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GRAMOporte graciasSD Optimus Prime papercraft ver.J2
Originally, Optimus Prime was created as the leader of the Autobots, though it is unknown how he was created or his origins. In a possible future, Megatron was threatened by the existence of the Aerialbots and had Shockwave build a time machine to send them back in time to get rid of them. However, he only ended up changing history for the better. In the revised timeline, Optimus Prime began his life as a robot named Orion Pax, a mostly defenseless dock worker during the Golden Age of Cybertron nine million years ago, with a girlfriend named Ariel and a best friend named Dion.
Dimensions: 280 x 164 x 111 mm
goodSD Optimus Prime papercraft ver.J2
Originally, Optimus Prime was created as the leader of the Autobots, though it is unknown how he was created or his origins. In a possible future, Megatron was threatened by the existence of the Aerialbots and had Shockwave build a time machine to send them back in time to get rid of them. However, he only ended up changing history for the better. In the revised timeline, Optimus Prime began his life as a robot named Orion Pax, a mostly defenseless dock worker during the Golden Age of Cybertron nine million years ago, with a girlfriend named Ariel and a best friend named Dion.
Dimensions: 280 x 164 x 111 mm
cool designSD Optimus Prime papercraft ver.J2
Originally, Optimus Prime was created as the leader of the Autobots, though it is unknown how he was created or his origins. In a possible future, Megatron was threatened by the existence of the Aerialbots and had Shockwave build a time machine to send them back in time to get rid of them. However, he only ended up changing history for the better. In the revised timeline, Optimus Prime began his life as a robot named Orion Pax, a mostly defenseless dock worker during the Golden Age of Cybertron nine million years ago, with a girlfriend named Ariel and a best friend named Dion.
Dimensions: 280 x 164 x 111 mm
GenialSD Optimus Prime papercraft ver.J2
Originally, Optimus Prime was created as the leader of the Autobots, though it is unknown how he was created or his origins. In a possible future, Megatron was threatened by the existence of the Aerialbots and had Shockwave build a time machine to send them back in time to get rid of them. However, he only ended up changing history for the better. In the revised timeline, Optimus Prime began his life as a robot named Orion Pax, a mostly defenseless dock worker during the Golden Age of Cybertron nine million years ago, with a girlfriend named Ariel and a best friend named Dion.
Dimensions: 280 x 164 x 111 mm
niceSD Optimus Prime papercraft ver.J2
Originally, Optimus Prime was created as the leader of the Autobots, though it is unknown how he was created or his origins. In a possible future, Megatron was threatened by the existence of the Aerialbots and had Shockwave build a time machine to send them back in time to get rid of them. However, he only ended up changing history for the better. In the revised timeline, Optimus Prime began his life as a robot named Orion Pax, a mostly defenseless dock worker during the Golden Age of Cybertron nine million years ago, with a girlfriend named Ariel and a best friend named Dion.
Dimensions: 280 x 164 x 111 mm
genialSD Optimus Prime papercraft ver.J2
Originally, Optimus Prime was created as the leader of the Autobots, though it is unknown how he was created or his origins. In a possible future, Megatron was threatened by the existence of the Aerialbots and had Shockwave build a time machine to send them back in time to get rid of them. However, he only ended up changing history for the better. In the revised timeline, Optimus Prime began his life as a robot named Orion Pax, a mostly defenseless dock worker during the Golden Age of Cybertron nine million years ago, with a girlfriend named Ariel and a best friend named Dion.
Dimensions: 280 x 164 x 111 mm
excelente diseño muchas graciasSD Optimus Prime papercraft versión J2
Originalmente, Optimus Prime fue creado como el líder de los Autobots, aunque se desconoce cómo fue creado o sus orígenes. En un posible futuro, Megatron se vio amenazado por la existencia de los Aerialbots e hizo que Shockwave construyera una máquina del tiempo para enviarlos al pasado y deshacerse de ellos. Sin embargo, solo terminó cambiando la historia para mejor. En la línea de tiempo revisada, Optimus Prime comenzó su vida como un robot llamado Orion Pax, un trabajador del muelle casi indefenso durante la Edad de Oro de Cybertron hace nueve millones de años, con una novia llamada Ariel y un mejor amigo llamado Dion.
Dimensiones: 280 x 164 x 111 mm
OooooSD Optimus Prime papercraft versión J2
Originalmente, Optimus Prime fue creado como el líder de los Autobots, aunque se desconoce cómo fue creado o sus orígenes. En un posible futuro, Megatron se vio amenazado por la existencia de los Aerialbots e hizo que Shockwave construyera una máquina del tiempo para enviarlos al pasado y deshacerse de ellos. Sin embargo, solo terminó cambiando la historia para mejor. En la línea de tiempo revisada, Optimus Prime comenzó su vida como un robot llamado Orion Pax, un trabajador del muelle casi indefenso durante la Edad de Oro de Cybertron hace nueve millones de años, con una novia llamada Ariel y un mejor amigo llamado Dion.
Dimensiones: 280 x 164 x 111 mm
Super Deformed (SD) SD Optimus Prime
Transformer Optimus Prime (Detailed ver)
Transformer Optimus Prime G1 [asd-fla] (có thể Transform)
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Transformer Optimus Prime AoE Paper Craft
Transformer Optimus Prime The War Within (có thể Transform)