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Digimon Motimon papercraft
Motimon is a Lesser Digimon. It possesses elastic skin, and is a soft-bodied Digimon that uses the protuberances on the underside of its body to toddle about. It came to be called "Motimon" from inflating its body when it gets worked up, causing it to look like...
Digimon MarineAngemon Ver. 2 papercraft
MarineAngemon is a Pixie Digimon. Since it inhabits the Net Ocean, its figure can rarely be seen. Although it possesses the name of "Angemon", as far as the ecosystem is concerned, the Angemon-species is actually a different family. It wears a Holy Ring...
Digimon Beetlemon papercraft
Beetlemon is an Android Digimon. It possesses power over Thunder which bears the might of AncientBeetlemon. Its keen movements, unbecoming of its large build, are a technique to form a high voltage current running throughout its body. It generates a special...
Digimon Breakdramon papercraft
Breakdramon is a Machine Dragon Digimon. It is a gigantic Digimon said to exist in order to destroy everything on the ground. When it digivolved, it successfully obtained the design data for various construction equipment through hacking, and it possesses power...
Digimon Pegasusmon Ver. 2 papercraft
Pegasusmon is an Animal Digimon. It armor-digivolved through the power of the "Digi-Egg of Hope". The "Digi-Egg of Hope" has the attribute of "Holy", and those that don this Digi-Egg are able to obtain sacred power. Those that acquire this power are able...
Digimon Phantomon papercraft
Phantomon is a Ghost Digimon. A Reaper-like Digimon holding a gigantic sickle and chain. It is a higher class of Ghost Digimon compared to Bakemon, so when a person is possessed by Phantomon they are in their last moments, and it comes upon them when they die...
Digimon ToyAgumon papercraft
ToyAgumon is a Puppet Digimon. It is a unique Digimon whose entire body is made up of unique plastic blocks. It is said that a child playing on the Internet created it by imitating Agumon's appearance, so it is very cute. Unlike the confident Agumon, it has a...
Digimon Numemon papercraft
Numemon is a Mollusk Digimon. It possesses a slug-like body, prefers dark, gloomy environments, and has neither offensive power nor intelligence. A Digimon becomes a Numemon if mistakes are made in raising it, but as a matter of fact, there appears to be some hidden...
Digimon Cherrymon papercraft
Cherrymon is a Vegetation Digimon. Woodmon digivolved further, and as Cherrymon, it is a Digimon that has acquired extremely elevated intelligence and power. Called the "Lord of the Deep Forest", it is a terrifying Digimon who tempts Digimon who have gone astray...
Nyaromon papercraft
Nyaromon is a Lesser Digimon. It is a tiny Digimon which has cat-like characteristics. It is always capricious, and that behavior seems to have been attached to Nyaromon as a result of its being like a "cat". Although it is sometimes frivolous due to its overflowing...
Kentaurosmon papercraft
Kentaurosmon is a Holy Warrior Digimon. One of the "Royal Knights", it has a bestial silhouette which could be called bizarre, in contrast to the Human forms of most of the other members. Its whole body is clad in an armor of the "Red Digizoid" which boasts great...
UlforceVeedramon papercraft
UlforceVeedramon is a Warrior Digimon. It possesses the swiftest speed among the "Royal Knights", and there is no one that can follow its movements. Also, its body is wrapped in holy armor made of the lightest-weight rare metal "Blue Digizoid", which is rare even...
Jesmon papercraft
Jesmon is a Holy Knight Digimon. It exceeded the perfection shining from the crystal in SaviorHuckmon's chest, assumed its ultimate form, and acquired the title of a "Royal Knight", the highest rank of Network Security. It is endowed with the ability to sense the unusual...
Gallantmon papercraft
Gallantmon is an Exalted Knight Digimon. One of the "Royal Knights", it is a being containing contradictions, as it is called a guardian deity of the Net despite being a Virus attribute, and if by any chance its balance is lost, it is possible for it to become a dangerous...
WereGarurumon papercraft
WereGarurumon is an Animal Digimon. It digivolved from Garurumon and became able to walk on two legs. It lost its speed due to becoming bipedal, but became a Commando Type Digimon with stronger offensive and defensive power, as well as developing a tactical nature. Its...
MegaKabuterimon papercraft
MegaKabuterimon (Red) is an Insectoid Digimon. It is a Digivolution of Kabuterimon that was discovered within the tropical region of the Net Area. It is almost 1.5-times the size of Kabuterimon, and is quite large among Insectoid Digimon. It is the same species as...
Susanoomon papercraft
Susanoomon is a Wizard Digimon. Told of in Oriental legends, it is the strongest destructive god and the god which governs over regeneration. It is told that when the Network System descends into chaos, it will erase the existing system, and create a new one. It wields the...
MetalGarurumon papercraft
MetalGarurumon is an Android Digimon. It is the final form of Garurumon and the ultimate form of Garurumon-species Digimon, and powered itself up by metallizing almost its entire body. Not only has it retained its natural keenness when it underwent metallization, but...
Alphamon papercraft
Alphamon is a Warrior Digimon and a carrier of the X-Antibody. While it is one of the "Royal Knights", it is said that, to the Holy Knights, it is a being similar to a deterrent force, and as it doesn't appear in normal times, it is also called the "Aloof Hermit" who...
Magnamon papercraft
Magnamon is a Warrior Digimon. It armor digivolved through the power of the Digi-Egg of Miracles. It possesses tremendous defensive ability, its offensive power is equivalent to that of a Mega Digimon, or even greater, and it is one of the "Royal Knights". No matter what...