Star Wars Din Djarin (the Mandalorian)


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AlbinoPantheraLeo - AllyP
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Star Wars Din Djarin (the Mandalorian) papercraft​


Din Djarin, also known as "the Mandalorian" or simply "Mando," was a human male Mandalorian warrior during the era of the New Republic. With his Mandalorian armor, IB-94 blaster pistol, Amban sniper rifle, and distinctive beskar helmet, Djarin was both well-equipped and enigmatic—a stranger whose past was shrouded in mystery to others. He hailed from Aq Vetina and became orphaned during the end of the Galactic Republic, and was raised as a foundling by the Children of the Watch, an orthodox cult that had broken off from mainstream Mandalorian society. Djarin was unaware of this and believed that all Mandalorians followed the Children of the Watch's beliefs. He was trained to become a Mandalorian warrior and eventually joined the Tribe, which operated in a secret covert on Nevarro. Djarin became battle-hardened, a man of few words, and a formidable hunter in an increasingly dangerous galaxy.

In his youth, Din Djarin lived with his parents on the planet Aq Vetina that was victim of a separatist attack in which his parents lost their lives by protecting him. A super battle droid flushed him out and would have killed him without the intervention of Death Watch. This tragic event remained in his memory years later.


Some time later, he joined a Mandalorian clan called "The Tribe", settled on the volcanic planet of Nevarro. When he was old enough, Din pledged allegiance to the Mandalorian creed, thus becoming one of their own and acquired armor and weapons from his new people, before joining the Bounty Hunters' Guild. In 9 ABY, five years after the destruction of the second Death Star and the final defeat of the Empire, the Mandalorian had gained an excellent reputation as a bounty hunter, which provoked the jealousy of other members of the Guild.

He once teamed up with two mercenary Twi'leks, Qin and his sister Xi'an, and things went very badly between the three of them, with the Mandalorian leaving Qin behind. Around this same time, Din was working with Ranzar Malk as bounty hunters until a falling out separated them for a time.
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Manualidad de papel de Star Wars Din Djarin (el mandaloriano)​


Din Djarin , también conocido como " el Mandaloriano " o simplemente " Mando ", fue un guerrero mandaloriano humano durante la era de la Nueva República. Con su armadura mandaloriana, su pistola bláster IB-94, su rifle de francotirador Amban y su distintivo casco beskar, Djarin estaba bien equipado y era a la vez enigmático: un extraño cuyo pasado estaba envuelto en un misterio para los demás. Provenía de Aq Vetina y quedó huérfano durante el fin de la República Galáctica, y fue criado como un expósito por los Hijos de la Guardia, un culto ortodoxo que se había separado de la sociedad mandaloriana convencional. Djarin no era consciente de esto y creía que todos los mandalorianos seguían las creencias de los Hijos de la Guardia. Fue entrenado para convertirse en un guerrero mandaloriano y finalmente se unió a la Tribu, que operaba de forma secreta en Nevarro. Djarin se volvió un hombre curtido en la batalla, de pocas palabras y un cazador formidable en una galaxia cada vez más peligrosa.

En su juventud, Din Djarin vivió con sus padres en el planeta Aq Vetina que fue víctima de un ataque separatista en el que sus padres perdieron la vida protegiéndolo. Un súper droide de batalla lo expulsó y lo habría matado sin la intervención de Death Watch. Este trágico suceso permaneció en su memoria años después.


Tiempo después, se unió a un clan mandaloriano llamado "La Tribu", asentado en el planeta volcánico de Nevarro. Cuando tuvo edad suficiente, Din juró lealtad al credo mandaloriano, convirtiéndose así en uno de los suyos y adquirió armaduras y armas de su nueva gente, antes de unirse al Gremio de Cazarrecompensas. En el 9 DBY, cinco años después de la destrucción de la segunda Estrella de la Muerte y la derrota final del Imperio, el Mandaloriano se había ganado una excelente reputación como cazarrecompensas, lo que provocó los celos de otros miembros del Gremio.

Una vez se asoció con dos mercenarios twi'leks, Qin y su hermana Xi'an, y las cosas salieron muy mal entre los tres, y el mandaloriano dejó atrás a Qin. Casi al mismo tiempo, Din estaba trabajando con Ranzar Malk como cazarrecompensas hasta que una pelea los separó por un tiempo.


