Introducing and guiding the regulations of zones in Paperzonevn


Staff member
Reputation: 100%

Introducing and guiding the regulations of zones in Paperzonevn​

Template Library Zone​

Free Zone: Place to post and store free templates
Premium Zone: Place to post and store popular paid templates
Mystery Zone: Place to post and store special, highly rare paid templates
Samplate and location information to create new threads format

1. Prefix… : Select the category for which template you want to create
2. Thread title: Title you want to create
[general name] model name Ver. (additional notes) by Author
For example:
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager (Simple Ver. )
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager Ver.2 (Evolution)
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager defense Ver.
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager defense Ver. by Author
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager defense Ver. - Author

3. Thumbnail: Square image, size 500x500 px (How to get the link thumbnail at here)
4. Resources: Source where template was created
if unknown, please write "Received from the internet, please help me if you know its origin."
5. Author: The author created the template,
if unknown, please write "Unknown. I don't know who the author is, please help me if you know."
6. Printed File Format: The format that can be used for printing is in the attachment you provide
7. Page(s): The total number of pages used to print in the file is mentioned in Printed File Format
8. Part(s): The total number of parts used to print in the file is mentioned in Printed File Format (if unknown, You can skip)
9. Instruction Format: The format that can be used to view the instructions is included in the attachment you provided
10. Star rating: Evaluate the difficulty level of the template
11. Empty box to write content and images
[general name] model name Ver. (additional notes) by Author + Papercraft (tips: copy and paste Title + Papercraft) (For example: [Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager Ver.2 (Evolution) by Author Papercraft)
Dimension: H x W x D
Introducing about the template you want to create
Template photos (or finished product photos)

12. Attachment:
Uploadable attachments (PDF, PDO, RAR, ZIP, 7Z)
The limit of each attached file is 100MB (if the file exceeds 100MB, you can google the keyword "How do I split a large WinRAR file using WinRAR" and then attachment the entire split file)
13. Tags: tags so people can find other related posts with the same tags more easily and help your threads be seen by more people.

*** You can see the "How to create a new thread" instructions here

* Posts that do not meet regional criteria, are duplicates... will be deleted without prior notice

Other Zone​

Gallery Zone: Exhibition center, finished photos
Experiences Zone: Q&A, sharing experiences
Services: Buying and selling, related services
Plan to create a complete thread including: papercraft template name/ service name, papercraft template image/ related service image, price, sample image (if any), contact information
So that everyone can follow and contact you in the easiest way and work on that thread
Each user is only allowed to create 1 thread about their own service (if intentionally cheating we will ban the account forever)

Exchange: Exchange area
Format for creating new threads

1. Thread title: Write all the template information you're looking for, including the template name and author, so everyone can easily find it
- Looking for Name template by author (If you are looking for a template)
- Exchange Name template by author (If you want to exchange template)
For example:
- Looking for Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi by author Youlingke
- Exchange Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi by author Youlingke

2. Empty box to write content and images:

- If you are looking for a template:
Looking for Name template by author Papercraft
Template image you are looking for
Contact information: comment directly on the thread or leave contact information so others can easily help
For example:

Looking for Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi by author Youlingke Papercraft
Photo images
Contact information:

- If you want to exchange template:
Exchange Name template by author Papercraft
Template image you are exchange
Exchange for Name template by author Papercraft
Template image you are exchange
Contact information: comment directly on the thread or leave contact information so others can easily help
For example:

Exchange Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi by author Youlingke Papercraft
Photo images
Exchange for genshin impact klee by author Youlingke Papercraft
Photo images
Contact information:

* Please use the upload images button to upload images, do not embed posts / images links from outside
* Trading threads posted outside this area will be deleted without notice and files will not be uploaded to these areas.
* Shared files can be uploaded to the corresponding Template Library Zone.
* Posts that are not in the correct format will be deleted without notice. When posting, users must be active in the newly created topic. Do not create too many posts to spam. Please participate in the post happily and contribute.
* User searching/trading for the same topic please comment directly on that thread and leave information so that other searchers can help. Do not create articles with the same topic. If you violate the law 2 times or more, we will banned account and delete account related information

