PaperzoneVN is a non-profit community, with Papercraft, Kirigami, Origami content freely shared among its members.
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[World of Warcraft] Meditating Kael'thas Sunstrider Papercraft
Kael'thas "Kael" Sunstrider was the Prince of Quel'Thalas, the last of the House of Sunstrider, as well as a senior member of the Kirin Tor. After the fall of Quel'Thalas, Kael'thas led what remained of his people, the sin'dorei, in...
[World of Warcraft] Male Goblin papercraft
The goblins (collectively known as goblinhood) are small green humanoids from the Isle of Kezan. Their love of money, explosives, and technology makes them a very dangerous race, both to their enemies and themselves. Most goblins have a neutral...
[World of Warcraft] Syd the Squid papercraft
During the Darkmoon Faire (first week of every month) the Grand Master Pet Tamer, Christoph VonFeasel, will offer a daily quest to players. It costs one Darkmoon Game Token to challenge him to a Pet Battle. After defeating him, you will receive...
[World of Warcraft] Reindeer Mount (Preserved Holly) papercraft
Preserved Holly, as a stack of 5, is a quest reward from the quests. This gives a 1 hour buff which changes your mount into a reindeer each time you mount, complete with sparkling feet that leave an energy/snowflake trail if you...
[World of Warcraft] Baby Triceratops (Direhorn Hatchling) papercraft
This companion is a rare tier Zandalari archaeology item. It is created by discovering and "solving" 185 Zandalari Archaeology Fragments. Players may utilize up to three Zandalari Idols to aid in the solving of this item...
[Warcraft] Grom Hellscream Light Box
5 JPG files
5 EPS files
Grommash "Grom" Hellscream was the chieftain of the Warsong clan, and best friend and chief advisor to Warchief Thrall. He was the first orc who drank the blood of Mannoroth the Destructor, thus binding the Horde to the Burning...
[Warcraft] Sylvanas Windrunner Light Box
Sylvanas Windrunner is a fictional character who appears in the Warcraft series of video games by Blizzard Entertainment. Originally introduced in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, she received a dramatic redesign in World of Warcraft: Legion to her...
[World of Warcraft] Murloc papercraft
Dimensions: 300 x 234 x 245 mm
Murlocs (known as gmmmlmrmrgmg[4] or Mmmurlok[5] in their language) are a bipedal, amphibious humanoid race mostly residing along coastlines, lakeshores and riverbeds.
Murlocs tend to dwell in amply-populated coastal...
[World of Warcraft] Darkmoon Rabbit papercraft
Darkmoon Rabbit's main use is killing three minions at once. While it is efficient at doing this, it leaves you with nothing on the board after using 10 mana, making it somewhat mana inefficient. The main advantage Darkmoon Rabbit has over cards...
World of Warcraft - [Dota 2] Bloodseeker Chibi
Strygwyr, the Bloodseeker, is a melee agility hero imbued with dreadful powers to fuel violence and rip enemies apart in the heat of close combat.
He can drive targets into a maddened Bloodrage, increasing the damage of their attacks, and allowing...
World of Warcraft Treasure Chest papercraft
A chest is a world object that can typically be found near various humanoid encampments. The contents of the chest vary with its level and apart from a leveled amount of money it will usually be comprised of tradeskill materials, food and drink, or the...
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria - Shield of the Mists papercraft
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria is the fourth expansion set for the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) World of Warcraft, following Cataclysm. It was announced on October 21, 2011, by Chris Metzen at...
[World of warcraft] Deathwing head ver 2
Uniting their powers, the remaining Dragon Aspects sent adventurers to brave the unstable paths of the Caverns of Time to retrieve the Dragon Soul, an ancient artifact crafted by Deathwing himself 10,000 years earlier and destroyed shortly after the...
[World of warcraft] Deathwing head papercraft
Deathwing the Destroyer,[6] formerly known as Neltharion the Earth-Warder (pronounced "nehl-THAW-ree-uhn"), was one of the five Dragon Aspects and leader of the black dragonflight. Ages ago, Neltharion was empowered by the Pantheon with dominion over...
[DOTA 2] Rubick papercraft
A renowned duelist among sorcerers, Rubick ascended to the title of Grand Magus through the careful elimination of his rivals. Accustomed to assassins, Rubick reacts by lifting attackers off the ground with his mind using Telekinesis to fling them where he will. Arcane...
[DOTA 2] Pugna papercraft
A crafty trickster, Pugna turns the enemy's power against itself as he Blasts their defenses. While his Nether Ward strikes nearby foes that dare to cast a spell. He Decrepifies his target, temporary banishing them to another realm, and Drains Life from his enemies...
[DOTA 2] Morphling papercraft
After eons of travel in the darkness of space, the icy comet plunged to earth, and from there rose an elemental being of sentient liquid. Unbound by any permanent shape, the Morphling Alter Attributes to match his needs. Shifting between potent attacker, and...
[DOTA 2] Mecha Goblin papercraft
Having broken out of prison with his ogre accomplice, Razzil Darkbrew embarks on the search for new materials to use in his transmutations. Learned in alchemy, he created fields of corrosive, toxic Sludge Acids to accelerate his Greevil's Greed — extracting extra...