
  1. Head Wearable [Halo] HALO 3 - Rogue Helmet

    [Halo] HALO 3 - Rogue Helmet Papercraft o segundo como é de praste por mim hoje , sendo agora o capacete rogue - the second one as it is for me today , being now the rogue helmet
  2. Head Wearable [Halo] HALO 3 - Mark V Helmet

    [Halo] HALO 3 - Mark V Helmet Papercraft algo mais diferente dessa vez agora , agora sendo um capacete da armadura Mark v de halo 3 - something more different this time now, now being a mark v armor helmet from halo 3
  3. Game Figure [Genshin Impact] Ningguang

    [Genshin Impact] Ningguang Papercraft muitos aqui viram , muitos sonharão ... e agora estou aqui ... a mamãe geo (espero que não mecham com minha postagem agora) - many here have seen, many have dream... and now I'm here . . . the geo mommy (I hope you don't mechan with my post now)...
  4. Technological Xbox Series X

    Xbox Series X Papercraft
  5. Game Figure [Genshin Impact] Klee in School Uniform

    [Genshin Impact] Klee in School Uniform Papercraft aqui a fofa klee desta vez com seu uniforme da escola e mais um trabalho do s.v. - here's the cute klee this time with her school uniform and another job from s.v.
  6. Game Figure [Genshin Impact] Noelle in Maid dress

    [Genshin Impact] Noelle in Maid dress Papercraft hoje teremos ela à empregada dos cavaleiro de favonius agora com a roupa de empregada - today we will have her as the maid of the knights of favonius now with the maid outfit
  7. Game Figure [Genshin Impact] Xiangling

    [Genshin Impact] Xiangling Papercraft mais um trabalho do s.v. , desta vez a cozinheira de do porto de liyue - another work by s.v. , this time the cook from of liyue harbor Mao Xiangling (Chinese: 卯香菱 Mǎo Xiānglíng) is a playable Pyro character in Genshin Impact. She is the Head Chef at...
  8. Game Figure [Genshin Impact] Keqing in School Uniform

    [Genshin Impact] Keqing in School Uniform Papercraft por hoje mais uma obra do s.v. de alta qualidade a rainha electro do genshin - for today another work by s.v. high quality the electro queen of genshin
  9. Game Figure [Genshin Impact] Fischl in School Uniform

    [Genshin Impact] Fischl in School Uniform Papercraft mais um trabalho incrível do s.v. desta vês a fischl , a melhor personagem electro - another amazing work by s.v. You were fischl , the best electro character
  10. Game [Into the Breach] Artillery Mech

    [Into the Breach] Artillery Mech Papercraft th third member of the initial squadron from the game into the breach
  11. Game [Into the Breach] Cannon Mech

    [Into the Breach] Cannon Mech Papercraft the second member of the initial squadron from the game into the breach
  12. Melee World of Warcraft - Cataclysm Axe Green

    World of Warcraft - Cataclysm Axe Green papercraft H265 W65 D404 mm
  13. Mechanical Others Megazord and Dragonzord( Có thể gattai và transforms)

    Update Megazord và Dragonzord, có thể gattai và transform nhẹ Megazord 14 tờ Dragonzord 16 tờ Phần chân phải tay phải nhớ in ngược lại nhé, mình ko rành lật file nên ko để pass bạn nào lật được chỉ giúp nhé.
  14. Mechanical [Megaman X5] Mattrex Boss

    [Megaman X5] Mattrex Boss Papercraft Mô hình khá to Cao 350mm Dài 572mm Tự nhiên mò được link con Mattrex Boss Megaman X5 này, bạn nào thích có thể tải về làm nhé, mô hình con robot T-rex lửa khá đẹp. Bữa nào làm xong sẽ up lên.
  15. Sunwing and Clawstrider

    Sunwing Sải cánh 800mm Dài 350mm Cao 450mm(tính từ đế lên đỉnh đầu) 15 tờ A4 2 mặt giấy (mặt trước màu, mặt sau hướng dẫn số vị trí để dán) chất liệu: giấy ford 180grm mực dầu( để cả năm cũng ko phai màu). Thời gian làm: 2 ngày ( tầm 11 tiếng) mình cắt kẻ nét 5 tiếng( yên tâm cứ cắt bừa đi, vì...
  16. Game Poppy Playtime

    Poppy Playtime Papercraft Poppy Playtime is the first toy produced by Playtime Co., who debuted in Chapter 1: A Tight Squeeze. She is the titular character of the game, first appearing in the end of Chapter 1: A Tight Squeeze as a minor character and later re-appearing in Chapter 2: Fly in a...
  17. Head Wearable Genshin Impact - Xiao's mask

    Genshin Impact - Xiao's paper mask Dimensions: 310 x 186 x 122 mm Xiao's paper mask is only 4 pages long, and one more page has spacers that can come in handy when strengthening the model. There are many difficult moments, so it is recommended for advanced crafters.
  18. Game [Outer Wilds] Nomai Statue

    [Outer Wilds] Nomai Statue Papercraft OuterWilds is really a good game!
  19. Game Low Poly Minecraft Steve

    Minecraft Steve Low Poly Papercraft Height: 600 mm Width: 257 mm Depth: 356 mm Attention! It's digital! Scan in electronic PDF and DXF formats Steve is presented as a human character with a blocky appearance, in keeping with the aesthetic and artistic style of Minecraft. The character's name...