Support Zone​

Announcement: Place to announce new activities or important changes and updates of administrator
Feedback: Place to give feedback on user error issues and how to troubleshoot errors
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Any other questions want private support: Click here contact our team support
Sponsored: Google Advertising


New Member
Reputation: 1%

Introducing and guiding the regulations of zones in Paperzonevn​

Template Library Zone​

Free Zone: Place to post and store free templates
Premium Zone: Place to post and store popular paid templates
Mystery Zone: Place to post and store special, highly rare paid templates
Samplate and location information to create new threads format

1. Prefix… : Select the category for which template you want to create
2. Thread title: Title you want to create
[general name] model name Ver. (additional notes) by Author
For example:
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager (Simple Ver. )
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager Ver.2 (Evolution)
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager defense Ver.
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager defense Ver. by Author
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager defense Ver. - Author

3. Thumbnail: Square image, size 500x500 px (How to get the link thumbnail at here)
4. Resources: Source where template was created
if unknown, please write "Received from the internet, please help me if you know its origin."
5. Author: The author created the template,
if unknown, please write "Unknown. I don't know who the author is, please help me if you know."
6. Printed File Format: The format that can be used for printing is in the attachment you provide
7. Page(s): The total number of pages used to print in the file is mentioned in Printed File Format
8. Part(s): The total number of parts used to print in the file is mentioned in Printed File Format (if unknown, You can skip)
9. Instruction Format: The format that can be used to view the instructions is included in the attachment you provided
10. Star rating: Evaluate the difficulty level of the template
11. Empty box to write content and images
[general name] model name Ver. (additional notes) by Author + Papercraft (tips: copy and paste Title + Papercraft) (For example: [Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager Ver.2 (Evolution) by Author Papercraft)
Dimension: H x W x D
Introducing about the template you want to create
Template photos (or finished product photos)

12. Attachment:
Uploadable attachments (PDF, PDO, RAR, ZIP, 7Z)
The limit of each attached file is 100MB (if the file exceeds 100MB, you can google the keyword "How do I split a large WinRAR file using WinRAR" and then attachment the entire split file)
13. Tags: tags so people can find other related posts with the same tags more easily and help your threads be seen by more people.

*** You can see the "How to create a new thread" instructions here

* Posts that do not meet regional criteria, are duplicates... will be deleted without prior notice

Other Zone​

Gallery Zone: Exhibition center, finished photos
Experiences Zone: Q&A, sharing experiences
Services: Buying and selling, related services
Plan to create a complete thread including: papercraft template name/ service name, papercraft template image/ related service image, price, sample image (if any), contact information
So that everyone can follow and contact you in the easiest way and work on that thread
Each user is only allowed to create 1 thread about their own service (if intentionally cheating we will ban the account forever)

Exchange: Exchange area
Format for creating new threads

1. Thread title: Write all the template information you're looking for, including the template name and author, so everyone can easily find it
- Looking for Name template by author (If you are looking for a template)
- Exchange Name template by author (If you want to exchange template)
For example:
- Looking for Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi by author Youlingke
- Exchange Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi by author Youlingke

2. Empty box to write content and images:

- If you are looking for a template:
Looking for Name template by author Papercraft
Template image you are looking for
Contact information: comment directly on the thread or leave contact information so others can easily help
For example:

Looking for Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi by author Youlingke Papercraft
Photo images
Contact information:

- If you want to exchange template:
Exchange Name template by author Papercraft
Template image you are exchange
Yazar Papercraft'ın İsim Değişimi şablonu
Değiştirdiğiniz şablon resmi
İletişim bilgileri: Başkalarının kolayca yardımcı olabilmesi için doğrudan konuya yorum yapın veya iletişim bilgilerinizi bırakın

Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi'yi yazar Youlingke Papercraft'tan değiştirin
Fotoğraf görüntüleri
Yazar Youlingke Papercraft tarafından genshin effect klee değişimi
Fotoğraf görüntüleri
İletişim bilgileri:

* Lütfen görsel yüklemek için görsel yükle butonunu kullanın, dışarıdan gönderi/resim bağlantısı eklemeyin
* Bu alan dışında açılan ticari konular haber verilmeksizin silinecek ve bu alanlara dosya yüklenmeyecektir.
* Paylaşılan dosyalar ilgili Şablon Kitaplığı Bölgesine yüklenebilir .
*Doğru formatta olmayan gönderiler haber verilmeksizin silinecektir. Paylaşım yaparken kullanıcıların yeni oluşturulan konuda aktif olması gerekmektedir. Spam olarak çok fazla gönderi oluşturmayın. Lütfen gönderiye mutlu bir şekilde katılın ve katkıda bulunun.
* Aynı konu için arama yapan/ticaret yapan kullanıcılar lütfen doğrudan o konuya yorum yapın ve diğer arama yapanların yardımcı olabilmesi için bilgi bırakın. Aynı konuyla ilgili makaleler oluşturmayın. Yasayı 2 veya daha fazla kez ihlal ederseniz, hesabı yasaklayacağız ve hesapla ilgili bilgileri sileceğiz

Destek Bölgesi​

Duyuru: Yeni etkinliklerin veya yöneticinin önemli değişikliklerinin ve güncellemelerinin duyurulacağı yer
Geribildirim: Kullanıcı hatası sorunları ve hataların nasıl giderileceği hakkında geri bildirimde bulunabileceğiniz yer
SSS: Sıkça Sorulan Sorular

Özel destek isteyen diğer sorularınız için: Buraya tıklayın, ekip desteğimizle iletişime geçin


New Member
Reputation: 1%

Présentation et orientation de la réglementation des zones dans Paperzonevn​

Zone de bibliothèque de modèles​

Zone franche : endroit pour publier et stocker des modèles gratuits
Zone Premium : endroit pour publier et stocker des modèles payants populaires
Zone mystère : endroit pour publier et stocker des modèles payants spéciaux et très rares
Informations d'échantillonnage et d'emplacement pour créer un nouveau format de fil de discussion

1. Préfixe… : Sélectionnez la catégorie pour quel modèle vous souhaitez créer
2. Titre du fil : titre que vous souhaitez créer
Exemple :
[nom général] nom du modèle Ver. (notes supplémentaires) par auteur
Par exemple:
[L'Attaque des Titans] Eren Yeager (Simple Ver. )
[L'Attaque des Titans] Eren Yeager Ver.2 (Évolution)
[Attaque des Titans] Défense d'Eren Yeager Ver.
[Attaque des Titans] Défense d'Eren Yeager Ver. par auteur
[Attaque des Titans] Défense d'Eren Yeager Ver. - Auteur

3. Miniature : image carrée, taille 500 x 500 px (Comment obtenir la miniature du lienici)
4. Ressources : Source où le modèle a été créé
si inconnu, veuillez écrire « Reçu d'Internet, aidez-moi s'il vous plaît si vous connaissez son origine. »
5. Auteur : L'auteur a créé le modèle,
si inconnu, veuillez écrire « Inconnu. Je ne sais pas qui est l'auteur, aidez-moi s'il vous plaît si vous le savez. »
6. Format de fichier imprimé : Le format pouvant être utilisé pour l'impression se trouve dans la pièce jointe que vous fournissez.
7. Page(s) : Le nombre total de pages utilisées pour imprimer dans le fichier est mentionné dans Format de fichier imprimé
8. Pièce(s) : Le nombre total de pièces utilisées pour imprimer dans le fichier est mentionné dans le format de fichier imprimé (s'il est inconnu, vous pouvez l'ignorer)
9. Format des instructions : Le format qui peut être utilisé pour afficher les instructions est inclus dans la pièce jointe que vous avez fournie.
10. Classement par étoiles : évaluez le niveau de difficulté du modèle
11. Boîte vide pour écrire du contenu et des images
[nom général] nom du modèle Ver. (notes supplémentaires) par Author + Papercraft (conseils : copier-coller Titre + Papercraft) (Par exemple : [Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager Ver.2 (Evolution) par Author Papercraft)
Dimension : H x L x P
Présentation du modèle que vous souhaitez créer
Photos de modèles (ou photos de produits finis)

