
  1. Anime Game Digimon Chrysalimon

    Chrysalimon papercraft Chrysalimon is an Unidentified Digimon whose name and design are derived from the chrysalis. It is sometimes referred to as "Kurisarimon" in American Bandai materials. The Rookie Keramon will go into a chrysalis-like state in order to evolve into a stronger Digimon...
  2. Anime Game Digimon Chibitortomon

    Chibitortomon papercraft Kamemon digivolves from Tokomon and can digivolve to Seadramon, Ikkakumon, Guardromon, Kabuterimon, and Gatomon. If it fails to meet the requirements for any of these Champions, it will digivolve to Numemon. If the waste gauge hits maximum, it will digivolve to Sukamon.
  3. Anime Game Digimon ClavisAngemon

    ClavisAngemon papercraft ClavisAngemon is a Virtue Digimon and carrier of the X-Antibody. It is an Angel Digimon which protects the "Zenith Gate" between the Digital World and the outside world. The "Zenith Gate" is sealed by means of 360 doors, and "The Key" held by ClavisAngemon is used...
  4. Anime Game Digimon Bukamon

    Bukamon papercraft Bukamon is a Lesser Digimon. Although it has an appearance which is thought to be the infancy of an aquatic dinosaur, it is a funny Digimon with movements as clever as the seahorse. However, the friendly personality it had as Pichimon has totally vanished, and it quickly...
  5. Anime Game Digimon Biyomon

    Biyomon papercraft Biyomon is a Bird Digimon. Its wings have developed to become like arms and it is able to dexterously operate them and use them to grip objects, but for that reason, it is poor at flying through the air. It usually lives on the ground, but when danger draws near, it...
  6. Anime Game Digimon Bakemon

    Bakemon papercarft Bakemon is a Ghost Digimon that is said to be a product of "Death Evolution", when a Digimon's data is incompletely deleted that results in an undead-type Digimon. Bakemon are known as the "Dancing Spirits". Bakemon are usually henchman in the series and can be very easily...
  7. Anime Game Digimon Arukenimon (Adventure)

    Arukenimon (Adventure) papercraft Arukenimon is an arrogant and proud Digimon. She treats those she believes are beneath her with disrespect and contempt. She is intelligent, mission-focused and very dangerous, though she is impulsive and prone to fits of anger over very petty concerns...
  8. Anime Game Digimon Armadillomon

    Armadillomon papercraft Armadillomon is a Mammal Digimon whose name and design are derived from the armadillo. Its body is covered in a hard shell. It has a carefree, charming personality, but occasionally gets hurt if it gets carried away. Just like Veemon and others, it's a descendant of...
  9. Anime Game Digimon Shoutmon

    Digimon Shoutmon + Star Sword (Espada Estrella) papercraft Shoutmon is a Small Dragon Digimon. It is a ferocious Digimon with extremely high aggressiveness due to its hot-blooded enthusiasm. However, it is friendly towards its comrades, and its friendship with other Digimon, surpassing...
  10. Anime Game Digimon Antylamon (Evil)

    Antylamon (Evil) papercraft Antylamon (Evil) is an Animal Digimon. It is the "Rabbit" Deva. It is able to freely manipulate the "qi" flowing within its body, allowing it to interact with softness as well as hardness, so that at times, it moves flexibly as if it were flowing, and at other...
  11. Anime Game Digimon AncientVolcanomon

    AncientVolcanomon papercraft AncientVolcanomon is an Ancient Ore Digimon. Possessing the attribute of "Earth", it is one of the Ten Legendary Warriors that saved the ancient Digital World. A Mega who existed only in the distant past, it has the most power among the Ancient Digimon. There is...
  12. Anime Game Digimon Allomon

    Digimon Allomon papercraft Allomon is a Dinosaur Digimon. It armor-digivolved due to the "Digi-Egg of Courage". As it is especially ferocious among Dinosaur Digimon, there is a rivalry between it and fellow Dinosaur Digimon, Tyrannomon. Allomon's special features are having powerful leg...
  13. Anime Game Digimon Birdramon

    Digimon Birdramon papercraft Birdramon is a Giant Bird Digimon. It has an appearance shrouded in blazing flames. Just like Meramon, it is a Digimon that was generated from the Internet's defensive "Firewall". It flaps its gigantic wings, and flies about the sky. Although its personality is...
  14. Anime Game Digimon Woodmon Green / Woodmon Ver. 2

    Digimon Woodmon Ver. 2 / Woodmon Green papercraft Woodmon is a vegetable Digimon with the appearance of a large, withered tree. Usually he impersonates a common tree and survives by absorbing energy when he takes over Digimon that pass by. Woodmon Green papercraft Woodmon Ver. 2 papercraft
  15. Anime Game Digimon Agumon / BlackAgumon

    Digimon Agumon papercraft Agumon is a Reptile Digimon. It has grown up and become able to walk on two legs, and has an appearance like a tiny dinosaur. Because it is still on the way to adulthood, its power is low, but as its personality is quite ferocious, it doesn't understand fear. It has...
  16. Anime Game Digimon Starmon

    Digimon Starmon papercraft Starmon is a protagonist of Digimon Fusion. He is partner of Mikey Kudo and member of Fusion Fighter.
  17. Anime Game Digimon Belphemon Sleep Mode

    Digimon Belphemon Sleep Mode papercraft Belphemon Sleep Mode is a Demon Lord Digimon. It is said to be sealed in the deepest part of the Dark Area. As the strength it possesses is too immense, its data is said to have been put in a Sleep state by the Digital World's system, although the...
  18. Anime Game Digimon Anubismon

    Digimon Anubismon (アヌビモン Anubimon) papercraft Anubismon is a Wizard Digimon. It guards and supervises the Dark Area, constantly surveying that place to which Digimon that were deleted when their life span finished, or when they were defeated in battle, are ultimately transmitted (and are...
  19. Anime Game Digimon Arresterdramon Ver. 2

    Digimon Arresterdramon Ver. 2 papercraft Arresterdramon is a Dragon Digimon. It is a form of Gumdramon that digivolved by removing its "Kinkoji" (緊箍児 lit. "Tight-bound Child"). It uses a special rubber Battle Armor as its clothing, which manifests Gumdramon's characteristic litheness at its...
  20. Anime Game Digimon Arcadiamon (Rookie)

    Digimon Arcadiamon (Rookie) (アルカディモン Arkadimon) papercraft Arcadiamon (Rookie) is a Bewitching Beast Digimon. It is a cursed Digimon artificially created based on the data of various Digimon. Its nature is to digivolve by absorbing its opponent's data, but it's not clear if it possesses any...