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Anakin Skywalker Ver. Kid Anakin papercraft
The circumstances of Anakin’s birth are a mystery. His mother, Shmi Skywalker, does not remember a father — she simply became pregnant with Anakin through unknown means.
Darth Plagueius of the Sith reportedly had the ability to create life through...
Star Wars - Cara Dune Papercraft
Carasynthia "Cara" Dune was a human female Alderaanian who served as a shock trooper in the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the New Republic during the Galactic Civil War. A seasoned warrior, she was an intimidating brawler and a crack shot. By 9 ABY...
Moon Knight Ver. 3 Papercraft
“I serve Khonshu. I'm his avatar. Which means you are too. Sort of. We protect the vulnerable, and deliver Khonshu's justice to those who hurt them.”―Marc Spector to Steven Grant
Moon Knight appears as the protagonist in the Disney+ series, portrayed by Oscar...
Infinity Ultron (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Papercraft
In an alternate universe where Ultron had succeeded in obtaining Vision's body. Ultron used it to wipe out the Avengers and proceeded to launch nukes across the Earth, completing his goal of wiping out life on earth to bring "peace". Soon...