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Digivice Wargreymon Papercraft
WarGreymon is a tall reptilian Digimon with a humanoid body structure. Like other Greymon-species Digimon, it has Tyrannosaurus rex-like features (such as its feet and the shape of its head), but unlike other Greymon-species Digimon, its back is not angled, giving...
Digimon - MagnaAngemon papercraft
450 x 375 x 310 mm
MagnaAngemon is an Angel Digimon. It has eight shining, silver wings. MagnaAngemon's mission in the Digital World is as a law enforcement officer, and it has the duty of supervising and surveying the many Angel Digimon. Furthermore, although...
MetalGreymon (Vaccine) papercraft
MetalGreymon (Vaccine) is a Cyborg Digimon. It has mechanized more than half of its body, incorporating technology appropriated from Andromon.The MetalGreymon of Folder Continent are Cyborg Digimon that succeed in perfectly digivolving from Greymon,and draw...
WereGarurumon X papercraft
It has been confirmed that it has acquired a more powerful physique. It is a rigid-legged warrior whose splendid kicks, which have almost doubled and are unleashed using its physique, have the power to blow away heavyweight Digimon in a single hit. Equipped with...
Wargreymon x papercraft
WarGreymon X is a Dragon Digimon and a carrier of the X-Antibody. Because of its mission as a true hero, it must have 100% success in battle. It has imparted the strongest toughness of the "Brave Shield" to the "Dramon Killers", leading to it possessing perfected...
Tokomon papercraft
Tokomon is a Lesser Digimon. It is a tiny Digimon which has limb-like objects growing under its body (head?). In-Training Digimon that have grown limbs are extremely rare, and their appearance is enormously cute. However, while it may be cute, you have to be careful...
Submarimon papercraft
Submarimon is an Aquatic Digimon. It armor-digivolved through the power of the "Digi-Egg of Reliability". It swims freely around the ocean, and the techniques unleashed in underwater battles are no match for it unless they're also from a considerably Aquatic Digimon.
Poyomon papercraft
Poyomon is a Slime Digimon. With a translucent body, it is a Digimon Baby that drifts through the "Net Ocean" like a jellyfish. As it has the most primitive structure among the Digimon discovered to date, it has been showered in attention as the "Missing Link", the key to...
Kuwagamon papercraft
It is shaped like a stag beetle. With a tough body, and high defensive energy, it is a terrible, bad-tempered and aggressive Digimon. He will not stop attacking the enemy with his giant scissors until he defeats him. The sound of its wings can be heard from a distance...
koromon papercraft
Koromon belongs to the group of Lesser Digimon (small Digimon), the name comes from the word onomatopoeia for round things that can roll so its appearance is similar. Koromon through each shedding will grow a little bit. Koromon is a small, weak Digimon with low combat...
Greymon papercraft
Greymon is a Dinosaur Digimon. Greymon's cranial skin has hardened so that it is covered in a rhinoceros beetle-like shell. It is an extremely aggressive Digimon, with a body like a lethal weapon covered in sharp claws and gigantic horns. However, it is highly...
Escorpiomon papercraft
Scorpiomon is a Crustacean Digimon. A computer virus infected the databanks of a laboratory where the investigations and excavations of ancient life forms is preformed, and took in the data of an ancient life form and evolved. It became like the life form which in...
Dorulumon papercraft
Dorulumon is a Beast Digimon. It is a faithful Digimon with a chivalrous spirit. As it usually sticks to the rock-covered mountains, it often acts alone without flocking with others. The drill on its head is a hardened portion of its hair. It runs over the ground at...
Chrysalimon papercraft
Chrysalimon is an Unidentified Digimon whose name and design are derived from the chrysalis. It is sometimes referred to as "Kurisarimon" in American Bandai materials. The Rookie Keramon will go into a chrysalis-like state in order to evolve into a stronger Digimon...
Chibitortomon papercraft
Kamemon digivolves from Tokomon and can digivolve to Seadramon, Ikkakumon, Guardromon, Kabuterimon, and Gatomon. If it fails to meet the requirements for any of these Champions, it will digivolve to Numemon. If the waste gauge hits maximum, it will digivolve to Sukamon.
ClavisAngemon papercraft
ClavisAngemon is a Virtue Digimon and carrier of the X-Antibody. It is an Angel Digimon which protects the "Zenith Gate" between the Digital World and the outside world. The "Zenith Gate" is sealed by means of 360 doors, and "The Key" held by ClavisAngemon is used...
Bukamon papercraft
Bukamon is a Lesser Digimon. Although it has an appearance which is thought to be the infancy of an aquatic dinosaur, it is a funny Digimon with movements as clever as the seahorse. However, the friendly personality it had as Pichimon has totally vanished, and it quickly...
Biyomon papercraft
Biyomon is a Bird Digimon. Its wings have developed to become like arms and it is able to dexterously operate them and use them to grip objects, but for that reason, it is poor at flying through the air. It usually lives on the ground, but when danger draws near, it...
Bakemon papercarft
Bakemon is a Ghost Digimon that is said to be a product of "Death Evolution", when a Digimon's data is incompletely deleted that results in an undead-type Digimon. Bakemon are known as the "Dancing Spirits". Bakemon are usually henchman in the series and can be very easily...