Game Sonic Shadow the Hedgehog


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Shadow the Hedgehog papercraft



Shadow the Hedgehog (シャドウ・ザ・ヘッジホッグ Shadō za Hejjihoggu) is a fictional character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is an anthropomorphic hedgehog/Black Arms hybrid and the arch-rival of Sonic the Hedgehog. Shadow was created as the "Ultimate Life Form" (究極生命体 Kyūkyoku Seimeitai) by Gerald Robotnik, using the DNA of Black Doom, and is the end result of Project Shadow. His purpose was to provide ways to develop a cure for incurable deadly illnesses, more specifically for Gerald's granddaughter Maria Robotnik, but he was captured and put into stasis by the military when he was deemed as a threat to humanity.

Fifty years later, Shadow was released by Dr. Eggman in order to enlist him in his plan to conquer the world. Initially, Shadow worked with him but secretly sought to destroy the planet in order to avenge Maria, who had been killed by the military, but was persuaded to save it from Gerald's doomsday plans. In the process, Shadow lost his memories and as such, sought to uncover the truth of his past, during which he met Black Doom and the Black Arms; in the end, Shadow regained his memories, uncovered the truth, and thwarted Black Doom's agenda and saved the world. From there, he continued his mission to protect humanity for the sake of Maria.

Shadow is sharp-witted, always on edge, and has a strong sense of purpose, willing to accomplish his goals by any means. Essentially a dark version of Sonic, Shadow can match him in both speed and skill, and can use Chaos Control with a Chaos Emerald. While preferring to work alone, he has helped Sonic and his allies when needed.
I'm gonna do this


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United States
Shadow the Hedgehog papercraft



Shadow the Hedgehog (シャドウ・ザ・ヘッジホッグ Shadō za Hejjihoggu) is a fictional character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is an anthropomorphic hedgehog/Black Arms hybrid and the arch-rival of Sonic the Hedgehog. Shadow was created as the "Ultimate Life Form" (究極生命体 Kyūkyoku Seimeitai) by Gerald Robotnik, using the DNA of Black Doom, and is the end result of Project Shadow. His purpose was to provide ways to develop a cure for incurable deadly illnesses, more specifically for Gerald's granddaughter Maria Robotnik, but he was captured and put into stasis by the military when he was deemed as a threat to humanity.

Fifty years later, Shadow was released by Dr. Eggman in order to enlist him in his plan to conquer the world. Initially, Shadow worked with him but secretly sought to destroy the planet in order to avenge Maria, who had been killed by the military, but was persuaded to save it from Gerald's doomsday plans. In the process, Shadow lost his memories and as such, sought to uncover the truth of his past, during which he met Black Doom and the Black Arms; in the end, Shadow regained his memories, uncovered the truth, and thwarted Black Doom's agenda and saved the world. From there, he continued his mission to protect humanity for the sake of Maria.

Shadow is sharp-witted, always on edge, and has a strong sense of purpose, willing to accomplish his goals by any means. Essentially a dark version of Sonic, Shadow can match him in both speed and skill, and can use Chaos Control with a Chaos Emerald. While preferring to work alone, he has helped Sonic and his allies when needed.
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Shadow the Hedgehog papercraft



Shadow the Hedgehog (シャドウ・ザ・ヘッジホッグ Shadō za Hejjihoggu) is a fictional character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is an anthropomorphic hedgehog/Black Arms hybrid and the arch-rival of Sonic the Hedgehog. Shadow was created as the "Ultimate Life Form" (究極生命体 Kyūkyoku Seimeitai) by Gerald Robotnik, using the DNA of Black Doom, and is the end result of Project Shadow. His purpose was to provide ways to develop a cure for incurable deadly illnesses, more specifically for Gerald's granddaughter Maria Robotnik, but he was captured and put into stasis by the military when he was deemed as a threat to humanity.

Fifty years later, Shadow was released by Dr. Eggman in order to enlist him in his plan to conquer the world. Initially, Shadow worked with him but secretly sought to destroy the planet in order to avenge Maria, who had been killed by the military, but was persuaded to save it from Gerald's doomsday plans. In the process, Shadow lost his memories and as such, sought to uncover the truth of his past, during which he met Black Doom and the Black Arms; in the end, Shadow regained his memories, uncovered the truth, and thwarted Black Doom's agenda and saved the world. From there, he continued his mission to protect humanity for the sake of Maria.

Shadow is sharp-witted, always on edge, and has a strong sense of purpose, willing to accomplish his goals by any means. Essentially a dark version of Sonic, Shadow can match him in both speed and skill, and can use Chaos Control with a Chaos Emerald. While preferring to work alone, he has helped Sonic and his allies when needed.


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Tu madre
Manualidad de papel de Shadow the Hedgehog



Shadow the Hedgehog (シャドウ・ザ・ヘッジホッグ, Shadō za Hejjihoggu ) es un personaje ficticio de la serie Sonic the Hedgehog . Es un híbrido antropomórfico de erizo y Black Arms y el archirrival de Sonic the Hedgehog. Shadow fue creado como la " forma de vida definitiva " (究極生命体Kyūkyoku Seimeitai ) por Gerald Robotnik, usando el ADN de Black Doom, y es el resultado final del Proyecto Shadow. Su propósito era proporcionar formas de desarrollar una cura para enfermedades mortales incurables, más específicamente para la nieta de Gerald, Maria Robotnik, pero fue capturado y puesto en estasis por los militares cuando fue considerado una amenaza para la humanidad.

