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Star Wars: Riot control stormtrooper (First Order) papercraft
The riot control stormtrooper was a specialized variant of the standard stormtrooper of the First Order. Assigned to keep order on worlds within First Order territory, they were trained in riot-control tactics and given...
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope - Chewbacca papercraft
Chewbacca, known affectionately to his friends as Chewie, was a Wookiee male warrior, smuggler, mechanic, pilot, and resistance fighter who fought in the Clone Wars, the Galactic Civil War, and the Cold War and subsequent First...
Star Wars: Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) papercraft
Tano gained much experience on and beyond the war front, leading a group of Jedi younglings to revolt against their Trandoshan captors, helping rescue a colony of Togruta from enslavement by the Zygerrian Slave Empire, and serving as an advisor to...
Star Wars: Asajj Ventress papercraft
Asajj Ventress was a Dathomirian female who was, at various points throughout her life, a slave, a Jedi Padawan, an assassin of the Sith, a Nightsister and a bounty hunter. In the final decades of the Galactic Republic's reign, Ventress was born into a...
Star Wars: Ajunta Pall papercraft
Ajunta Pall was a male Human Jedi Master and the leader of the Dark Jedi that were exiled from the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic following the Hundred-Year Darkness. Upon his arrival on Korriban, he became the first Dark Lord of the Sith. He was...
Star Wars Ben Solo (Kylo Ren) papercraft
Ben Solo was a human male Force-sensitive who fell to the dark side of the Force as Kylo Ren, master of the Knights of Ren and eventual Supreme Leader of the First Order, but returned to the light side shortly before his death. He was born at the end...
Star Wars: Admiral Amilyn Holdo papercraft
Amilyn Holdo was a human female politician, military commander, and freedom fighter who served in both the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Resistance. Known for her unconventional strategy and eccentric style, she was an early participant...
Star Wars: Sabine Wren papercraft
Sabine Wren was a human female Mandalorian warrior and revolutionary leader during the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Her artistry during the rebellion inspired the symbol of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and her claim over the ancient...
Star Wars Rebels: Governor Pryce papercraft
Arihnda Pryce was a human female who held the rank of Moff and served as the Governor of the Lothal sector under the Galactic Empire. Deceitful and opportunistic, Pryce rose to political power and gained the position of governor through...
Star Wars: Padmé Amidala papercraft
Padmé Amidala Naberrie was a human female senator who represented the people of Naboo during the final years of the Galactic Republic. Prior to her career in the Galactic Senate, Amidala was the elected ruler of the Royal House of Naboo. A political...
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Embo papercraft
Embo was a Kyuzo male bounty hunter who lived during the era of the Clone Wars. He carried a bowcaster and wore a large-rimmed circular hat, which he used as a weapon or a shield. Embo was known to work as part of Sugi's band of bounty hunters...
Star Wars Battlefront 3: Ko Sai (female Kaminoan) papercraft
Ko Sai, a female Kaminoan, was Chief Scientist of the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic. She was a skilled genetic engineer.
Star Wars: Ahsoka Tano papercraft
Ahsoka Tano was a Force-sensitive Togruta female former Jedi Padawan who, after the Clone Wars, helped establish a network of various rebel cells against the Galactic Empire. Tano was discovered on her homeworld of Shili by Jedi Master Plo Koon, who brought...
Star Wars: Emperor's Royal Guard papercraft
The Emperor's Royal Guard, also known as the Imperial Royal Guard, the Imperial Guard, or simply the Royal Guard, and under the Galactic Republic as the Red Guard, was an elite unit whose members served as personal bodyguards to the Galactic...
Star Wars: Rose Tico papercraft
Rose Tico was a female human who served in the Resistance as a maintenance worker during their conflict with the First Order, whom Tico had hated since she was a child. Tico's older sister, Paige, was a gunner in the Resistance. Following the Battle of D'Qar...
Star Wars: Rey Skywalker papercraft
Rey Skywalker, once known only as Rey, was a human female Jedi Master who fought on the side of the Resistance in the war against the First Order. A former scavenger from the planet Jakku, her life was changed by the tumultuous events of the last days of...
[Rogue One] Pao papercraft
Paodok'Draba'Takat Sap'De'Rekti Nik'Linke'Ti' Ki'Vef'Nik'NeSevef'Li'Kek, known shortly as Paodok'Draba'Takat, and most commonly known as Pao, was a male Drabatan soldier who served as a commando in the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil...
Yoda low poly papercraft
To perform Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back, chief puppeteer Frank Oz inserted his right hand into the puppet's head, using said hand to control Yoda's mouth, while his left hand controlled Yoda's left hand. A second puppeteer, Kathryn Mullen, assisted Oz on the Dagobah...
[Star Wars] X-wing starfighter Papercraft
X-wing starfighters were a type of starfighter marked by their distinctive S-foils that resembled the High Galactic script's character "X" in attack formation. They were heavily armed with four laser cannons on the S-foils and proton torpedo launchers in...