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[Halo] CAS - CLASS ASSAULT CARRIER (HALO 3) papercraft
e aqui esta o c.a.s do padrão - kerel do halo 3 e odst ... é não tenho muito a falar
and here is the c.a.s kerel - pattern from halo 3 and odst ... i don't have much to say
o cargueiro de assalto classe c.a.s esse daqui sendo do padrão - syfon do halo 2
the c.a.s class assault carrier, this one being syfon - pattern from halo 2
[Genshin Impact] Arama Papercraft
Arama free drawing released
The free version is A4, and it will be printed on A5 when it is placed with the grass god.
There are a few modifications to the drawings of the God of Grass
Arama is an Aranara and quest-exclusive NPC located in Vanarana, Sumeru...
Pengu Knight (FeatherKnight Pengu)
Nguồn: Riot - Teamfight Tactics - League Of Legends
Edit and Unfold by : =AZXVIMZwcO2nBWThEP9RcKMnpthCIXuEdHXMH-wxJthJOKeglgc5fx_w2kB8HNu9f5fXRWjw6fTcelU9zmdXXhzCVYf43pdt-2mzAvt1bRPpHZ-dZelVAXC2wv7O9Z806fW0EhinlHaQokj7ouGu6DGl&__tn__=-]K-R']Roly Poly và Nguyễn...
[Resident Evil] Nemesis Program Papercraft
The Nemesis, also called the Nemesis-T Type, or the Pursuer (追跡者, Tsuisekisha), is a character in Resident Evil (Biohazard in Japan), a survival horror video game series created by the Japanese company Capcom. Although smaller than other Tyrant...
[Genshin Impact] Yelan teacher Papercraft
olha que bacana mais um do s.v. , e dessa vez da yelan ... poderia ser da xinyan mas tabom
look how cool another one from s.v. , and this time from yelan ... could be from xinyan but okay
o cruzador super pesado classe valiant como eu já disse minha nave unsc favorita
the valiant class super heavy cruiser as i said my favorite unc ship
bom depois de dois dias de trabalho e um modelo bem mais simples aqui esta o cruzador de batalha classe artemis
well after two days of work and a much simpler model here is the artemis class battle cruiser
esse nave é a primeira nave de halo que não é de halo ... é
this ship is the first halo ship that is not a halo ...
os cruzadores pesados classe marathon feitos para substituir os velhos classe halcyon apresentados ( visualmente) pela primeira vez em halo 2
the marathon class heavy cruisers made to replace the older halcyon class featured (visually) for...
[Halo] COVENANT - SCARAB Papercraft
o ... SCARAB , o famoso scarab veiculo apresentado pela primeira vez (esse modelo ) no halo 3 e que também apareceu em halo reach
the... SCARAB , the famous scarab vehicle first introduced (this model ) in halo 3 and which also appeared in halo reach
[Halo] BANSHEE TYPE - 26 Papercraft
um outro modelo de banshee agora o tipo-26 da trilogia original de halo
another banshee model now the type-26 from the original halo trilogy
agora para equiparar com o ccs o destroyer classe halberd (bem melhor do que eu fiz na 405th)
now to match the ccs with the halberd class destroyer (much better than I did on the 405th)
[Halo] UNSC - LONGSWORD Papercraft
o interceptador longsword ga-tl1 um caça pesado que junto aos seus modelos irmãos são os principais caças de combate da unsc (essa é a descrição mais diferente que já escrevi)
the longsword interceptor ga-tl1 a heavy fighter that together with its sister...
[Halo] BANSHEE TYPE - 27 Papercraft
como um fan de halo o famoso banshee não poderia faltar , cendo agora o tipo-27 de halo reach e futuramente o tipo-26 de halo 3
as a fan of halo the famous banshee could not be missing, now the type-27 of halo reach and in the future the type-26 of halo 3
bom, aqui o meu primeiro modelo original no sentido de que eu desdobrei e organizei um modelo 3d . e dessa vez de uma das naves mais icônicas do jogos e da minha franquia de jogos favorita o cruzador de batalha classe ccs de halo .
well, here is my...
[Genshin Impact] Kirara in School Uniform Papercraft
bom , hoje voltando aqui com a mais nova gata do genshin pelo s.v.
well , today coming back here with genshin 's newest cat by s.v.
[Azur Lane] KMS Yorck papercraft
Dimensions: 184 x 205 x 179 mm
SMS Yorck ("His Majesty's Ship Yorck") was the second and final ship of the Roon class of armored cruisers built for the German Kaiserliche Marine (Imperial Navy) as part of a major naval expansion program aimed at strengthening...
Bowser Jr And His Koopa Clown Car Papercraft
Hello everyone! Here is the papercraft of Bowser Jr. and his Koopa Clown car! ▼Click "More"▼
Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆ (2/5; medium)
Time (uncut): ~4h
At the end, you can replace the paper "base" with a plastic one, in order to see the propeller of his...