12. Pièce jointe :
Pièces jointes téléchargeables (PDF, PDO, RAR, ZIP, 7Z)
La limite de chaque fichier joint est de 100 Mo (si le fichier dépasse 100 Mo, vous pouvez rechercher sur Google le mot-clé « Comment diviser un gros fichier WinRAR à l'aide de WinRAR », puis joindre l'intégralité du fichier divisé)
13. Balises : balises permettant aux utilisateurs de trouver plus facilement d'autres publications connexes avec les mêmes balises et d'aider vos discussions à être vues par davantage de personnes.

*** Vous pouvez voir les instructions "Comment créer un nouveau fil de discussion" ici

* Les messages ne répondant pas aux critères régionaux, sont des doublons... seront supprimés sans préavis

Autre zone​

Zone Galerie : Parc des expositions, photos terminées
Zone Expériences : questions-réponses, partage d'expériences
Services : Achat et vente, services associés
Prévoyez de créer un fil de discussion complet comprenant : le nom du modèle Papercraft/le nom du service, l'image du modèle Papercraft/l'image du service associé, le prix, l'exemple d'image (le cas échéant), les coordonnées.
Pour que tout le monde puisse vous suivre et vous contacter de la manière la plus simple possible et travailler sur ce fil
Chaque utilisateur n'est autorisé à créer qu'un seul fil de discussion sur son propre service (en cas de triche intentionnelle, nous bannirons le compte pour toujours)

Bourse : Zone d'échange
Format pour créer de nouveaux fils de discussion

1. Titre du fil de discussion : écrivez toutes les informations sur le modèle que vous recherchez, y compris le nom et l'auteur du modèle, afin que tout le monde puisse le trouver facilement.
- Recherche d'un modèle de nom par auteur (Si vous recherchez un modèle)
- Modèle de nom d'échange par auteur (Si vous souhaitez échanger un modèle)
Par exemple:
- À la recherche du chibi Butterfly Snow de Hatsune Miku par l'auteur Youlingke
- Échangez le chibi Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow par l'auteur Youlingke

2. Boîte vide pour écrire du contenu et des images :

- Si vous recherchez un modèle :
Recherche d'un modèle de nom par l'auteur Papercraft
Image modèle que vous recherchez
Coordonnées : commentez directement sur le fil de discussion ou laissez vos coordonnées pour que les autres puissent facilement vous aider
Par exemple:

À la recherche du chibi Butterfly Snow de Hatsune Miku par l'auteur Youlingke Papercraft
Images photographiques
Coordonnées :

- Si vous souhaitez échanger un modèle :
Modèle de nom d'échange par l'auteur Papercraft
Image modèle que vous échangez
Échange contre le modèle de nom de l'auteur Papercraft
Image modèle que vous échangez
Coordonnées : commentez directement sur le fil de discussion ou laissez vos coordonnées pour que les autres puissent facilement vous aider
Par exemple:

Échangez Hatsune Miku Butterfly Snow chibi par l'auteur Youlingke Papercraft
Images photographiques
Échange contre genshin impact Klee par l'auteur Youlingke Papercraft
Images photographiques
Coordonnées :

