PaperzoneVN is a non-profit community, with content freely shared among its members.
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The paper model looks so goodgrasias
muchas gracias se ve muy bien
Wow Imma try this[SSSS.Gridman] Rikka Takarada in Swimsuit Papercraft
bom essa eu não sei se muito conhece tanto ela quanto seu anime mas consertesa vão gostar do seu modelo
ok this one I don't know if much knows her as much as her anime but i think you will like your model
thank you, I tried to download from nicovideo (source you provided) but it didn't work, I can't register an account on that site to download, hope you can upload more samples on that page here so everyone those who can't register an account on nicovideo like me, can download it here
I think paperzonevn is a pretty good site to archive, so people can easily register for an account and download it
The image and file details are exactly the same, saving me a lot of time in searching for files and determining if the file is too difficult or easy, the size of the template, to determine the file download. the staff is also very enthusiastic to support if the file is really corrupted, just notify them or comment on that post
look fine[SSSS.Gridman] Rikka Takarada in Swimsuit Papercraft
bom essa eu não sei se muito conhece tanto ela quanto seu anime mas consertesa vão gostar do seu modelo
ok this one I don't know if much knows her as much as her anime but i think you will like your model
Anime [SSSS.Gridman] Rikka Takarada (Baoduo Liuhua)
Anime [SSSS.Gridman] Akane Shinjo in Swimsuit
Anime [SSSS.Gridman] Skane Shinjo
Anime [SSSS.Dynazenon] Minami Yume
Anime [Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!] Rikka Takanashi