Cincuenta años después, Shadow fue liberado por el Dr. Eggman para alistarlo en su plan para conquistar el mundo. Inicialmente, Shadow trabajó con él, pero en secreto buscó destruir el planeta para vengar a Maria, quien había sido asesinada por los militares, pero fue persuadida para salvarlo de los planes apocalípticos de Gerald. En el proceso, Shadow perdió sus recuerdos y, como tal, trató de descubrir la verdad de su pasado, durante el cual conoció a Black Doom y los Black Arms; al final, Shadow recuperó sus recuerdos, descubrió la verdad y frustró la agenda de Black Doom y salvó al mundo. A partir de ahí, continuó su misión de proteger a la humanidad por el bien de Maria.

Shadow es ingenioso, siempre está alerta y tiene un fuerte sentido de propósito, dispuesto a lograr sus objetivos por cualquier medio. Esencialmente, es una versión oscura de Sonic, Shadow puede igualarlo tanto en velocidad como en habilidad, y puede usar Chaos Control con una Chaos Emerald. Si bien prefiere trabajar solo, ha ayudado a Sonic y a sus aliados cuando lo ha necesitado.


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Поделки из бумаги «Ёжик Шэдоу»



Ёж Шэдоу (シャドウ・ザ・ヘッジホッグShadō za Hejjihoggu ) — вымышленный персонаж из серии игр Sonic the Hedgehog . Он является антропоморфным гибридом ежа/Black Arms и главным соперником ежа Соника. Шэдоу был создан как « Высшая форма жизни » (究極生命体Kyūkyoku Seimeitai ) Джеральдом Роботником с использованием ДНК Блэк Дума и является конечным результатом проекта «Шэдоу». Его целью было предоставить способы разработки лекарства от неизлечимых смертельных болезней, в частности для внучки Джеральда Марии Роботник, но он был схвачен и помещен в стазис военными, когда он был сочтен угрозой человечеству.

Пятьдесят лет спустя Шэдоу был освобожден доктором Эггманом, чтобы завербовать его в свой план по завоеванию мира. Первоначально Шэдоу работал с ним, но тайно стремился уничтожить планету, чтобы отомстить за Марию, которую убили военные, но его убедили спасти ее от планов конца света Джеральда. В процессе Шэдоу потерял свои воспоминания и, как таковой, стремился раскрыть правду о своем прошлом, во время которого он встретил Черного Дума и Черную Армию; в конце концов Шэдоу восстановил свои воспоминания, раскрыл правду, сорвал план Черного Дума и спас мир. Оттуда он продолжил свою миссию по защите человечества ради Марии.

Шэдоу остроумен, всегда на грани, имеет сильное чувство цели, готов достичь своих целей любыми способами. По сути, темная версия Соника, Шэдоу может сравниться с ним как в скорости, так и в мастерстве, и может использовать Хаос-контроль с помощью Изумруда Хаоса. Предпочитая работать в одиночку, он помогал Сонику и его союзникам, когда это было необходимо.


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Shadow the Hedgehog papercraft



Shadow the Hedgehog (シャドウ・ザ・ヘッジホッグ Shadō za Hejjihoggu) is a fictional character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is an anthropomorphic hedgehog/Black Arms hybrid and the arch-rival of Sonic the Hedgehog. Shadow was created as the "Ultimate Life Form" (究極生命体 Kyūkyoku Seimeitai) by Gerald Robotnik, using the DNA of Black Doom, and is the end result of Project Shadow. His purpose was to provide ways to develop a cure for incurable deadly illnesses, more specifically for Gerald's granddaughter Maria Robotnik, but he was captured and put into stasis by the military when he was deemed as a threat to humanity.

Fifty years later, Shadow was released by Dr. Eggman in order to enlist him in his plan to conquer the world. Initially, Shadow worked with him but secretly sought to destroy the planet in order to avenge Maria, who had been killed by the military, but was persuaded to save it from Gerald's doomsday plans. In the process, Shadow lost his memories and as such, sought to uncover the truth of his past, during which he met Black Doom and the Black Arms; in the end, Shadow regained his memories, uncovered the truth, and thwarted Black Doom's agenda and saved the world. From there, he continued his mission to protect humanity for the sake of Maria.

Shadow is sharp-witted, always on edge, and has a strong sense of purpose, willing to accomplish his goals by any means. Essentially a dark version of Sonic, Shadow can match him in both speed and skill, and can use Chaos Control with a Chaos Emerald. While preferring to work alone, he has helped Sonic and his allies when needed.