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Star Wars Din Djarin (o Mandaloriano) papercraft​


Din Djarin , também conhecido como " o Mandaloriano " ou simplesmente " Mando ", foi um guerreiro Mandaloriano humano durante a era da Nova República. Com sua armadura Mandaloriana, pistola blaster IB-94, rifle de precisão Amban e capacete beskar distinto, Djarin era bem equipado e enigmático — um estranho cujo passado estava envolto em mistério para os outros. Ele veio de Aq Vetina e ficou órfão durante o fim da República Galáctica, e foi criado como um enjeitado pelos Filhos da Guarda, um culto ortodoxo que havia se separado da sociedade Mandaloriana dominante. Djarin não sabia disso e acreditava que todos os Mandalorianos seguiam as crenças dos Filhos da Guarda. Ele foi treinado para se tornar um guerreiro Mandaloriano e eventualmente se juntou à Tribo, que operava em um esconderijo secreto em Nevarro. Djarin se tornou endurecido pela batalha, um homem de poucas palavras e um caçador formidável em uma galáxia cada vez mais perigosa.

Em sua juventude, Din Djarin viveu com seus pais no planeta Aq Vetina que foi vítima de um ataque separatista no qual seus pais perderam suas vidas protegendo-o. Um super dróide de batalha o expulsou e o teria matado sem a intervenção do Death Watch. Este evento trágico permaneceu em sua memória anos depois.


Algum tempo depois, ele se juntou a um clã Mandaloriano chamado "A Tribo", estabelecido no planeta vulcânico de Nevarro. Quando ele tinha idade suficiente, Din jurou lealdade ao credo Mandaloriano, tornando-se assim um deles e adquiriu armaduras e armas de seu novo povo, antes de se juntar à Guilda dos Caçadores de Recompensas. Em 9 DBY, cinco anos após a destruição da segunda Estrela da Morte e a derrota final do Império, o Mandaloriano ganhou uma excelente reputação como caçador de recompensas, o que provocou a inveja de outros membros da Guilda.

Certa vez, ele se juntou a dois mercenários Twi'leks, Qin e sua irmã Xi'an, e as coisas foram muito mal entre os três, com o Mandaloriano deixando Qin para trás. Na mesma época, Din estava trabalhando com Ranzar Malk como caçadores de recompensas até que uma briga os separou por um tempo.
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New Member

Star Wars Din Djarin (the Mandalorian) papercraft​


Din Djarin, also known as "the Mandalorian" or simply "Mando," was a human male Mandalorian warrior during the era of the New Republic. With his Mandalorian armor, IB-94 blaster pistol, Amban sniper rifle, and distinctive beskar helmet, Djarin was both well-equipped and enigmatic—a stranger whose past was shrouded in mystery to others. He hailed from Aq Vetina and became orphaned during the end of the Galactic Republic, and was raised as a foundling by the Children of the Watch, an orthodox cult that had broken off from mainstream Mandalorian society. Djarin was unaware of this and believed that all Mandalorians followed the Children of the Watch's beliefs. He was trained to become a Mandalorian warrior and eventually joined the Tribe, which operated in a secret covert on Nevarro. Djarin became battle-hardened, a man of few words, and a formidable hunter in an increasingly dangerous galaxy.

In his youth, Din Djarin lived with his parents on the planet Aq Vetina that was victim of a separatist attack in which his parents lost their lives by protecting him. A super battle droid flushed him out and would have killed him without the intervention of Death Watch. This tragic event remained in his memory years later.


Some time later, he joined a Mandalorian clan called "The Tribe", settled on the volcanic planet of Nevarro. When he was old enough, Din pledged allegiance to the Mandalorian creed, thus becoming one of their own and acquired armor and weapons from his new people, before joining the Bounty Hunters' Guild. In 9 ABY, five years after the destruction of the second Death Star and the final defeat of the Empire, the Mandalorian had gained an excellent reputation as a bounty hunter, which provoked the jealousy of other members of the Guild.

He once teamed up with two mercenary Twi'leks, Qin and his sister Xi'an, and things went very badly between the three of them, with the Mandalorian leaving Qin behind. Around this same time, Din was working with Ranzar Malk as bounty hunters until a falling out separated them for a time.
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