world of warcraft

  1. Game Others [DOTA 2] Enigma

    [DOTA 2] Enigma papercraft A mystery worthy of his name, Enigma could only be described as a being of the void, a beast between planes. He draws aspects of himself from other dimensions, performing Demonic Conversions summoning an ever-present contigent of Eidolons.
  2. Game Others [DOTA 2] Courier WarDog

    [DOTA 2] Courier WarDog papercraft A dog well equipped to follow its master into war. This beast has witnessed many terrible deeds and grand victories. It hides stoic judgment beneath a painted mask of fine birch.
  3. Game Others [DOTA 2] Tinker

    [DOTA 2] Tinker papercraft Boush the Tinker's diminutive race is known for its intelligence, its cunning, and its prickly relationship with magic. As a matter of pride, they survive by their wits, and use only those powers of nature that may be unlocked through rational methodologies. Even this...