Movie [Godzilla vs. Kong] Godzilla Attack

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[Godzilla vs. Kong] Godzilla Attack papercraft

Five years after Godzilla defeated King Ghidorah, Kong is monitored by Monarch within a giant dome on Skull Island. Kong is visited by Jia, the last Iwi native and adopted daughter of Kong expert Ilene Andrews, who is deaf and communicates with Kong via sign language.

Bernie Hayes, an employee of Apex Cybernetics and host of a Titan conspiracy podcast, extracts data suggesting sinister activities at an Apex's Pensacola facility. However, Godzilla suddenly attacks the facility; during the rampage, Bernie stumbles on a massive device. Madison Russell, a listener of Bernie's podcast, enlists her friend Josh to investigate Godzilla's attacks.



Apex CEO Walter Simmons recruits Nathan Lind, former Monarch scientist, and Hollow Earth theorist, to guide a search for a power source into the Hollow Earth, the homeworld of the Titans. Nathan is initially hesitant as his brother died in an expedition to the Hollow Earth due to a strong reverse-gravitational effect. He agrees after Walter reveals that Apex has developed HEAVs, specialized crafts able to withstand the pressure exerted by the gravity field.

Nathan convinces Ilene to let Kong guide them through the Hollow Earth via an outpost in Antarctica. Nathan, Ilene, and an Apex team led by Walter's daughter Maia board a modified barge escorted by the U.S. Navy that carries a sedated and restrained Kong. Godzilla attacks the convoy and defeats Kong but retreats after the ships disable their power and trick him into thinking they are destroyed. To avoid alerting Godzilla, Kong is airlifted to the Hollow Earth entrance, and Jia convinces him to enter the tunnel while the team follows him in the HEAVs.

Madison and Josh find Bernie, who joins their investigation. They sneak into the wrecked Apex base, discover a secret facility underground, and are inadvertently locked into an underground hyperloop-type transport to Apex headquarters in Hong Kong, where they unwittingly stumble on a test of Mechagodzilla. It is telepathically controlled by Ren Serizawa, the son of the late Ishirō Serizawa, through the neural networks from the skull of a severed Ghidorah head, but is hobbled by its power supply's limitations. Walter intends to harness the Hollow Earth's energy to overcome Mechagodzilla's limitations.
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[Godzilla vs. Kong] Papercraft del ataque de Godzilla

Cinco años después de que Godzilla derrotara al Rey Ghidorah, Monarch monitorea a Kong dentro de una cúpula gigante en la Isla Calavera. Kong recibe la visita de Jia, la última nativa de Iwi e hija adoptiva de la experta en Kong, Ilene Andrews, que es sorda y se comunica con Kong mediante lenguaje de señas.

Bernie Hayes, empleado de Apex Cybernetics y presentador de un podcast sobre conspiración de Titan, extrae datos que sugieren actividades siniestras en las instalaciones de Apex en Pensacola. Sin embargo, Godzilla ataca repentinamente las instalaciones; Durante el alboroto, Bernie tropieza con un dispositivo enorme. Madison Russell, una oyente del podcast de Bernie, recluta a su amigo Josh para investigar los ataques de Godzilla.



El director ejecutivo de Apex, Walter Simmons, recluta a Nathan Lind, ex científico Monarca y teórico de la Tierra Hueca, para guiar la búsqueda de una fuente de energía en la Tierra Hueca, el mundo natal de los Titanes. Al principio, Nathan duda porque su hermano murió en una expedición a la Tierra Hueca debido a un fuerte efecto de gravitación inversa. Está de acuerdo después de que Walter revela que Apex ha desarrollado HEAV, naves especializadas capaces de soportar la presión ejercida por el campo de gravedad.

Nathan convence a Ilene para que deje que Kong los guíe a través de la Tierra Hueca a través de un puesto de avanzada en la Antártida. Nathan, Ilene y un equipo de Apex liderado por Maia, la hija de Walter, abordan una barcaza modificada escoltada por la Marina de los EE. UU. que transporta a un Kong sedado y sujeto. Godzilla ataca el convoy y derrota a Kong, pero se retira después de que los barcos desactivan su energía y lo engañan haciéndole creer que están destruidos. Para evitar alertar a Godzilla, Kong es transportado en avión a la entrada de la Tierra Hueca, y Jia lo convence de ingresar al túnel mientras el equipo lo sigue en los HEAV.

Madison y Josh encuentran a Bernie, quien se une a su investigación. Se cuelan en la base destrozada de Apex, descubren una instalación secreta subterránea y, sin darse cuenta, quedan encerrados en un transporte subterráneo tipo Hyperloop que los lleva a la sede de Apex en Hong Kong, donde, sin saberlo, se topan con una prueba de Mechagodzilla. Está controlado telepáticamente por Ren Serizawa, el hijo del difunto Ishirō Serizawa, a través de las redes neuronales del cráneo de una cabeza cortada de Ghidorah, pero se ve obstaculizado por las limitaciones de su suministro de energía. Walter tiene la intención de aprovechar la energía de la Tierra Hueca para superar las limitaciones de Mechagodzilla.


