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Dragon Ball - Gotenks (Diorama) Papercraft
After a brief fight with his evil counterpart, Evil Buu, Majin Buu was eaten and absorbed by him, resulting in the powerful Super Buu. During his fight with Super Saiyan 3 Goku, Majin Buu was promised another powerful fighter besides Goku. This...
[Dragon Ball Z] Son Gohan Adulto Papercraft
Gohan's feelings for her were so strong that during the Fusion Saga he angrily opposed his father suggestion of using her to bribe the perverted Old Kai to unlock his potential. In fact his angry reaction to his father's questionable yet well...
[Dragon Ball Z] Nappa Ver. 2 Papercraft
They manage to hold their own and defeat the Saibamen, but Raditz & Nappa have apparently grown stronger via Saiyan Power, with Raditz taking advantage of Beat's exhaustion, hitting him with a Ki Blast. Meanwhile, Nappa has Note on the defensive while...
[Dragon Ball Z] Raditz Papercraft
Unlike his brother, Goku, his mother, Gine, and his father, Bardock, Raditz is harsh, brutal, and often arrogant like most Saiyan warriors. He does, however, give his brother a chance to become part of Frieza's empire, only attacking Goku when he refuses and...
[Dragon Ball Z] Diorama Vegeta Vs Android 19 / Cyborg19 Papercraft
Android 19 (人造人間19号 Jinzōningen Jū Kyū-Gō, lit. "Artificial Human No. 19") is Dr. Gero's nineteenth creation, designed to serve Gero's vendetta against Goku, who overthrew the Red Ribbon Army as a child.
[Dragon Ball Z] Bardock SSJ Papercraft
In the secret ending, after pulling Mira into the Time Rift it is revealed that Bardock fought against Mira in this isolated dimension. Supreme Kai of Time, Elder Kai, Trunks, and the Future Warrior observe their battle via the Scroll of Eternity during...
Iron Man Ver. ArteCraft papercraft
He set out to make the new character a wealthy, glamorous ladies' man, but one with a secret that would plague and torment him as well.[8] Writer Gerry Conway said, "Here you have this character, who on the outside is invulnerable, I mean, just can't be...
[Mortal Kombat] Scorpions Chibi papercraft
Scorpion (original name: Hanzo Hasashi ) is a fictional character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series by Midway Games . [2] [3] This is one of seven original characters from the first Mortal Kombat in 1992. Scorpion is an undead ninja ghost...
[Dragon Ball FighterZ] Diorama Cell Vs Son Gohan - Son Goku Chibi Avatar Papercraft
Cell has the personalities of many, many characters for which he possesses genes. In addition, the computer of Dr. Gero has removed the weak personalities within each of those original personalities, which he...
[Mortal Kombat] Kuai Liang (Sub-Zero) Chibi papercraft
Kuai Liang would become a frequent supporting character after his debut. He would later end the long standing rivalry between the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu after becoming Grandmaster and making peace with his rival Scorpion.
Instruction: PDO
[Dragon Ball Z] King Cold (コルド 大 だい 王 おう , Korudo Daiō, lit. "Great King Cold") Papercraft
King Cold (コルド大だい王おう Korudo Daiō, lit. "Great King Cold") is the king and former emperor of Universe 7 as well as a shadow member of his family organization, the Frieza Force, leading it when it was...
[Mortal Kombat] Kuai Liang (Sub-Zero) papercraft
Kuai Liang (奎良)[1], better known as Sub-Zero (絶対零度, "Absolute Zero")[2], Grandmaster (of the Lin Kuei), and formerly known as Tundra and briefly as the cyborg LK-52O, is the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei assassin clan in the Mortal Kombat fighting...
Marval - Juggernaut papercraft
Cain Marko, better known as Juggernaut, is a long time enemy and sometimes ally of the X-Men. As a child, Cain was regularly abused by his alcoholic father. His step-brother, Charles Xavier, on the other hand was treated much better while also exceeding him in...
[Dragon Ball Super] Majin Slim Buu papercraft
Good Buu (魔ま人じんブウ(善ぜん) Majin Bū (Zen), lit. "Demon Person Boo (Good)"), also known mainly as Majin Buu, is the result of the Innocent Buu using fission to split into good and evil halves. He would go on to become a member of the Z Fighters and...
[Dragon Ball Z] Soldado Zarbon papercraft
Zarbon is an elite warrior who values beauty and his physical appearance above all else. He is considered to be very handsome. He has long green braided hair and his tiara and earrings are reminiscent of a high-class prince. He is very vain and he...
[Dragon Ball Z] Soldado Dodoria papercraft
Dodoria is a large and pink alien warrior with protruding spikes on his arms and head. He also wears a blue variant of the common Battle Armor that most of Frieza's men have, including the brown colored shoulder pads and a green scouter. In the...
[Dragon Ball Z] Son Gohan Teen Power papercraft
People with mixed Saiyan blood actually have more potential than pure Saiyans. With the strength of the Saiyans , and the intelligence of humans, so these people are really strong. Both you, your brother, and Kid Trunks all possessed extremely...
[Dragon Ball Z] Son Gohan Child papercraft
By the time of the Tournament of Power, Gohan has become considerably more powerful than before, although it is unclear as to how much more powerful he has become as Piccolo has stated that Gohan's power is truly bottomless and that he can continue...
[Dragon Ball Z] Freezer Form 3 Ver. 2 papercraft
Frieza decides to resume the battle, and charges towards Piccolo. Piccolo flies into the air to dodge. Frieza gives chase, and Piccolo dodges again, stating that he still has the advantage in speed. However, Frieza quickly gets in front of him...
[Dragon Ball Z] Broly Vs Son Goku SSJ2 papercraft
for a Saiyan, began to grow in size as well. Though Goku ultimately managed to put up more of a fight than Vegeta had in his Super Saiyan God form, Broly remained in full control of the battle. After growing significantly in size, Broly...