New Member
Papelaria Shadow the Hedgehog



Shadow the Hedgehog (シャドウ・ザ・ヘッジホッグShadō za Hejjihoggu ) é um personagem fictício da série Sonic the Hedgehog . Ele é um híbrido antropomórfico de ouriço/Black Arms e o arquirrival de Sonic the Hedgehog. Shadow foi criado como a " Forma de Vida Suprema " (究極生命体Kyūkyoku Seimeitai ) por Gerald Robotnik, usando o DNA de Black Doom, e é o resultado final do Projeto Shadow. Seu propósito era fornecer maneiras de desenvolver uma cura para doenças mortais incuráveis, mais especificamente para a neta de Gerald, Maria Robotnik, mas ele foi capturado e colocado em estase pelos militares quando foi considerado uma ameaça à humanidade.

Cinquenta anos depois, Shadow foi libertado pelo Dr. Eggman para alistá-lo em seu plano de conquistar o mundo. Inicialmente, Shadow trabalhou com ele, mas secretamente procurou destruir o planeta para vingar Maria, que havia sido morta pelos militares, mas foi persuadida a salvá-lo dos planos apocalípticos de Gerald. No processo, Shadow perdeu suas memórias e, como tal, procurou descobrir a verdade de seu passado, durante o qual conheceu Black Doom e os Black Arms; no final, Shadow recuperou suas memórias, descobriu a verdade e frustrou a agenda de Black Doom e salvou o mundo. A partir daí, ele continuou sua missão de proteger a humanidade pelo bem de Maria.

Shadow é perspicaz, sempre no limite, e tem um forte senso de propósito, disposto a atingir seus objetivos por qualquer meio. Essencialmente uma versão sombria de Sonic, Shadow pode igualá-lo em velocidade e habilidade, e pode usar Chaos Control com uma Chaos Emerald. Embora prefira trabalhar sozinho, ele ajudou Sonic e seus aliados quando necessário.
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Manualidad de papel de Shadow the Hedgehog



Shadow the Hedgehog (シャドウ・ザ・ヘッジホッグShadō za Hejjihoggu ) es un personaje ficticio de la serie Sonic the Hedgehog . Es un híbrido antropomórfico de erizo y Black Arms y el archirrival de Sonic the Hedgehog. Shadow fue creado como la " forma de vida definitiva " (究極生命体Kyūkyoku Seimeitai ) por Gerald Robotnik, usando el ADN de Black Doom, y es el resultado final del Proyecto Shadow. Su propósito era proporcionar formas de desarrollar una cura para enfermedades mortales incurables, más específicamente para la nieta de Gerald, Maria Robotnik, pero fue capturado y puesto en estasis por los militares cuando fue considerado una amenaza para la humanidad.

Cincuenta años después, Shadow fue liberado por el Dr. Eggman para alistarlo en su plan para conquistar el mundo. Inicialmente, Shadow trabajó con él, pero en secreto buscó destruir el planeta para vengar a Maria, quien había sido asesinada por los militares, pero fue persuadida para salvarlo de los planes apocalípticos de Gerald. En el proceso, Shadow perdió sus recuerdos y, como tal, trató de descubrir la verdad de su pasado, durante el cual conoció a Black Doom y los Black Arms; al final, Shadow recuperó sus recuerdos, descubrió la verdad y frustró la agenda de Black Doom y salvó al mundo. A partir de ahí, continuó su misión de proteger a la humanidad por el bien de Maria.

Shadow es ingenioso, siempre está alerta y tiene un fuerte sentido de propósito, dispuesto a lograr sus objetivos por cualquier medio. Esencialmente, es una versión oscura de Sonic, Shadow puede igualarlo tanto en velocidad como en habilidad, y puede usar Chaos Control con una Chaos Emerald. Si bien prefiere trabajar solo, ha ayudado a Sonic y a sus aliados cuando lo ha necesitado.


New Member
Shadow the Hedgehog papercraft



Shadow the Hedgehog (シャドウ・ザ・ヘッジホッグ Shadō za Hejjihoggu) is a fictional character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is an anthropomorphic hedgehog/Black Arms hybrid and the arch-rival of Sonic the Hedgehog. Shadow was created as the "Ultimate Life Form" (究極生命体 Kyūkyoku Seimeitai) by Gerald Robotnik, using the DNA of Black Doom, and is the end result of Project Shadow. His purpose was to provide ways to develop a cure for incurable deadly illnesses, more specifically for Gerald's granddaughter Maria Robotnik, but he was captured and put into stasis by the military when he was deemed as a threat to humanity.

Fifty years later, Shadow was released by Dr. Eggman in order to enlist him in his plan to conquer the world. Initially, Shadow worked with him but secretly sought to destroy the planet in order to avenge Maria, who had been killed by the military, but was persuaded to save it from Gerald's doomsday plans. In the process, Shadow lost his memories and as such, sought to uncover the truth of his past, during which he met Black Doom and the Black Arms; in the end, Shadow regained his memories, uncovered the truth, and thwarted Black Doom's agenda and saved the world. From there, he continued his mission to protect humanity for the sake of Maria.

Shadow is sharp-witted, always on edge, and has a strong sense of purpose, willing to accomplish his goals by any means. Essentially a dark version of Sonic, Shadow can match him in both speed and skill, and can use Chaos Control with a Chaos Emerald. While preferring to work alone, he has helped Sonic and his allies when needed.
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