
  1. Naruto Figures Temari

    Temari Nara (奈良テマリ, Nara Temari ) papercraft Temari Nara (奈良テマリ, Nara Temari) is a former kunoichi of Sunagakure's Kazekage clan. After marrying Shikamaru Nara, she becomes a member of the Nara clan and emigrates to Konohagakure, where she works as a kunoichi for the village. Đây là design tiếp...
  2. Marvel Universe Spider-Man street lamp upside-down diorama

    Spider-Man street lamp upside-down diorama papercraft Height: 700 x Width: 369 x Depth: 228mm Making his way home afterward, Peter was almost hit by a car until he leapt out of the way onto a building site a couple of meters high. Peter discovered he had somehow gained incredible strength...
  3. Others Batalla Vs Mewtwo (Diorama)

    Batalla Vs Mewtwo (Diorama) Papercraft
  4. Others Mew Vs Mewtwo (Diorama)

    Mew Vs Mewtwo (Diorama) Papercraft\
  5. Pokemon Building Snowpoint City

    Pokémon: Snowpoint City papercraft Snowpoint City (Japanese: キッサキシティ Kissaki City) is a snow-covered city located at the far north of Sinnoh, where snow blows down from the top of Mt. Coronet causing low temperatures. Snowpoint City and the three routes that lead to it (Route 216, Route 217...
  6. Dragon Ball Figures Fused Zamasu

    Dragon Ball - Fused Zamasu papercraft Dimensions: 800 x 500 x 200 mm Fused Zamasu usually just referred to as Zamasu (ザマス Zamasu), is a Potara fusion born of the union between Goku Black and Future Zamasu. He is the final antagonist of the "Future" Trunks Saga. The fusion heavily resembles...
  7. Pokemon Building Jubilife City

    Pokémon: Jubilife City papercraft Jubilife City is the largest city in the Sinnoh region and is the city connecting to Sandgem Town. Important features in the city include the GTS, The Trainer School, the Pokétch Company, and the Jubilife TV Station. To the west of the city is Canalave City...
  8. Pokemon Building Sandgem Town

    Pokémon: Sandgem Town papercraft Sandgem Town is a town found in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl and is located in the Sinnoh region. It is the second town you come to in the game, the first being Twinleaf Town. Sandgem Town has two houses, one of them being the character's other rival's house. It...
  9. Pokemon Building Twinleaf Town

    Pokémon: Twinleaf Town papercraft Twinleaf Town is a location in the Sinnoh region. Small and quaint, Twinleaf Town is home to the player character and their rival in Diamond and Pearl and Platinum. It has four houses, with the house in the southeast corner being the player character's house...
  10. Others Contra Diorama

    Contra Diorama papercraft Contra is a video game series produced by Konami composed primarily of run and gun-style shoot-'em-ups. The series debuted in 1987 as a coin-operated arcade game simply titled Contra, which was followed by the release of Super Contra in 1988 and several sequels produced...
  11. Others Ninja Gaiden Diorama

    Ninja Gaiden papercraft diorama Ninja Gaiden, released in Japan as Ninja Ryūkenden (Japanese: 忍者龍剣伝, literally "Legend of the Ninja Dragon Sword") and as Shadow Warriors in Europe, is a hack-and-slash platform game. Tecmo developed and published it for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)...
  12. Road vehicles Antique Car 1890's Wells Fargo Concord Stagecoach

    1890's Wells Fargo Concord Stagecoach papercraft in 1/35 Scale Offered by Paper Diorama, Italian website, here is a perfect paper model version in 1/35 scale of a 1890`s Wells Concord Stagecoach. Concord Coaches are horse-drawn coaches, designed and intended for use as stagecoaches, which...
  13. Road vehicles Mercedes G700 Dubai police

    Mercedes G700 Dubai police 1/35 scale papercraft The Dubai Police Force was founded on 1 June 1956 in Naif (a locality in the Deira side of Dubai, with the first police station being known as 'Naif Fort') with only 29 members. The size of the force increased gradually, to 105 in 1960 and to 430...
  14. Others Hell Dog (Diorama)

    Hell Dog (Diorama) papercraft A hellhound is a mythological hound which embodies a guardian or a servant of hell, the devil, or the underworld. Hellhounds occur in mythologies around the world, with the best known examples being Cerberus from Greek mythology, Garmr from Norse mythology, the...
  15. Others Kame House Chibi (Diorama)

    Dragon Ball - Kame House Chibi Ver. 2 (Diorama) papercraft Kame House (カメハウス Kame Hausu) is a house on a very small island in the middle of the sea. It is the home of Master Roshi, and, for much of the Dragon Ball series, Launch as well. It also becomes Krillin's permanent residence. During...
  16. Doll house Others G-Island Diorama [Gwi Jang]

    G-Island [Gwi Jang] papercraft Long Island is a largely urbanized and densely populated island in the southeastern geographical area of the U.S. state of New York and part of the New York metropolitan area. It begins at New York Harbor approximately 0.35 miles (0.56 km) east of Manhattan Island...
  17. Cartoon Smurfs Diorama

    Smurfs Diorama papercraft This papercraft is The Smurfs Diorama, designed by Paper Mike. The papercraft series includes 7 smurfs, 3 bushes, a bench and fireplace. You can download 7 smurfs below Narrator Smurf Natural Smurf Scaredy Smurf Sassette Smurf (Zazette) Nosey Smurf Slouchy...
  18. Others Saiyan Pod (Diorama) HQ

    Dragon Ball - Saiyan Pod (Diorama) HQ Papercraft Even though it is only five feet in diameter, it houses an advanced environmental system and an incredibly fuel-efficient faster-than-light drive. Those traveling inside the ball are kept in a state of suspended animation that minimizes the...
  19. Others Kame House (Diorama) HQ

    Dragon Ball - Kame House (Diorama) HQ Papercraft The house itself is very distinctive. It is painted pink, with a red roof, and the words "KAME HOUSE" are displayed prominently on the front of the upper story. Kame House is the primary training site of Goku, Krillin, and later Yamcha during...
  20. Dragon Ball Figures Gotenks (Diorama)

    Dragon Ball - Gotenks (Diorama) Papercraft After a brief fight with his evil counterpart, Evil Buu, Majin Buu was eaten and absorbed by him, resulting in the powerful Super Buu. During his fight with Super Saiyan 3 Goku, Majin Buu was promised another powerful fighter besides Goku. This...