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nice[Genshin Impact] Xiangling Papercraft
mais um trabalho do s.v. , desta vez a cozinheira de do porto de liyue
another work by s.v. , this time the cook from of liyue harbor
Mao Xiangling (Chinese: 卯香菱 Mǎo Xiānglíng) is a playable Pyro character in Genshin Impact.
She is the Head Chef at the Wanmin Restaurant and runs it alongside her father Chef Mao. As a chef, Xiangling isn't afraid to try out different recipes or "exotic" ingredients, making her dishes sometimes quite unique.
[Genshin Impact] Xiangling Papercraft
mais um trabalho do s.v. , desta vez a cozinheira de do porto de liyue
another work by s.v. , this time the cook from of liyue harbor
Mao Xiangling (Chinese: 卯香菱 Mǎo Xiānglíng) is a playable Pyro character in Genshin Impact.
She is the Head Chef at the Wanmin Restaurant and runs it alongside her father Chef Mao. As a chef, Xiangling isn't afraid to try out different recipes or "exotic" ingredients, making her dishes sometimes quite unique.
dividiru[Genshin Impact] Xiangling Papelaria
mais um trabalho do sv , desta vez a cozinheira do porto de liyue
outro trabalho de sv, dessa vez o cozinheiro do porto de liyue
Mao Xiangling ( chinês : 卯香菱Mǎo Xiānglíng ) é um personagem Pyro jogável em Genshin Impact .
Ela é a Chef Chefe do Restaurante Wanmin e o comanda junto com seu pai, o Chef Mao. Como chef, Xiangling não tem medo de experimentar receitas diferentes ou ingredientes "exóticos", tornando seus pratos às vezes bem únicos.
[Genshin Impact] Xiangling Papercraft
mais um trabalho do s.v. , desta vez a cozinheira de do porto de liyue
another work by s.v. , this time the cook from of liyue harbor
Mao Xiangling (Chinese: 卯香菱 Mǎo Xiānglíng) is a playable Pyro character in Genshin Impact.
She is the Head Chef at the Wanmin Restaurant and runs it alongside her father Chef Mao. As a chef, Xiangling isn't afraid to try out different recipes or "exotic" ingredients, making her dishes sometimes quite unique.
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