Anime Chibi Paper Toys Chainsaw Man


New Member
Reputation: 1%

Brinquedos de papel Chainsaw Man Chibi Papercraft

Por favor, assista ao vídeo e colete a "senha de 8 dígitos".


◆ Como encontrar a senha
Por favor, assista ao vídeo enquanto ouve o som.
Você ouvirá um som assim que a senha for exibida.
Por favor, veja desde o título de abertura até o último.
A senha (8 números) aparece irregularmente entre o “título de abertura” e o “último” do vídeo.

Chainsaw Man (japonês: チェンソーマン, Hepburn: Chensō Man ) é uma série de mangá japonesa escrita e ilustrada por Tatsuki Fujimoto.revista de mangá shōnen da Shueisha, Weekly Shōnen Jump, de dezembro de 2018 a dezembro de 2020; sua segunda parte começou a ser serializada na revista online Shōnen Jump+ da Shueishaem julho de 2022. Seus capítulos foram coletados em 12 volumes tankōbon em outubro de 2022. Chainsaw Man segue a história de Denji, um jovem empobrecido que faz um contrato que funde seu corpo com a de um demônio canino chamado Pochita, concedendo-lhe a habilidade de transformar partes de seu corpo em motosserras. Denji eventualmente se junta aos Caçadores de Demônios de Segurança Pública, uma agência governamental focada na luta contra demônios sempre que eles se tornam uma ameaça para o mundo.

alguem sabe qual a senha eu nao falo japones
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Jishu barman

New Member
Reputation: 1%
West Bengal

Paper toys Chainsaw Man Chibi Papercraft

Please watch the video and collect "8-digit password".


◆ How to find password
Please watch the video while listening to the sound.
You will hear a sound as soon as the password is displayed.
Please see from the opening title to the last.
The password (8 numbers) appears irregularly between the "opening title" and "last" in the video.

Chainsaw Man (Japanese: チェンソーマン, Hepburn: Chensō Man) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. Its first part was serialized in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from December 2018 to December 2020; its second part began serialization in Shueisha's Shōnen Jump+ online magazine in July 2022. Its chapters have been collected in 12 tankōbon volumes as of October 2022. Chainsaw Man follows the story of Denji, an impoverished young man who makes a contract that fuses his body with that of a dog-like devil named Pochita, granting him the ability to transform parts of his body into chainsaws. Denji eventually joins the Public Safety Devil Hunters, a government agency focused on fighting against devils whenever they become a threat to the world.



New Member
Reputation: 1%

Paper toys Chainsaw Man Chibi Papercraft

Please watch the video and collect "8-digit password".


◆ How to find password
Please watch the video while listening to the sound.
You will hear a sound as soon as the password is displayed.
Please see from the opening title to the last.
The password (8 numbers) appears irregularly between the "opening title" and "last" in the video.

Chainsaw Man (Japanese: チェンソーマン, Hepburn: Chensō Man) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. Its first part was serialized in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from December 2018 to December 2020; its second part began serialization in Shueisha's Shōnen Jump+ online magazine in July 2022. Its chapters have been collected in 12 tankōbon volumes as of October 2022. Chainsaw Man follows the story of Denji, an impoverished young man who makes a contract that fuses his body with that of a dog-like devil named Pochita, granting him the ability to transform parts of his body into chainsaws. Denji eventually joins the Public Safety Devil Hunters, a government agency focused on fighting against devils whenever they become a threat to the world.

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New Member

Juguetes de papel Hombre Motosierra Chibi Papercraft

Mire el vídeo y recopile la "contraseña de 8 dígitos".


◆ Cómo encontrar la contraseña
Mire el video mientras escucha el sonido.
Escuchará un sonido tan pronto como se muestre la contraseña.
Consulte desde el título inicial hasta el último.
La contraseña (8 números) aparece de forma irregular entre el "título inicial" y el "último" del vídeo.

Chainsaw Man (japonés: チェンソーマン, Hepburn: Chensō Man ) es una serie de manga japonesa escrita e ilustrada por Tatsuki Fujimoto. Su primera parte fue serializada en la revista de manga shōnen Weekly Shōnen Jump de Shueisha desde diciembre de 2018 hasta diciembre de 2020; su segunda parte comenzó a serializarse en la revista online Shōnen Jump+ de Shueisha en julio de 2022. Sus capítulos han sido recopilados en 12 volúmenes de tankōbon hasta octubre de 2022. Chainsaw Man sigue la historia de Denji, un joven empobrecido que hace un contrato que fusiona su cuerpo con el de un demonio parecido a un perro llamado Pochita, otorgándole la capacidad de transformar partes de su cuerpo en motosierras. Denji finalmente se une a Public Safety Devil Hunters, una agencia gubernamental enfocada en luchar contra los demonios cada vez que se convierten en una amenaza para el mundo.


