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BMW M3 GTR - Need For Speed "Most Wanted" papercraft
This car is from a car game The Need for Speed "Most Wanted", it's so famous and an all time favorite model race car. This model is 1:16 scale, the model length will be 28 cm.
BMW M3 GTR - Need For Speed "Most Wanted" papercraft
This car is from a car game The Need for Speed "Most Wanted", it's so famous and an all time favorite model race car. This model is 1:16 scale, the model length will be 28 cm.
BMW M3 GTR - Need For Speed "Most Wanted" papercraft
This car is from a car game The Need for Speed "Most Wanted", it's so famous and an all time favorite model race car. This model is 1:16 scale, the model length will be 28 cm.