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003 - Venusaur papercraft
Venusaur has demonstrated the ability to manipulate nature, release several vines from its back, and lead evolution ceremonies for Bulbasaur and Ivysaur. This Pokémon is rarely found in the wild, but it has been known to inhabit grasslands.
777 - Togedemaru papercraft
Togedemaru uses the needle on top of its head to attract and gather electricity. Groups can be seen gathered with their needles standing upright, waiting to be struck by lightning on stormy days to make up for its somewhat limited electric capacity. Some Trainers use...
769 - Sandygast papercraft
Sandygast is a Pokémon formed from sand. It is mostly a mound of whitish sand dotted with gray pebbles. A tunnel through its center acts as a mouth, and a small depression above that has two pebbles for eyes. A red shovel with a white handle is stuck blade first into...
757 - Salandit papercraft
Salandit is found around volcanoes or arid environments. From the marking at the base of its tail, it can emit both toxic gas and flames. The gas is created by burning body fluids and has a sweet odor that causes dizziness.
744 - Rockruff papercraft
Rockruff has an excellent sense of smell and will never forget an odor after smelling it once. There are tales of it reuniting with its Trainer after becoming lost by following the faintest traces of scent. It has lived with humans since ancient times. Rockruff is often...
731 - Pikipek papercraft
Pikipek is an avian Pokémon with black plumage. Its gray beak is long with a pointed, black tip, and it has large blue eyes. There is a white, mask-like marking on its face. This marking extends down its neck before ending in a tuft of feathers on its chest.
499 - Pignite papercraft
Pignite has a fire in its stomach, which it fuels with food. The intensity of this flame increases as fuel is added or when Pignite is angered. As the flame grows stronger, Pignite's speed increases. If in danger, it will blow out large smoke clouds in order to escape.
749 - Mudbray papercraft
Mudbray can be kept happy by giving it time to frolic in and consume mud. Mudbray's diet consists of eating dirt in order to create mud. Denying it this will cause it to become stressed and disobey its Trainer.
778 - Mimikyu papercraft
A lonely Pokémon, Mimikyu is always covered by its disguise. It is unknown what Mimikyu's true appearance looks like. Since this Pokémon is weakened by sunlight, it is rumored that the veil is used for protection. It is believed that seeing its true form will cause a...
271 - Lombre papercraft
Lombre is a nocturnal Pokémon that sleeps on a bed of water grass during the day. Very mischievous, this Pokémon will tug on fishing lines from underwater and pop out to startle people. It feeds on aquatic moss that grows on rocks in the riverbed.
775 - Komala papercraft
This Pokémon stays asleep from birth to death, staying this way because of its diet of leaves containing sedative properties. While its expression sometimes changes as if it is aware of its surroundings, this appears to be a result of its dreams instead. It is able to...
782 - Jangmo-o papercraft
While Jangmo-o trains diligently and remains humble, it has the pride of a warrior. It employs the scale on its forehead for both attack and defense, so it never shows its back to its foe. Many Trainers take this behavior as proof of this Pokémon's valiant nature...
367 - Huntail papercraft
Huntail swims by wiggling its body, though it is not the strongest swimmer. Its sturdy spine and large eyes allows it to survive in the high pressures and darkness of the deep sea. According to tradition, Huntail washing ashore is a sign that something unfortunate will...
368 - Gorebyss papercraft
Gorebyss is a pink, serpentine Pokémon with a long, thin mouth. This pointed mouth is used to stab prey and drain their body fluids. However, it has also been known to feed on seaweed that grows between stones. Its pink skin becomes brighter in the spring and after it...