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Cloud Strife Ver. 3 papercraft
Cloud resolved to better himself, and upon learning of Sephiroth and his exploits, set out to join SOLDIER and become a hero, hoping Tifa would notice him.[10] In December 0000, he called Tifa out to the water tower to tell her about his departure, hoping to impress her. Tifa encouraged Cloud that he could make the newspapers and asked him to promise to save her should she ever find herself in trouble.[11][12] The following spring of 0001,[4] Cloud left for Midgar to join the Shinra Electric Power Company.
Instruction: PDO
Cloud resolved to better himself, and upon learning of Sephiroth and his exploits, set out to join SOLDIER and become a hero, hoping Tifa would notice him.[10] In December 0000, he called Tifa out to the water tower to tell her about his departure, hoping to impress her. Tifa encouraged Cloud that he could make the newspapers and asked him to promise to save her should she ever find herself in trouble.[11][12] The following spring of 0001,[4] Cloud left for Midgar to join the Shinra Electric Power Company.
Instruction: PDO
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