Juguetes de papel Hombre Motosierra Chibi Papercraft

Mire el vídeo y recopile la "contraseña de 8 dígitos".


◆ Cómo encontrar la contraseña
Mire el video mientras escucha el sonido.
Escuchará un sonido tan pronto como se muestre la contraseña.
Consulte desde el título inicial hasta el último.
La contraseña (8 números) aparece de forma irregular entre el "título inicial" y el "último" del vídeo.

Chainsaw Man (japonés: チェンソーマン, Hepburn: Chensō Man ) es una serie de manga japonesa escrita e ilustrada por Tatsuki Fujimoto. Su primera parte fue serializada en la revista de manga shōnen Weekly Shōnen Jump de Shueisha desde diciembre de 2018 hasta diciembre de 2020; su segunda parte comenzó a serializarse en la revista online Shōnen Jump+ de Shueisha en julio de 2022. Sus capítulos han sido recopilados en 12 volúmenes de tankōbon hasta octubre de 2022. Chainsaw Man sigue la historia de Denji, un joven empobrecido que hace un contrato que fusiona su cuerpo con el de un demonio parecido a un perro llamado Pochita, otorgándole la capacidad de transformar partes de su cuerpo en motosierras. Denji finalmente se une a Public Safety Devil Hunters, una agencia gubernamental enfocada en luchar contra los demonios cada vez que se convierten en una amenaza para el mundo.



New Member
Reputation: 2%

Paper toys Chainsaw Man Chibi Papercraft

Please watch the video and collect "8-digit password".


◆ How to find password
Please watch the video while listening to the sound.
You will hear a sound as soon as the password is displayed.
Please see from the opening title to the last.
The password (8 numbers) appears irregularly between the "opening title" and "last" in the video.

Chainsaw Man (Japanese: チェンソーマン, Hepburn: Chensō Man) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. Its first part was serialized in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from December 2018 to December 2020; its second part began serialization in Shueisha's Shōnen Jump+ online magazine in July 2022. Its chapters have been collected in 12 tankōbon volumes as of October 2022. Chainsaw Man follows the story of Denji, an impoverished young man who makes a contract that fuses his body with that of a dog-like devil named Pochita, granting him the ability to transform parts of his body into chainsaws. Denji eventually joins the Public Safety Devil Hunters, a government agency focused on fighting against devils whenever they become a threat to the world.



New Member
Reputation: 4%

Paper toys Chainsaw Man Chibi Papercraft

Please watch the video and collect "8-digit password".


◆ How to find password
Please watch the video while listening to the sound.
You will hear a sound as soon as the password is displayed.
Please see from the opening title to the last.
The password (8 numbers) appears irregularly between the "opening title" and "last" in the video.

Chainsaw Man (Japanese: チェンソーマン, Hepburn: Chensō Man) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. Its first part was serialized in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from December 2018 to December 2020; its second part began serialization in Shueisha's Shōnen Jump+ online magazine in July 2022. Its chapters have been collected in 12 tankōbon volumes as of October 2022. Chainsaw Man follows the story of Denji, an impoverished young man who makes a contract that fuses his body with that of a dog-like devil named Pochita, granting him the ability to transform parts of his body into chainsaws. Denji eventually joins the Public Safety Devil Hunters, a government agency focused on fighting against devils whenever they become a threat to the world.



New Member
India,uttar pradesh

Paper toys Chainsaw Man Chibi Papercraft

Please watch the video and collect "8-digit password".


◆ How to find password
Please watch the video while listening to the sound.
You will hear a sound as soon as the password is displayed.
Please see from the opening title to the last.
The password (8 numbers) appears irregularly between the "opening title" and "last" in the video.

Chainsaw Man (Japanese: チェンソーマン, Hepburn: Chensō Man) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. Its first part was serialized in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from December 2018 to December 2020; its second part began serialization in Shueisha's Shōnen Jump+ online magazine in July 2022. Its chapters have been collected in 12 tankōbon volumes as of October 2022. Chainsaw Man follows the story of Denji, an impoverished young man who makes a contract that fuses his body with that of a dog-like devil named Pochita, granting him the ability to transform parts of his body into chainsaws. Denji eventually joins the Public Safety Devil Hunters, a government agency focused on fighting against devils whenever they become a threat to the world.



New Member
Reputation: 2%

Paper toys Chainsaw Man Chibi Papercraft

Please watch the video and collect "8-digit password".


◆ How to find password
Please watch the video while listening to the sound.
You will hear a sound as soon as the password is displayed.
Please see from the opening title to the last.
The password (8 numbers) appears irregularly between the "opening title" and "last" in the video.

