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I love this. I downloaded it from another site years ago. I added texture to some parts, changed the colour of some parts so that they will not be visible in vehicle mode and I added an edited segment that could give light-piping to his eyes.
Here is my PDF.
INCREIBLEOptimus Prime G1 [asd-fla] (modelo Transform) papercraft
Optimus Prime es el líder imponente de las fuerzas Autobot. Desinteresado e infinitamente valiente, es todo lo contrario de su enemigo mortal Megatron. Originalmente un simple civil conocido como Orion Pax u Optronix, fue elegido por la Matriz de Liderazgo para comandar, la primera de una serie de pesadas cargas que se ha visto obligado a soportar. Otra es su causa de traer el conflicto de los Transformers a la Tierra. Cada baja, humana o cibertroniana, pesa mucho en su chispa. No muestra este lado a sus soldados y nunca sucumbe a la desesperación. Los Autobots necesitan un líder decisivo y carismático y eso es lo que él les da. Fue ese liderazgo lo que cambió el curso de la Gran Guerra.
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Có thể biến đổi được, 1 bản color y 1 bản en blanco
Crear modelI love this. I downloaded it from another site years ago. I added texture to some parts, changed the colour of some parts so that they will not be visible in vehicle mode and I added an edited segment that could give light-piping to his eyes.
Here is my PDF.
SO GOODOptimus Prime G1 [asd-fla] (có thể Transform) papercraft
Optimus Prime is the awe-inspiring leader of the Autobot forces. Selfless and endlessly courageous, he is the complete opposite of his mortal enemy Megatron. Originally a mere civilian known as Orion Pax or Optronix, he was chosen by the Matrix of Leadership to command, the first in a number of heavy burdens he has been forced to bear. Another is his bringing of the Transformers' conflict to Earth. Every casualty, human or Cybertronian weighs heavily on his spark. He does not show this side to his soldiers and never succumbs to despair. The Autobots need a decisive, charismatic leader and that is what he gives them. It was that leadership which turned the tide of the Great War.
Instruction: PDF
Có thể biến đổi được, 1 bản color và 1 bản blank
Muy super genialOptimus Prime G1 [asd-fla] (có thể Transform) papercraft
Optimus Prime is the awe-inspiring leader of the Autobot forces. Selfless and endlessly courageous, he is the complete opposite of his mortal enemy Megatron. Originally a mere civilian known as Orion Pax or Optronix, he was chosen by the Matrix of Leadership to command, the first in a number of heavy burdens he has been forced to bear. Another is his bringing of the Transformers' conflict to Earth. Every casualty, human or Cybertronian weighs heavily on his spark. He does not show this side to his soldiers and never succumbs to despair. The Autobots need a decisive, charismatic leader and that is what he gives them. It was that leadership which turned the tide of the Great War.
Instruction: PDF
Có thể biến đổi được, 1 bản color và 1 bản blank
TransformersOptimus Prime G1 [asd-fla] (có thể Transform) papercraft
Optimus Prime is the awe-inspiring leader of the Autobot forces. Selfless and endlessly courageous, he is the complete opposite of his mortal enemy Megatron. Originally a mere civilian known as Orion Pax or Optronix, he was chosen by the Matrix of Leadership to command, the first in a number of heavy burdens he has been forced to bear. Another is his bringing of the Transformers' conflict to Earth. Every casualty, human or Cybertronian weighs heavily on his spark. He does not show this side to his soldiers and never succumbs to despair. The Autobots need a decisive, charismatic leader and that is what he gives them. It was that leadership which turned the tide of the Great War.
Instruction: PDF
Có thể biến đổi được, 1 bản color và 1 bản blank
This Optimus prime model is so amazing I mean like just made from paper already looks so detailsI love this. I downloaded it from another site years ago. I added texture to some parts, changed the colour of some parts so that they will not be visible in vehicle mode and I added an edited segment that could give light-piping to his eyes.
Here is my PDF.
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Transformer Optimus Prime AoE Paper Craft
Transformer Optimus Prime The War Within (có thể Transform)
Super Deformed (SD) SD Optimus Prime ver.J2
Transformer Optimus Prime (Detailed ver)
Super Deformed (SD) SD Optimus Prime