* Veuillez utiliser le bouton de téléchargement d'images pour télécharger des images, n'intégrez pas de liens vers des publications/images provenant de l'extérieur.
* Les discussions publiées en dehors de cette zone seront supprimées sans préavis et les fichiers ne seront pas téléchargés dans ces zones.
* Les fichiers partagés peuvent être téléchargés vers la zone de bibliothèque de modèles correspondante .
* Les messages qui ne sont pas au bon format seront supprimés sans préavis. Lors de la publication, les utilisateurs doivent être actifs dans le sujet nouvellement créé. Ne créez pas trop de messages pour spam. Veuillez participer à la publication avec plaisir et contribuer.
* Utilisateur recherchant/échangeant sur le même sujet, veuillez commenter directement ce fil et laisser des informations afin que les autres chercheurs puissent l'aider. Ne créez pas d'articles sur le même sujet. Si vous enfreignez la loi 2 fois ou plus, nous bannirons le compte et supprimerons les informations relatives au compte.

Zone d'assistance​

Annonce : endroit pour annoncer de nouvelles activités ou des changements et mises à jour importants de l'administrateur
Commentaires : lieu permettant de donner des commentaires sur les problèmes d'erreur des utilisateurs et sur la manière de résoudre les erreurs.
FAQ : questions fréquemment posées

Toute autre question nécessite une assistance privée : cliquez ici pour contacter notre équipe d'assistance


New Member
Reputation: 1%

Introducing and guiding the regulations of zones in Paperzonevn​

Template Library Zone​

Free Zone: Place to post and store free templates
Premium Zone: Place to post and store popular paid templates
Mystery Zone: Place to post and store special, highly rare paid templates
Samplate and location information to create new threads format

1. Prefix… : Select the category for which template you want to create
2. Thread title: Title you want to create
[general name] model name Ver. (additional notes) by Author
For example:
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager (Simple Ver. )
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager Ver.2 (Evolution)
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager defense Ver.
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager defense Ver. by Author
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager defense Ver. - Author

3. Thumbnail: Square image, size 500x500 px (How to get the link thumbnail at here)
4. Resources: Source where template was created
if unknown, please write "Received from the internet, please help me if you know its origin."
5. Author: The author created the template,
if unknown, please write "Unknown. I don't know who the author is, please help me if you know."
6. Printed File Format: The format that can be used for printing is in the attachment you provide
7. Page(s): The total number of pages used to print in the file is mentioned in Printed File Format
8. Part(s): The total number of parts used to print in the file is mentioned in Printed File Format (if unknown, You can skip)
9. Instruction Format: The format that can be used to view the instructions is included in the attachment you provided
10. Star rating: Evaluate the difficulty level of the template
11. Empty box to write content and images
[general name] model name Ver. (additional notes) by Author + Papercraft (tips: copy and paste Title + Papercraft) (For example: [Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager Ver.2 (Evolution) by Author Papercraft)
Dimension: H x W x D
Introducing about the template you want to create
Template photos (or finished product photos)

12. Attachment:
Uploadable attachments (PDF, PDO, RAR, ZIP, 7Z)
The limit of each attached file is 100MB (if the file exceeds 100MB, you can google the keyword "How do I split a large WinRAR file using WinRAR" and then attachment the entire split file)
13. Tags: tags so people can find other related posts with the same tags more easily and help your threads be seen by more people.

*** You can see the "How to create a new thread" instructions here

* Posts that do not meet regional criteria, are duplicates... will be deleted without prior notice

Other Zone​

Gallery Zone: Exhibition center, finished photos
Experiences Zone: Q&A, sharing experiences
Services: Buying and selling, related services
Plan to create a complete thread including: papercraft template name/ service name, papercraft template image/ related service image, price, sample image (if any), contact information
So that everyone can follow and contact you in the easiest way and work on that thread
Each user is only allowed to create 1 thread about their own service (if intentionally cheating we will ban the account forever)

Exchange: Exchange area
Format for creating new threads

1. Thread title: Write all the template information you're looking for, including the template name and author, so everyone can easily find it
- Looking for Name template by author (If you are looking for a template)
- Exchange Name template by author (If you want to exchange template)
For example:
- Looking for Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi by author Youlingke
- Exchange Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi by author Youlingke

