedicated his life to an endless crusade, a war on all criminals in the name of his murdered parents, who were taken from him when he was just a child. Since that tragic night, he has trained his body and mind to near physical perfection to be a self-made Super Hero. He's developed an arsenal of technology that would put most armies to shame. And he's assembled teams of his fellow DC Super Heroes, like the Justice League, the Outsiders and Batman, Incorporated.
• 5 ready-to-print PDF templates files
• 1 detailed PDF instructions sheets
• Recommended thickness : 220/280g
• 12 A4 sheets (1 white, 6 black, 3 grey, 1 beige, 1 yellow)
• These colors are only suggestions, feel free to surprise us with originals colors of your own !
• Dimensions (W x L x H, in millimeters) : 365 x 204 x 449
• Number of pieces to assemble : 39
niceBatman Bust papercraft
In the name of his murdered parents, Bruce Wayne wages eternal war on the criminals of Gotham City. He is vengeance. He is the night. He is Batman.
One of the most iconic fictional characters in the world, Batman has dedicated his life to an endless crusade, a war on all criminals in the name of his murdered parents, who were taken from him when he was just a child. Since that tragic night, he has trained his body and mind to near physical perfection to be a self-made Super Hero. He's developed an arsenal of technology that would put most armies to shame. And he's assembled teams of his fellow DC Super Heroes, like the Justice League, the Outsiders and Batman, Incorporated.
• 5 ready-to-print PDF templates files
• 1 detailed PDF instructions sheets
• Recommended thickness : 220/280g
• 12 A4 sheets (1 white, 6 black, 3 grey, 1 beige, 1 yellow)
• These colors are only suggestions, feel free to surprise us with originals colors of your own !
• Dimensions (W x L x H, in millimeters) : 365 x 204 x 449
• Number of pieces to assemble : 39
good batmanBatman Bust papercraft
In the name of his murdered parents, Bruce Wayne wages eternal war on the criminals of Gotham City. He is vengeance. He is the night. He is Batman.
One of the most iconic fictional characters in the world, Batman has dedicated his life to an endless crusade, a war on all criminals in the name of his murdered parents, who were taken from him when he was just a child. Since that tragic night, he has trained his body and mind to near physical perfection to be a self-made Super Hero. He's developed an arsenal of technology that would put most armies to shame. And he's assembled teams of his fellow DC Super Heroes, like the Justice League, the Outsiders and Batman, Incorporated.
• 5 ready-to-print PDF templates files
• 1 detailed PDF instructions sheets
• Recommended thickness : 220/280g
• 12 A4 sheets (1 white, 6 black, 3 grey, 1 beige, 1 yellow)
• These colors are only suggestions, feel free to surprise us with originals colors of your own !
• Dimensions (W x L x H, in millimeters) : 365 x 204 x 449
• Number of pieces to assemble : 39
Batman Bust papercraft
In the name of his murdered parents, Bruce Wayne wages eternal war on the criminals of Gotham City. He is vengeance. He is the night. He is Batman.
One of the most iconic fictional characters in the world, Batman has dedicated his life to an endless crusade, a war on all criminals in the name of his murdered parents, who were taken from him when he was just a child. Since that tragic night, he has trained his body and mind to near physical perfection to be a self-made Super Hero. He's developed an arsenal of technology that would put most armies to shame. And he's assembled teams of his fellow DC Super Heroes, like the Justice League, the Outsiders and Batman, Incorporated.
• 5 ready-to-print PDF templates files
• 1 detailed PDF instructions sheets
• Recommended thickness : 220/280g
• 12 A4 sheets (1 white, 6 black, 3 grey, 1 beige, 1 yellow)
• These colors are only suggestions, feel free to surprise us with originals colors of your own !
• Dimensions (W x L x H, in millimeters) : 365 x 204 x 449
• Number of pieces to assemble : 39
Nice love care etcBatman Bust papercraft
In the name of his murdered parents, Bruce Wayne wages eternal war on the criminals of Gotham City. He is vengeance. He is the night. He is Batman.
One of the most iconic fictional characters in the world, Batman has dedicated his life to an endless crusade, a war on all criminals in the name of his murdered parents, who were taken from him when he was just a child. Since that tragic night, he has trained his body and mind to near physical perfection to be a self-made Super Hero. He's developed an arsenal of technology that would put most armies to shame. And he's assembled teams of his fellow DC Super Heroes, like the Justice League, the Outsiders and Batman, Incorporated.
• 5 ready-to-print PDF templates files
• 1 detailed PDF instructions sheets
• Recommended thickness : 220/280g
• 12 A4 sheets (1 white, 6 black, 3 grey, 1 beige, 1 yellow)
• These colors are only suggestions, feel free to surprise us with originals colors of your own !
• Dimensions (W x L x H, in millimeters) : 365 x 204 x 449
• Number of pieces to assemble : 39
nice!Batman Bust papercraft
In the name of his murdered parents, Bruce Wayne wages eternal war on the criminals of Gotham City. He is vengeance. He is the night. He is Batman.
One of the most iconic fictional characters in the world, Batman has dedicated his life to an endless crusade, a war on all criminals in the name of his murdered parents, who were taken from him when he was just a child. Since that tragic night, he has trained his body and mind to near physical perfection to be a self-made Super Hero. He's developed an arsenal of technology that would put most armies to shame. And he's assembled teams of his fellow DC Super Heroes, like the Justice League, the Outsiders and Batman, Incorporated.
• 5 ready-to-print PDF templates files
• 1 detailed PDF instructions sheets
• Recommended thickness : 220/280g
• 12 A4 sheets (1 white, 6 black, 3 grey, 1 beige, 1 yellow)
• These colors are only suggestions, feel free to surprise us with originals colors of your own !
• Dimensions (W x L x H, in millimeters) : 365 x 204 x 449
• Number of pieces to assemble : 39
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Movie Batman Bust by Marcos Toro
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DC Universe Batman bust
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Movie BATMAN BUST wall haning
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Low Poly Arkham Batman Memorial Bust
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Wall hanging Batman logo wall decor