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[Dragon Ball Z] Diorama Krillin Vs Frieza Papercraft
Diorama Krillin vs. Frieza Papercraft is a dramatic papercraft creation that recreates the legendary battle between Krillin and Frieza from Dragon Ball Z. The model vividly captures the intensity of the fight, showcasing Krillin’s...
[Dragon Ball Z] Black Frieza Papercraft
As Black Frieza, Frieza's lower body, neck, tail and arms acquire a dark color, while his shin and arm guards and most of his head turn a dark silver, the former two continuing their new color onto Frieza's hands and feet. The rest of his torso and...
[Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's] Cooler Vs Son Goku Papercraft
Cooler's appearance in his base form is similar to that of Frieza's Final Form, though Cooler's skin is deep purple as opposed to the pure white of his brother. Cooler is also much taller than Frieza, being similar in height to Goku...
[Dragon Ball FighterZ] Piccolo 2 Chibi Avatar Papercraft
Piccolo is a strategist. While powerful in his own right, even he often falls short of the sheer power of his opponents. Instead, he uses clever planning and his brilliant tactical mind to bring his opponents groveling at his divine...
[Dragon Ball Z] Jeice Papercraft
Jeice (ジース Jīsu) is a member of the Ginyu Force, acting as Ginyu's second in command and fighting partner of Burter. Being a red-skinned alien humanoid in appearance, Captain Ginyu best describes him as an extremely flamboyant and showy white-haired mutant...
Hulk Vs HulkBuster Diorama Papercraft
The fight between Hulk and Iron man in Avengers 2 shows how the power of Scarlet Witch has had an effect on Hulk's spirit. The green giant lost control and unleashed his fury while fighting Iron Man, who was clad in Hulkbuster armor.
Thanks to the...
[Dragon Ball Z] Burter Papercraft
Burter is the tallest member of the Ginyu Force, towering over the other members. He has bluish-purple skin, red irises, pupil-less eyes, and many small spots on his body. He wears a black variant of the usual uniform most of Frieza's army wears but, due to...
[Dragon Ball GT] Super 17 (Attack Version) Papercraft
Super 17 is a tall android, sporting an athletic build with prominent facial features and a broad jawline, giving the fusion a more mature appearance. While resembling Android 17, his hair extends to under his shoulders, which he keeps...
[Dragon Ball Z] Garlic Junior Papercraft
Garlic Jr. (ガーリックJrジュニア Gārikku Junia, lit. "Garlic Junior") is the main antagonist in Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone. Though he was defeated in Dead Zone, he reappears as the main antagonist in the Garlic Jr. Saga. Garlic Jr. is a small, turquoise alien...
[Dragon Ball Z] Gotenks Papercraft
Gotenks wears a Metamoran-style dark blue and yellow shirt, which is also the default outfit for Fusion dance. He wears a blue armband. Gotenks also wears a pair of pants that look like silk and a pair of dark shoes. Gotenks' hair is a mixture of Trunks and...
[Dragon ball Z] Tien Shinhan (Attack Version) Papercraft
He is soon interrupted from this to lend his aid in hunting for the new menace, Cell. Tien tags along with Piccolo to, as quickly as possible, visit the places where Cell's energy shows up. But due to how great the monster is at hiding...
Dragon Ball - Trunks SSJ Diorama Papercraft
On planet Pital, Baby possesses Trunks a brief moment. Trunks drives him out by transforming into a Super Saiyan, which removes Baby from his body. In fact, Baby only wanted to place an egg in Trunks to be later activated on Earth. As a servant of...
Dragon Ball - Omega Shenron (Syn Shenron) papercraft
Syn Shenron (一イー星シン龍ロン Īshinron) is the seventh and last of the evil Shadow Dragons to appear and the Dragon of the One-Star Dragon Ball, He is the main and final antagonist of the Shadow Dragon Saga.
Syn Shenron appears as a large...
Saint Seiya - Wyvern Radamanthys papercraft
H350mm W603 D195mm
Wyvern Rhadamanthys (天猛星ワイバーンのラダマンティス, Tenmōsei Waibān no Radamantisu) is one of the infamous "3 Judges of the Underworld", along with Griffon Minos and Garuda Aiacos, and oversees Caina. Rhadamanthys' source of power lies in the...
Dragon Ball - Kame House Chibi Ver. 2 (Diorama) papercraft
Kame House (カメハウス Kame Hausu) is a house on a very small island in the middle of the sea. It is the home of Master Roshi, and, for much of the Dragon Ball series, Launch as well. It also becomes Krillin's permanent residence. During...
[Dragon Ball Z] Super Vegeta (HD) Papercraft
He apparently was also not fond of wearing apparently feminine clothing, as evidenced by his shocked and horrified reaction when he realized Bulma provided him with a pink shirt after he showered upon his return to Earth.
[Dragon Ball Z] Frieza Full Power (HD) Papercraft
Frieza bides his time during Goku and Jiren's fight, then saves Goku from being knocked out with a Kiai. He powers up alongside a still-alive Android 17 to face off against Jiren. Frieza attacks Jiren head-on and is able to keep up with him in...
[Dragon Ball Z] Bojack Ver.2 Papercraft
Bojack is an alien tyrant and the main antagonist of the 1993 film Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound. He is the leader of the Galaxy Soldiers and one of the most dangerous beings the Kais ever faced.
He was voiced by Tesshō Genda in Japanese and Bob Carter...
[Dragon Ball Z] Android 13 / Cyborg 13 Papercraft
In the Funimation dub, his attitude is essentially that of a stereotypical "redneck" (which his character design also appears to have been modeled after), with Future Trunks even referring to him as a Red Ribbon Redneck at one point. Android...