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Reputation: 1%
United States Of America
[Godzilla vs. Kong] Godzilla Attack papercraft

Five years after Godzilla defeated King Ghidorah, Kong is monitored by Monarch within a giant dome on Skull Island. Kong is visited by Jia, the last Iwi native and adopted daughter of Kong expert Ilene Andrews, who is deaf and communicates with Kong via sign language.

Bernie Hayes, an employee of Apex Cybernetics and host of a Titan conspiracy podcast, extracts data suggesting sinister activities at an Apex's Pensacola facility. However, Godzilla suddenly attacks the facility; during the rampage, Bernie stumbles on a massive device. Madison Russell, a listener of Bernie's podcast, enlists her friend Josh to investigate Godzilla's attacks.



Apex CEO Walter Simmons recruits Nathan Lind, former Monarch scientist, and Hollow Earth theorist, to guide a search for a power source into the Hollow Earth, the homeworld of the Titans. Nathan is initially hesitant as his brother died in an expedition to the Hollow Earth due to a strong reverse-gravitational effect. He agrees after Walter reveals that Apex has developed HEAVs, specialized crafts able to withstand the pressure exerted by the gravity field.

Nathan convinces Ilene to let Kong guide them through the Hollow Earth via an outpost in Antarctica. Nathan, Ilene, and an Apex team led by Walter's daughter Maia board a modified barge escorted by the U.S. Navy that carries a sedated and restrained Kong. Godzilla attacks the convoy and defeats Kong but retreats after the ships disable their power and trick him into thinking they are destroyed. To avoid alerting Godzilla, Kong is airlifted to the Hollow Earth entrance, and Jia convinces him to enter the tunnel while the team follows him in the HEAVs.

Madison and Josh find Bernie, who joins their investigation. They sneak into the wrecked Apex base, discover a secret facility underground, and are inadvertently locked into an underground hyperloop-type transport to Apex headquarters in Hong Kong, where they unwittingly stumble on a test of Mechagodzilla. It is telepathically controlled by Ren Serizawa, the son of the late Ishirō Serizawa, through the neural networks from the skull of a severed Ghidorah head, but is hobbled by its power supply's limitations. Walter intends to harness the Hollow Earth's energy to overcome Mechagodzilla's limitations.
yo bro nice


New Member
[Godzilla vs. Kong] Godzilla Attack papercraft

Five years after Godzilla defeated King Ghidorah, Kong is monitored by Monarch within a giant dome on Skull Island. Kong is visited by Jia, the last Iwi native and adopted daughter of Kong expert Ilene Andrews, who is deaf and communicates with Kong via sign language.

Bernie Hayes, an employee of Apex Cybernetics and host of a Titan conspiracy podcast, extracts data suggesting sinister activities at an Apex's Pensacola facility. However, Godzilla suddenly attacks the facility; during the rampage, Bernie stumbles on a massive device. Madison Russell, a listener of Bernie's podcast, enlists her friend Josh to investigate Godzilla's attacks.



Apex CEO Walter Simmons recruits Nathan Lind, former Monarch scientist, and Hollow Earth theorist, to guide a search for a power source into the Hollow Earth, the homeworld of the Titans. Nathan is initially hesitant as his brother died in an expedition to the Hollow Earth due to a strong reverse-gravitational effect. He agrees after Walter reveals that Apex has developed HEAVs, specialized crafts able to withstand the pressure exerted by the gravity field.

Nathan convinces Ilene to let Kong guide them through the Hollow Earth via an outpost in Antarctica. Nathan, Ilene, and an Apex team led by Walter's daughter Maia board a modified barge escorted by the U.S. Navy that carries a sedated and restrained Kong. Godzilla attacks the convoy and defeats Kong but retreats after the ships disable their power and trick him into thinking they are destroyed. To avoid alerting Godzilla, Kong is airlifted to the Hollow Earth entrance, and Jia convinces him to enter the tunnel while the team follows him in the HEAVs.

Madison and Josh find Bernie, who joins their investigation. They sneak into the wrecked Apex base, discover a secret facility underground, and are inadvertently locked into an underground hyperloop-type transport to Apex headquarters in Hong Kong, where they unwittingly stumble on a test of Mechagodzilla. It is telepathically controlled by Ren Serizawa, the son of the late Ishirō Serizawa, through the neural networks from the skull of a severed Ghidorah head, but is hobbled by its power supply's limitations. Walter intends to harness the Hollow Earth's energy to overcome Mechagodzilla's limitations.
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