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[Dragon Ball FighterZ] Jiren Chibi Avatar papercraft
Includes 2 sizes: 17 cm and 26 cm.
Jiren was meant to have a more outspoken personality, according to Toei Animation. However, this idea was rejected by Akira Toriyama, who stated Jiren was a quiet individual with a tragic backstory. Jiren's...
[Dragon Ball] Shenlong (Shenron) Wall Hanging Papercraft
Size: H: 550mm x W: 374mm x D: 322mm
Shenron is summoned by Bulma, along with Goku, Vegeta, Beerus, and Whis, to help find the last Super Dragon Ball and once again is frightened by Beerus' appearance. He tries to find what they are...
Female Great Saiyaman 2 Helmet papercraft
Dimensions: 310 x 312 x 273 mm
While attending Orange Star High School, Gohan foils a bank robbery using his Super Saiyan form, causing his classmates to notice the similarities between him and this mysterious, Golden Fighter. Gohan convinces Bulma to...
Dragon Ball - Fused Zamasu papercraft
Dimensions: 800 x 500 x 200 mm
Fused Zamasu usually just referred to as Zamasu (ザマス Zamasu), is a Potara fusion born of the union between Goku Black and Future Zamasu. He is the final antagonist of the "Future" Trunks Saga.
The fusion heavily resembles...
Dragon Ball - Kid Trunks SSJ papercraft
Dimensions: 357 x 182 x 129 mm
Trunks is a character in the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. Within the series, he is the half-Saiyan half-Human son of Vegeta and Bulma and has at least two noteworthy incarnations. Trunks makes his...
Dragon Ball - Life size Vegeta SSJ papercraft
Dimensions: 1709 x 904 x 567 mm
Vegeta is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball franchise created by Akira Toriyama. Vegeta first appears in chapter #204 Sayonara, Son Goku, published in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine on November 7, 1988, seeking...
Dragon ball - Black Goku SSJ Rose papercraft
Dimensions: 500 x 342 x 170 mm
The Super Saiyan Rosé form was created by author Akira Toriyama uniquely for Goku Black, though he simply stated Goku Black could "Become a Super Saiyan like Goku, and a Super Saiyan of a slightly different color than...
Dragon Ball - Gotenks SSJ3 (60cm) Papercraft
Gotenks' personality is unique, but is inherited from the personality of 2 versions of Goten and Trunks. Gotenks is an arrogant, aggressive fighter and loves to meet strong opponents like Trunks (inherited from Vegeta) and Goten's innocent...
Dragon Ball - Kame House Chibi Ver. 2 (Diorama) papercraft
Kame House (カメハウス Kame Hausu) is a house on a very small island in the middle of the sea. It is the home of Master Roshi, and, for much of the Dragon Ball series, Launch as well. It also becomes Krillin's permanent residence. During...
Dragon Ball - Janemba Wall Hanging papercraft
Janemba (ジャネンバ Janenba) is the main antagonist in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn, and he appears in several other Dragon Ball media. He is a powerful demon and the living definition of evil.
[Dragon Ball FighterZ] Son Goku God Chibi Avatar papercraft
His natural talent for battle along with his unwavering drive have taken his power to unprecedented levels to the point of reaching and rivaling the domain of the Gods of Destruction. Ultimately, Goku's immeasurable potential has...
[Dragon Ball FighterZ] Son Goku Chibi Avatar papercraft
As an infant, he could drag large rocks tied to him while pursuing food and resist his adoptive grandpa's attempts to hold him down. When first meeting Bulma, he was unfazed when rundown by her car and shot, quickly picking up and...
[Dragon Ball FighterZ] Majin Vegeta Chibi Avatar Ver. 2 papercraft
Vegeta tends to be hotheaded and quick-tempered during battles, especially ones not in his favor. According to Whis, the Saiyan Prince is too tense during fights and thinks too much before acting, putting a limit on his speed...
Dragon Ball - Janemba Bust ver.2 Papercraft
During Story Event: "Gather the Dragon Balls!", Janemba in his first form can be found on the Sacred World of the Kais in Area 6F of the Timespace Rift near the final two Dragon Balls. This leads to a battle between him and Tekka's Team. After being...
Dragon Ball - Son Goten Chibi Ver. 2 Papercraft
In Dragon Ball GT, his hairstyle becomes spiky, straight and tilted. He begins to look like his brother Gohan as in contrast to Goku. In the Black Star Dragon Ball Saga, Goten wears a green long-sleeved shirt with a yellow t-shirt underneath and...
Dragon Ball - Saibamen Papercraft
Saibamen (栽培), known as Cultivars in the Viz translation of the manga , are green, humanoid creatures that grow from seeds planted in the soil. Seeds are kept in a special liquid before use.
Dragon Ball - Android 13 / Cyborg 13 (Attack Mode) Papercraft
In his Super form, he is shown to be a lot more assertive and maniacal (in the Japanese dub, he does not speak at all aside from yelling Goku's name upon his death. This is retained in later video game appearances where he is...
Dragon Ball - Saiyan Pod (Diorama) HQ Papercraft
Even though it is only five feet in diameter, it houses an advanced environmental system and an incredibly fuel-efficient faster-than-light drive. Those traveling inside the ball are kept in a state of suspended animation that minimizes the...
Dragon Ball - Bardock HQ Chibi Papercraft
After being freed from his mind control, Bardock's new power allowed him to keep Mira at bay in a Full Nelson; Mira is unable to shake him off, though Mira claims that his power level is higher than Bardock's and Bardock's ability to overpower him is...
Dragon Ball - Frieza Full Power HD Papercraft
100% Full Power shares almost exactly the same weakness as Super Saiyan Third Grade, being that the increased energy causes the user's muscles to swell to a very large and bulky size. This bulk causes a significant loss of stamina and energy when...