2. Empty box to write content and images:

- If you are looking for a template:
Looking for Name template by author Papercraft
Template image you are looking for
Contact information: comment directly on the thread or leave contact information so others can easily help
For example:

Looking for Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi by author Youlingke Papercraft
Photo images
Contact information:

- If you want to exchange template:
Exchange Name template by author Papercraft
Template image you are exchange
Exchange for Name template by author Papercraft
Template image you are exchange
Contact information: comment directly on the thread or leave contact information so others can easily help
For example:

Exchange Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi by author Youlingke Papercraft
Photo images
Exchange for genshin impact klee by author Youlingke Papercraft
Photo images
Contact information:

* Please use the upload images button to upload images, do not embed posts / images links from outside
* Trading threads posted outside this area will be deleted without notice and files will not be uploaded to these areas.
* Shared files can be uploaded to the corresponding Template Library Zone.
* Posts that are not in the correct format will be deleted without notice. When posting, users must be active in the newly created topic. Do not create too many posts to spam. Please participate in the post happily and contribute.
* User searching/trading for the same topic please comment directly on that thread and leave information so that other searchers can help. Do not create articles with the same topic. If you violate the law 2 times or more, we will banned account and delete account related information

Support Zone​

Announcement: Place to announce new activities or important changes and updates of administrator
Feedback: Place to give feedback on user error issues and how to troubleshoot errors
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Any other questions want private support: Click here contact our team support


New Member
rio grande

Introducing and guiding the regulations of zones in Paperzonevn​

Template Library Zone​

Free Zone: Place to post and store free templates
Premium Zone: Place to post and store popular paid templates
Mystery Zone: Place to post and store special, highly rare paid templates
Samplate and location information to create new threads format

1. Prefix… : Select the category for which template you want to create
2. Thread title: Title you want to create
[general name] model name Ver. (additional notes) by Author
For example:
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager (Simple Ver. )
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager Ver.2 (Evolution)
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager defense Ver.
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager defense Ver. by Author
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager defense Ver. - Author

3. Thumbnail: Square image, size 500x500 px (How to get the link thumbnail at here)
4. Resources: Source where template was created
if unknown, please write "Received from the internet, please help me if you know its origin."
5. Author: The author created the template,
if unknown, please write "Unknown. I don't know who the author is, please help me if you know."
6. Printed File Format: The format that can be used for printing is in the attachment you provide
7. Page(s): The total number of pages used to print in the file is mentioned in Printed File Format
8. Part(s): The total number of parts used to print in the file is mentioned in Printed File Format (if unknown, You can skip)
9. Instruction Format: The format that can be used to view the instructions is included in the attachment you provided
10. Star rating: Evaluate the difficulty level of the template
11. Empty box to write content and images
[general name] model name Ver. (additional notes) by Author + Papercraft (tips: copy and paste Title + Papercraft) (For example: [Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager Ver.2 (Evolution) by Author Papercraft)
Dimension: H x W x D
Introducing about the template you want to create
Template photos (or finished product photos)

12. Attachment:
Uploadable attachments (PDF, PDO, RAR, ZIP, 7Z)
The limit of each attached file is 100MB (if the file exceeds 100MB, you can google the keyword "How do I split a large WinRAR file using WinRAR" and then attachment the entire split file)
13. Tags: tags so people can find other related posts with the same tags more easily and help your threads be seen by more people.

*** You can see the "How to create a new thread" instructions here

* Postagens que não atendem aos critérios regionais, são duplicadas... serão excluídas sem aviso prévio

Outra zona​

Zona da Galeria: Centro de Exposições, fotos finalizadas
Zona de Experiências: Perguntas e Respostas, compartilhamento de experiências
Serviços: Compra e venda, serviços relacionados
Planeje criar um tópico completo, incluindo: nome do modelo de papercraft/nome do serviço, imagem do modelo de papercraft/imagem de serviço relacionado, preço, imagem de amostra (se houver), informações de contato
Para que todos possam acompanhar e entrar em contato com você da maneira mais fácil e trabalhar nesse tópico
Cada usuário só pode criar 1 tópico sobre seu próprio serviço (se trapacear intencionalmente, baniremos a conta para sempre)

