Low Poly Standing Dachshund by AFormat


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Low Poly - Standing Dachshund dog by AFormat Papercraft
As family dogs, dachshunds are loyal companions and good watchdogs. They are good with children if treated well. They can be slightly difficult to train. Some dachshund fanciers say there are personality differences among the different varieties of the breed.

3D Papercraft Dachshund, Basset, 3D PDF Template,Papercraft Animals, Low Poly DIY, DIY Paper 3D Art, 3D animal wall decor, Dog, Puppy

Electronic file, pdf format.
Low Poly Paper Sculpture art model of the Dog of 500 x 163 х 228 mm in size.
56 parts
To assemble the model you will need a stationery knife, glue, ruler.

The dachshund (UK: /ˈdæksənd, -, -hʊnd, -hʊnt/ DAKS-ənd, DASH-, -⁠huund, -⁠huunt or US: /ˈdɑːkshʊnt, -sənt/ DAHKS-huunt, -⁠ənt) (German: "badger dog"), also known as the wiener dog, badger dog, or sausage dog, is a short-legged, long-bodied, hound-type dog breed. They may be smooth-haired, wire-haired, or long-haired.

The standard sized dachshund was developed to scent, chase, and flush out badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals, while the miniature dachshund was bred to hunt small animals such as rabbits and mice. In the Western United States, they have also been used to track wounded deer and hunt prairie dogs.

Dachshunds also participate in conformation shows, field trials and many other events organized through pure-bred dog organizations such as the American Kennel Club (AKC). According to the AKC, the dachshund is ranked 13th in popularity among dog breeds in the United States.

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Reputation: 7%
Low Poly - Standing Dachshund dog by AFormat Papercraft
As family dogs, dachshunds are loyal companions and good watchdogs. They are good with children if treated well. They can be slightly difficult to train. Some dachshund fanciers say there are personality differences among the different varieties of the breed.

3D Papercraft Dachshund, Basset, 3D PDF Template,Papercraft Animals, Low Poly DIY, DIY Paper 3D Art, 3D animal wall decor, Dog, Puppy

Electronic file, pdf format.
Low Poly Paper Sculpture art model of the Dog of 500 x 163 х 228 mm in size.
56 parts
To assemble the model you will need a stationery knife, glue, ruler.

The dachshund (UK: /ˈdæksənd, -, -hʊnd, -hʊnt/ DAKS-ənd, DASH-, -⁠huund, -⁠huunt or US: /ˈdɑːkshʊnt, -sənt/ DAHKS-huunt, -⁠ənt) (German: "badger dog"), also known as the wiener dog, badger dog, or sausage dog, is a short-legged, long-bodied, hound-type dog breed. They may be smooth-haired, wire-haired, or long-haired.

The standard sized dachshund was developed to scent, chase, and flush out badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals, while the miniature dachshund was bred to hunt small animals such as rabbits and mice. In the Western United States, they have also been used to track wounded deer and hunt prairie dogs.

Dachshunds also participate in conformation shows, field trials and many other events organized through pure-bred dog organizations such as the American Kennel Club (AKC). According to the AKC, the dachshund is ranked 13th in popularity among dog breeds in the United States.

So cute
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New Member
Reputation: 2%
Low Poly - Standing Dachshund dog by AFormat Papercraft
As family dogs, dachshunds are loyal companions and good watchdogs. They are good with children if treated well. They can be slightly difficult to train. Some dachshund fanciers say there are personality differences among the different varieties of the breed.

3D Papercraft Dachshund, Basset, 3D PDF Template,Papercraft Animals, Low Poly DIY, DIY Paper 3D Art, 3D animal wall decor, Dog, Puppy

Electronic file, pdf format.
Low Poly Paper Sculpture art model of the Dog of 500 x 163 х 228 mm in size.
56 parts
To assemble the model you will need a stationery knife, glue, ruler.

The dachshund (UK: /ˈdæksənd, -, -hʊnd, -hʊnt/ DAKS-ənd, DASH-, -⁠huund, -⁠huunt or US: /ˈdɑːkshʊnt, -sənt/ DAHKS-huunt, -⁠ənt) (German: "badger dog"), also known as the wiener dog, badger dog, or sausage dog, is a short-legged, long-bodied, hound-type dog breed. They may be smooth-haired, wire-haired, or long-haired.

The standard sized dachshund was developed to scent, chase, and flush out badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals, while the miniature dachshund was bred to hunt small animals such as rabbits and mice. In the Western United States, they have also been used to track wounded deer and hunt prairie dogs.

Dachshunds also participate in conformation shows, field trials and many other events organized through pure-bred dog organizations such as the American Kennel Club (AKC). According to the AKC, the dachshund is ranked 13th in popularity among dog breeds in the United States.

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