anime papercraft

  1. Anime Game Digimon HiAndromon

    Digimon - HiAndromon Papercraft HiAndromon is an Android Digimon. The percentage of Chrome Digizoid parts which compose its body has increased, and it is impossible to miss the extent of its gains in offensive and defensive power from this, compared to Andromon. Additionally, as Andromon, it...
  2. Anime Game Digimon Drimogemon

    Digimon - Drimogemon Papercraft Drimogemon is an Animal Digimon. It moves underground at high speeds with the gigantic drill attached to its snout. It is an extremely rare Digimon to come across because it is always digging deep underground. Although it has a meek, shy personality, it is...
  3. Anime Game Digimon Culumon (Life-Size)

    Digimon - Culumon (Life-Size) papercraft Calumon is a small, cute white creature with large eyes and comparatively small limbs. Its ears, usually short, can extend and it can even use them to fly. Its forehead bears the Zero Unit, which can manifest as the gem-like "Crystal Matrix".
  4. Anime Game Digimon Agumon (Savers Version)

    Digimon - Agumon (Savers Version) Papercraft Agumon is a fictional character in the Digimon media franchise. He is the Digimon partner of Marcus Damon (Masaru Daimon in the Japanese version) and a main character in the anime series Digimon Savers (Digimon Data Squad in the Latin version). He...
  5. Anime Game Digimon Digitamamon Nightmare Syndrome

    Digimon - Digitamamon Nightmare Syndrome Papercraft Digitamamon is a Neutral Data Type, Ultimate level Digimon and uses 12 memory. It digivolves from Ogremon, Nanimon, and Vegiemon and can digivolve to Titamon, Belphemon Sleep Mode, and Minervamon. Its special attack is Nightmare Syndrome and...
  6. Anime Game Digimon Elecmon

    Digimon - Elecmon Papercraft Elecmon is a Mammal Digimon. It retained Tsunomon's mammal-like elements and digivolved. It's very curious and lively, and inherited its prank-loving personality from Tsunomon. Also, Elecmon possesses nine tails, and during battle, it fans out its tails like the...
  7. Anime Game Digimon MudFrigimon

    Digimon - MudFrigimon Papercraft MudFrigimon is a Mutant Digimon. Its body is mostly made of earth data. It is said that it may be a mutant that was born from a mutation of Frigimon. As it possesses a gentle personality, it hates battle, but when push comes to shove, it exhibits the power...
  8. Anime Game Digimon BlackMetalGarurumon

    Digimon - BlackMetalGarurumon Papercraft BlackMetalGarurumon is a quadrupedal cyborg lupine automated all over the body, encased in black metal. Weapons systems, like missiles, ammo, and lasers are hidden inside its body and on its front limbs rests a pair of rocket launchers. It wears a...
  9. Anime Game Digimon Ogremon

    Digimon - Ogremon papercraft Ogremon is an Evil Digimon. It is a Demon Digimon resembling an Oni in Japanese folklore. The attacks it carries out with its muscles have tremendous destructive power. It has a high intelligence, but a rough temper, the driving force behind its destructive anger...
  10. Anime Game Digimon Bakemon and Soulmon

    Digimon - Bakemon and Soulmon Papercraft It's as you already saw in the title, Bakemon and Soulmon !! Well... Soulmon is just a Bakemon with a witch hat but hey, it's still a different Digimon from Bakemon ! Bakemon Papercraft Bakemon is a levitating ghost covered in a white cloth that hides...
  11. Anime Game Digimon WarGreymon Ver. 3

    Digimon - WarGreymon Ver. 3 Papercraft WarGreymon is a tall reptilian Digimon with a humanoid body structure. Like other Greymon-species Digimon, it has Tyrannosaurus rex-like features (such as its feet and the shape of its head), but unlike other Greymon-species Digimon, its back is not...
  12. Anime Game Digimon LadyDevimon Ver. 2

    Digimon - LadyDevimon Ver. 2 Papercraft LadyDevimon is a tall, fallen angel like figure with a skin-tight leather outfit, tattered wings, and a mask covering its face. Its skin is a pale white, while its eyes and claws are red, and it is wrapped around in a long chain. Finished product image
  13. Anime Game Digimon Gallantmon Ver. 2

    Digimon - Gallantmon Ver. 2 Papercraft Gallantmon is an archetypal armored knight. Its body is encased all over in white armor with red parts on its pauldrons, poleyns, end of its vambraces and the ankle plate of its sabatons as well as gold trimming. It wears a huge, flowing, red cape. Its...
  14. Anime Game [Fullmetal Alchemist] Gluttony

    [Fullmetal Alchemist] Gluttony papercraft Gluttony is the embodiment of some of Father's gluttony. Often, he will be found eating a random person or creature's remains unless ordered to eat someone that poses a threat, or to remove evidence of the Homunculi's presence. He is typically in the...
  15. Anime [Eiga K-On!/ Keion] Kotobuki Tsumugi (Eating Version)

    [Eiga K-On!/ Keion] Kotobuki Tsumugi (Eating Version) papercraft Tsumugi Kotobuki (琴吹ことぶき 紬つむぎ Kotobuki Tsumugi), otherwise known as Mugi (むぎ) is a wealthy girl who has a sweet and gentle personality. She has been considered a piano prodigy since she was four, and has won many piano recital...
  16. Anime [Kemurikusa] Ritsu

    [Kemurikusa] Ritsu papercraft Ritsu is one of the Sisters. She spends most of the time taking care of Midori. She is seen to operate both Midori's vines and the railway cart. She likes how things sound, especially Midori. She has cat ears and appear to have a mouth in the shape of a cats...
  17. Anime Bleach Mashiro Kuna

    [Bleach] Mashiro Kuna papercraft Mashiro Kuna (久南 白, Kuna Mashiro) is the co-lieutenant of the 9th Division, currently under Kensei Muguruma and is currently a member of the Visored.
  18. Anime Game [Date a live] Tohka Yatogami ver.3

    [Date a live]Tohka Yatogami ver.3 papercraft Tohka Yatogami (夜や刀と神がみ 十とお香か, Yatogami Tōka?) is one of the main female characters of the Date A Live series and the first Spirit saved by Shido. There is also another personality named Tenka (天てん香か, Tenka?) residing inside her, which only emerges...
  19. Anime [Eiga K-On!] Mio Akiyama ver. 2

    [Eiga K-On!] Mio Akiyama ver 2 papercraft Mio is diligent, responsible, and sober, especially when contrasted with her happy-go-lucky bandmates. She is academically inclined, always ranking within the top 10 students of her grade, and a keen reader and writer. She is a very dedicated musician...
  20. Anime [My Hero Academia] All Might

    [My Hero Academia] All Might papercraft All Might, the main character of the "Boku no Hero academia/ My Hero Academia" series, known as the "Symbol of Peace", is the former number one hero and the eighth user of the One For All Quirk. He is also a teacher at the U.A. Academy. for hero. After...