
  1. Aquatic Low Poly Sanke Koi Fish

    Koi Fish Papercraft In 1950, Japanese biologists were sent to the University of Chicago Science and Technology Center to learn from experience and successfully breed Koi fish. Koi fish created by the Japanese have extremely attractive colors and are quite expensive. Originally the line of Koi...
  2. Paper Toys Fishing Boat Owners Association x Tougui

    Fishing Boat Owners Association paper toys Togui have worked with the Fishing Boat Owners Association based in Victoria Seychelles on a project about the shark finning. You have 5 really easy paper toys to build for kids, the swordfish and the white shark which can be used as money box.
  3. Wall hanging Low Poly Mermaid Cat and Fish Kitten

    Low Poly - Mermaid Cat and Fish Kitten Papercraft Mer-Cat is a Rare Cat that can be unlocked by playing the Rare Cat Capsule. True Form increases defense, range and movement speed and gains Area Attack. The print template (PDF) contains 9 A4 pages: ☆ User's guide - 8 sheets ☆ Details fish...
  4. Light Box Fishing

    Light Box - Fishing