Anime One Piece Trafalgar D. Water Law


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Trafalgar D. Water Law Papercraft

Trafalgar D. Water Law, more commonly known as just Trafalgar Law (トラファルガー・ロー Torafarugā Rō?) and by his epithet as the "Surgeon of Death", is a pirate from North Blue and the captain and doctor of the Heart Pirates. He is one of twelve pirates who are referred to as the "Worst Generation". He became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea during the timeskip, but his position was revoked for allying with the Straw Hat Pirates. Law, like many other pirates, dreams of finding the One Piece, while also desiring to know the purpose of the Will of D..

Law is the only known survivor of Flevance, a town whose inhabitants suffered from a condition known as Amber Lead Syndrome. Because the disease was fatal and poorly understood, Flevance was destroyed by neighboring countries out of fear, with a young Law barely escaping alive.[ He subsequently joined the Donquixote Pirates, where Donquixote Doflamingo intended to make Law one of his executive officers. However, thanks to the efforts of Doflamingo's brother, Rosinante, Law was freed from the Donquixote Pirates' influence and became a pirate set to bring down Doflamingo's empire.

During the timeskip, his bounty increased from 200,000,000 Beli to 440,000,000 Beli, before it was frozen. After he was expelled from the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Law's bounty was raised to 500,000,000 Beli.

Law joins forces with the Straw Hat Pirates for a brief moment during the Sabaody Archipelago Arc and later on saves Luffy's life at the very end of the Marineford Arc. He is one of the central allies of the Straw Hat Pirates during the Dressrosa and Four Emperors Sagas. He also acts as an ally of the Straw Hat Pirates during the movie One Piece: Stampede.


Password: 061121
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Reputation: 12%
Trafalgar D. Manualidades sobre la ley del agua

Trafalgar D. Water Law, más comúnmente conocido simplemente como Trafalgar Law (トラファルガー・ロー Torafarugā Rō?) y por su epíteto como el "Cirujano de la Muerte", es un pirata de North Blue y el capitán y médico de los Piratas del Corazón. Es uno de los doce piratas a los que se hace referencia como la "peor generación". Se convirtió en uno de los Siete Señores de la Guerra del Mar durante el salto temporal, pero su puesto fue revocado por aliarse con los Piratas de Sombrero de Paja. Law, como muchos otros piratas, sueña con encontrar One Piece, al mismo tiempo que desea conocer el propósito de la Voluntad de D.

Law es el único superviviente conocido de Flevance, un pueblo cuyos habitantes padecían una enfermedad conocida como síndrome del plomo ámbar. Debido a que la enfermedad era fatal y poco comprendida, Flevance fue destruido por los países vecinos por miedo, y un joven Law apenas escapó con vida. Posteriormente se unió a los Piratas de Donquixote, donde Donquixote Doflamingo tenía la intención de convertir a Law en uno de sus oficiales ejecutivos. Sin embargo, gracias a los esfuerzos del hermano de Doflamingo, Rocinante, Law se liberó de la influencia de los Piratas Donquixote y se convirtió en un pirata destinado a derribar el imperio de Doflamingo.

Durante el salto temporal, su recompensa aumentó de 200.000.000 Beli a 440.000.000 Beli, antes de que se congelara. Después de ser expulsado de los Siete Señores de la Guerra del Mar, la recompensa de Law se elevó a 500.000.000 de Beli.

Law une fuerzas con los Piratas de Sombrero de Paja por un breve momento durante el Arco del Archipiélago Sabaody y luego salva la vida de Luffy al final del Arco de Marineford. Es uno de los aliados centrales de los Piratas de Sombrero de Paja durante las sagas Dressrosa y Four Emperors. También actúa como aliado de los Piratas de Sombrero de Paja durante la película One Piece: Stampede.


Contraseña: 061121
excelente trabajo y gracias por compartir


New Member
Trafalgar D. Water Law Papercraft

Trafalgar D. Water Law, more commonly known as just Trafalgar Law (トラファルガー・ロー Torafarugā Rō?) and by his epithet as the "Surgeon of Death", is a pirate from North Blue and the captain and doctor of the Heart Pirates. He is one of twelve pirates who are referred to as the "Worst Generation". He became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea during the timeskip, but his position was revoked for allying with the Straw Hat Pirates. Law, like many other pirates, dreams of finding the One Piece, while also desiring to know the purpose of the Will of D..

Law is the only known survivor of Flevance, a town whose inhabitants suffered from a condition known as Amber Lead Syndrome. Because the disease was fatal and poorly understood, Flevance was destroyed by neighboring countries out of fear, with a young Law barely escaping alive.[ He subsequently joined the Donquixote Pirates, where Donquixote Doflamingo intended to make Law one of his executive officers. However, thanks to the efforts of Doflamingo's brother, Rosinante, Law was freed from the Donquixote Pirates' influence and became a pirate set to bring down Doflamingo's empire.

During the timeskip, his bounty increased from 200,000,000 Beli to 440,000,000 Beli, before it was frozen. After he was expelled from the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Law's bounty was raised to 500,000,000 Beli.

Law joins forces with the Straw Hat Pirates for a brief moment during the Sabaody Archipelago Arc and later on saves Luffy's life at the very end of the Marineford Arc. He is one of the central allies of the Straw Hat Pirates during the Dressrosa and Four Emperors Sagas. He also acts as an ally of the Straw Hat Pirates during the movie One Piece: Stampede.


Password: 061121
Cuál es la contraseña? ;-;


New Member
Reputation: 1%
Trafalgar D. Water Law Papercraft

Trafalgar D. Water Law, more commonly known as just Trafalgar Law (トラファルガー・ロー Torafarugā Rō?) and by his epithet as the "Surgeon of Death", is a pirate from North Blue and the captain and doctor of the Heart Pirates. He is one of twelve pirates who are referred to as the "Worst Generation". He became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea during the timeskip, but his position was revoked for allying with the Straw Hat Pirates. Law, like many other pirates, dreams of finding the One Piece, while also desiring to know the purpose of the Will of D..

Law is the only known survivor of Flevance, a town whose inhabitants suffered from a condition known as Amber Lead Syndrome. Because the disease was fatal and poorly understood, Flevance was destroyed by neighboring countries out of fear, with a young Law barely escaping alive.[ He subsequently joined the Donquixote Pirates, where Donquixote Doflamingo intended to make Law one of his executive officers. However, thanks to the efforts of Doflamingo's brother, Rosinante, Law was freed from the Donquixote Pirates' influence and became a pirate set to bring down Doflamingo's empire.

During the timeskip, his bounty increased from 200,000,000 Beli to 440,000,000 Beli, before it was frozen. After he was expelled from the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Law's bounty was raised to 500,000,000 Beli.

Law joins forces with the Straw Hat Pirates for a brief moment during the Sabaody Archipelago Arc and later on saves Luffy's life at the very end of the Marineford Arc. He is one of the central allies of the Straw Hat Pirates during the Dressrosa and Four Emperors Sagas. He also acts as an ally of the Straw Hat Pirates during the movie One Piece: Stampede.


Password: 061121
I want to try this one too
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