Chainsaw Man (Japanese: チェンソーマン, Hepburn: Chensō Man) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. Its first part was serialized in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from December 2018 to December 2020; its second part began serialization in Shueisha's Shōnen Jump+ online magazine in July 2022. Its chapters have been collected in 12 tankōbon volumes as of October 2022. Chainsaw Man follows the story of Denji, an impoverished young man who makes a contract that fuses his body with that of a dog-like devil named Pochita, granting him the ability to transform parts of his body into chainsaws. Denji eventually joins the Public Safety Devil Hunters, a government agency focused on fighting against devils whenever they become a threat to the world.



New Member
united states

Paper toys Chainsaw Man Chibi Papercraft

Please watch the video and collect "8-digit password".


◆ How to find password
Please watch the video while listening to the sound.
You will hear a sound as soon as the password is displayed.
Please see from the opening title to the last.
The password (8 numbers) appears irregularly between the "opening title" and "last" in the video.

Chainsaw Man (Japanese: チェンソーマン, Hepburn: Chensō Man) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. Its first part was serialized in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from December 2018 to December 2020; its second part began serialization in Shueisha's Shōnen Jump+ online magazine in July 2022. Its chapters have been collected in 12 tankōbon volumes as of October 2022. Chainsaw Man follows the story of Denji, an impoverished young man who makes a contract that fuses his body with that of a dog-like devil named Pochita, granting him the ability to transform parts of his body into chainsaws. Denji eventually joins the Public Safety Devil Hunters, a government agency focused on fighting against devils whenever they become a threat to the world.

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Reactions: blurycaca and PGYT6


New Member

Juguetes de papel El hombre de la motosierra Chibi Papercraft

Por favor mira el video y recoge la "contraseña de 8 dígitos".


◆ Cómo encontrar la contraseña
Por favor, mire el vídeo mientras escucha el sonido.
Escuchará un sonido tan pronto como se muestre la contraseña.
Por favor, lea desde el título de apertura hasta el final.
La contraseña (8 números) aparece de forma irregular entre el "título de apertura" y el "último" en el vídeo.

Chainsaw Man (en japonés: チェンソーマン, Hepburn: Chensō Man ) es una serie de manga japonesa escrita e ilustrada por Tatsuki Fujimoto. Su primera parte se serializó enla revista de manga shōnen de Shueisha, Weekly Shōnen Jump, desde diciembre de 2018 hasta diciembre de 2020; su segunda parte comenzó a serializarse en la revista en línea Shōnen Jump+ de Shueishaen julio de 2022. Sus capítulos se han recopilado en 12 volúmenes tankōbon a octubre de 2022. Chainsaw Man sigue la historia de Denji, un joven empobrecido que hace un contrato que fusiona su cuerpo con el de un demonio parecido a un perro llamado Pochita, otorgándole la capacidad de transformar partes de su cuerpo en motosierras. Denji finalmente se une a los Cazadores de Demonios de Seguridad Pública, una agencia gubernamental enfocada en luchar contra los demonios cuando se convierten en una amenaza para el mundo.

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Reactions: blurycaca

Jonathan Martínez Xi

New Member
Reputation: 4%

Juguetes de papel El hombre de la motosierra Chibi Papercraft

Por favor mira el video y recoge la "contraseña de 8 dígitos".


◆ Cómo encontrar la contraseña
Por favor, mire el vídeo mientras escucha el sonido.
Escuchará un sonido tan pronto como se muestre la contraseña.
Por favor, lea desde el título de apertura hasta el final.
La contraseña (8 números) aparece de forma irregular entre el "título de apertura" y el "último" en el vídeo.

Chainsaw Man (en japonés: チェンソーマン, Hepburn: Chensō Man ) es una serie de manga japonesa escrita e ilustrada por Tatsuki Fujimoto. Su primera parte se serializó enla revista de manga shōnen de Shueisha, Weekly Shōnen Jump, desde diciembre de 2018 hasta diciembre de 2020; su segunda parte comenzó a serializarse en la revista en línea Shōnen Jump+ de Shueishaen julio de 2022. Sus capítulos se han recopilado en 12 volúmenes tankōbon a octubre de 2022. Chainsaw Man sigue la historia de Denji, un joven empobrecido que hace un contrato que fusiona su cuerpo con el de un demonio parecido a un perro llamado Pochita, otorgándole la capacidad de transformar partes de su cuerpo en motosierras. Denji finalmente se une a los Cazadores de Demonios de Seguridad Pública, una agencia gubernamental enfocada en luchar contra los demonios cuando se convierten en una amenaza para el mundo.

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