
  1. Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Detective Pikachu

    [Pokemon] Detective Pikachu Papercraft Detective Pikachu stars a Pikachu that is capable of speaking the human language, but only the player character Tim Goodman is capable of hearing him. Much like Meowth from the anime, he is incapable of using moves that most Pikachu are capable of using...
  2. Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Pikachu Kanto

    Pikachu Kanto papercraft This Pikachu wears its partner's cap, which is brimming with memories of traveling through many different regions. Instruction: PDO
  3. Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Pikachu (M-Diancie Costume)

    Pikachu (M-Diancie Costume) papercraft One of each Cosplay Pikachu variant appeared in Hoopa and the Clash of Ages, amongst the multiple Pikachu summoned by Hoopa as part of a prank against Ash and his Pikachu. After initially panicking due to their new surroundings, the entire Pikachu horde...
  4. Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Sulfing Pikachu

    025-Sulfing Pikachu papercraft The anime has shown that wild Pikachu live in groups in forested areas. Pikachu communicate amongst themselves using squeaks and tail-shaking as friendly gestures. H: 151mm W: 158mm D: 167mm
  5. Pokemon Chibi 025 - Pikachu BALL version

    025-Pikachu Ball Version papercraft Pikachu charges itself while sleeping overnight, though stress and a lack of sleep can affect this. It is able to release electric discharges of varying intensity. H: 10mm W: 94mm D: 122mm
  6. Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Pikachu Libre

    025-Pikachu libre papercraft Pikachu Libre (Japanese: マスクド・ピカチュウ Masked Pikachu) is a playable character in the fighting game Pokkén Tournament. It is a wrestling idol and is a small masked fighter overflowing with fighting spirit and is a Speed style fighter. H: 249mm W: 203mm D: 210mm
  7. Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Japan Football Player Costume)

    025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Japan Football Player Costume) papercraft Pikachu is a playable character for the arcade fighting game. Its moveset includes electrical attacks it uses in the main games, like Thunderbolt, Electro Ball, and Thunder. In Burst form, it can use the Burst Attack Volt Shock Fist...
  8. Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Snorlax Costume)

    025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Snorlax Costume) papercraft This Pokémon has electricity-storing pouches on its cheeks. These appear to become electrically charged during the night while Pikachu sleeps. It occasionally discharges electricity when it is dozy after waking up.
  9. Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Santa Costume)

    025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Santa Costume) (pikasanta) papercraft Pikachu is a first generation pokemon. This is the Santa Claus Christmas costume that pikachu wears. It so cute
  10. Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Garchomp Costume)

    025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Garchomp Costume) papercraft Cosplay Pikachu can switch between costumes at any time by going to any Contest Hall in the Hoenn region and talking to the Pokémon Breeder in the green room. This Pokémon Breeder can also remove the costume.
  11. Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Solgaleo Costume)

    025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Solgaleo Costume) papercraft Cosplay Pikachu (Japanese: おきがえピカチュウ Clothes-changing Pikachu) is a variant female Pikachu that is able to be dressed up into five different costumes corresponding to each of the five Contest conditions (Coolness, Beauty, Cuteness, Cleverness...
  12. Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Pikachu ( Ver. 4)

    025 - Pikachu ( Ver. 4) papercraft This forest-dwelling Pokémon stores electricity in its cheeks, so you'll feel a tingly shock if you touch it. When it is angered, it immediately discharges the energy stored in the pouches in its cheeks.
  13. Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Witch) (Halloween)

    025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Witch) (Halloween) papercraft When Pikachu meet, they'll touch their tails together and exchange electricity through them as a form of greeting. If it looses crackling power from the electric sacs on its cheeks, it is being wary.
  14. Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Pelipper Costume)

    025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Pelipper Costume) papercraft While sleeping, it generates electricity in the sacs in its cheeks. If it's not getting enough sleep, it will be able to use only weak electricity. It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state.
  15. Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Charizard X Costume)

    025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Charizard X Costume) Pikazard X Edit By Tsunadoshi papercraft Cosplay Pikachu (Japanese: おきがえピカチュウ Clothes-changing Pikachu) is a variant female Pikachu that is able to be dressed up into five different costumes corresponding to each of the five Contest conditions (Coolness...
  16. Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Charizard Y Costume)

    025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Charizard Y Costume) papercraft Height: 14cm / 30cm Width: 13.5cm / 29cm Depth: 10.4cm / 22.3cm This intelligent Pokémon roasts hard berries with electricity to make them tender enough to eat.
  17. Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Run )

    Pokemon Gen 1 025 - Pikachu ( Ver. Run ) papercraft Pikachu are small, chubby, and cute mouse-like Pokémon. They are almost completely covered by yellow fur. They have long yellow ears that are tipped with black. A Pikachu's back has two brown stripes, and its large tail is notable for being...