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Porcupinefish papercraft
Of tasty meat but extremely poisonous, it takes knowledge and a certain amount of courage to prepare and taste the Porcupinefish.
Puffer Fish papercraft
This perfect paper replica of a Puffer Fish in 1/1 scale was created by Japanese designer Puffers Island. You need only two sheets of paper to build
Wall Hanging Simple Fish Low Poly Papercraft
Scan models of the Fish for the Assembly of paper or cardboard.
Height: 170 mm
Width: 299 mm
Depth: 158 mm
Attention! It's digital! Scan in electronic PDF formats
In order to assemble the model, you need to print this scan on thick paper or...
Koi Fish - LightBoxSM Paper Cut Light Box Template Files, Shadow Box, 3D Papercut Lightbox Svg File DIY, Cutting Cricut, Shadow Papercut
The original size of this image is 20x26cm. The images can be resized as long as the files retain the ratio. Recommended box frame size is 22x28cm...
Poisson Avril (Fish) Papercraft
In case you’ve never heard this term, it means I played a trick on you, in honor of April 1, or, as it’s known to Anglophones, April Fool’s Day.
Recommended paper: 175gr
This is a free share by Nonitt - Fovea Papercraft, so there is no specific size of the model yet
Coelacanth low poly papercraft
Latimeria is a rare genus of fish which contains the only living species of coelacanth. It includes two extant species: the West Indian Ocean coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) and the Indonesian coelacanth (Latimeria menadoensis). They follow the oldest known...
Nemo the Clownfish papercraft
Finding Nemo (English: Finding Nemo , also known in Vietnam as The Adventures of Nemo ) is an American animated film released in 2003. The film waswritten by Andrew Stanton , Stanton and Lee . Directed by Unkrich , co-produced by Walt Disney and Pixar .
Clownfish (рыба-клоун) papercraft
Anemonefish and sea anemones have a symbiotic, mutualistic relationship, each providing many benefits to the other. The individual species are generally highly host specific, and especially the genera Heteractis and Stichodactyla, and the species Entacmaea...
Fishing with Father light box
Fishing with DAD, Father's day paper light box template is a digital files that includes many different file formats. SVG files for cricut and laser cut files. JPG, PDF files for hand cutting. shadow box template, Shadow box art, cricut cutting svg, anniversary...
Pacific Cod Fish (マダラ) papercraft
The Pacific cod, Gadus macrocephalus, is a species of ray-finned fish in the family Gadidae. It is a bottom-dwelling fish found in the northern Pacific Ocean, mainly on the continental shelf and upper slopes, to depths of about 900 m (3,000 ft). It can grow to...
Stephanolepis Cirrhifer Fish (カワハギ) papercraft
Stephanolepis cirrhifer, commonly known as the thread-sail filefish, is a species of marine fish in the family Monacanthidae. It is found in the western Pacific, in an area that ranges from northern Japan to the East China Sea, to Korea. Other...
Ocean Sunfish (マンボウ) papercraft
The ocean sunfish or common mola (Mola mola) is one of the two heaviest known bony fish in the world, the other being the southern sunfish (Mola alexandrini) of the same genus. Adults typically weigh between 247 and 2,000 kg (545 and 4,409 lb). The species is...
Black Scraper Fish (ウマヅラハギ) papercraft
The black scraper (Thamnaconus modestus) is a species of filefish in the family Monacanthidae. It is found in the temperate waters in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. It is commercially fished in China, and has been successfully aquacultured.
Blue Mackerel Fish (ゴマサバ) papercraft
The blue mackerel (Scomber australasicus), also called Japanese mackerel, Pacific mackerel, slimy mackerel or spotted chub mackerel, is a fish of the family Scombridae, found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific Ocean from Japan south to...
Largehead Hairtail Fish (タチウオ) papercraft
The largehead hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) or beltfish is a member of the cutlassfish family, Trichiuridae. This common to abundant species is found in tropical and temperate oceans throughout the world. The taxonomy is not fully resolved, and the...
Acanthogobius Flavimanus Fish (マハゼ) papercraft
Acanthogobius flavimanus is a species of fish in the goby family known by the common name yellowfin goby. Other common names include mahaze, Japanese river goby, Oriental goby, and spotted goby. It is native to Asia, where its range includes China...
Sebastes Thompsoni fish (ウスメバル) papercraft
Sebastes is a genus of marine ray-finned fish belonging to the subfamily Sebastinae part of the family Scorpaenidae, most of which have the common name of rockfish. A few are called ocean perch, sea perch or redfish instead. They are found in the...
Sebastiscus marmoratus fish (カサゴ) papercraft
Sebastiscus marmoratus, the sea ruffe or false kelpfish, is a species of fish in the rockfish family found in the Western Pacific from southern Japan to the Philippines. It has also been sighted twice in Australia; once in Sydney Harbour in 1980 by...
Hokke Fish (ホッケ) papercraft
The Okhotsk atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus azonus), also known as the Arabesque greenling, is a mackerel-like species in the family Hexagrammidae. It is commonly known as hokke in Japan and imyeonsu in Korean. The primary population of the fish is found off the Sea of...