Câmbio: Área de câmbio
Formato para criação de novos tópicos

1. Título do tópico: Escreva todas as informações do modelo que você procura, incluindo o nome e o autor do modelo, para que todos possam encontrá-las facilmente
- Procurando modelo de nome por autor (se você estiver procurando por um modelo)
- Trocar modelo de nome por autor (se quiser trocar modelo)
Por exemplo:
- Procurando por Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi do autor Youlingke
- Troque Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi pelo autor Youlingke

2. Caixa vazia para escrever conteúdo e imagens:

- Se você está procurando um modelo:
Procurando modelo de nome do autor Papercraft
Imagem do modelo que você está procurando
Informações de contato: comente diretamente no tópico ou deixe informações de contato para que outras pessoas possam ajudar facilmente
Por exemplo:

Procurando por Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi do autor Youlingke Papercraft
Imagens fotográficas
Informações de contato:

- Caso queira trocar template:
Modelo de nome de troca do autor Papercraft
Imagem do modelo que você está trocando
Modelo de troca por nome do autor Papercraft
Imagem do modelo que você está trocando
Informações de contato: comente diretamente no tópico ou deixe informações de contato para que outras pessoas possam ajudar facilmente
Por exemplo:

Troque Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi do autor Youlingke Papercraft
Imagens fotográficas
Troca por genshin impact klee do autor Youlingke Papercraft
Imagens fotográficas
Informações de contato:

* Por favor, use o botão de upload de imagens para fazer upload de imagens, não incorpore links de postagens/imagens de fora
* Tópicos de negociação postados fora desta área serão excluídos sem aviso prévio e os arquivos não serão carregados nessas áreas.
* Os arquivos compartilhados podem ser carregados na Zona da Biblioteca de Modelos correspondente .
* Postagens que não estiverem no formato correto serão excluídas sem aviso prévio. Ao postar, os usuários devem estar ativos no tópico recém-criado. Não crie muitas postagens para spam. Por favor, participe da postagem com alegria e contribua.
* Usuários pesquisando/negociando o mesmo tópico, comente diretamente nesse tópico e deixe informações para que outros pesquisadores possam ajudar. Não crie artigos com o mesmo tema. Se você violar a lei 2 vezes ou mais, baniremos a conta e excluiremos as informações relacionadas à conta

Zona de Apoio​

Anúncio: Local para anunciar novas atividades ou mudanças importantes e atualizações do administrador
Feedback: local para fornecer feedback sobre problemas de erro do usuário e como solucionar erros
FAQ: Perguntas Frequentes

Qualquer outra dúvida queira suporte privado: Clique aqui entre em contato com nossa equipe de suporte
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New Member

Présentation et orientation de la réglementation des zones dans Paperzonevn​

Zone de bibliothèque de modèles​

Zone franche : endroit pour publier et stocker des modèles gratuits
Zone Premium : endroit pour publier et stocker des modèles payants populaires
Zone mystère : endroit pour publier et stocker des modèles payants spéciaux et très rares
Informations d'échantillonnage et d'emplacement pour créer un nouveau format de fil de discussion

1. Préfixe… : Sélectionnez la catégorie pour quel modèle vous souhaitez créer
2. Titre du fil : titre que vous souhaitez créer
Exemple :
[nom général] nom du modèle Ver. (notes supplémentaires) par auteur
Par exemple:
[L'Attaque des Titans] Eren Yeager (Simple Ver. )
[L'Attaque des Titans] Eren Yeager Ver.2 (Évolution)
[Attaque des Titans] Défense d'Eren Yeager Ver.
[Attaque des Titans] Défense d'Eren Yeager Ver. par auteur
[Attaque des Titans] Défense d'Eren Yeager Ver. - Auteur

3. Miniature : image carrée, taille 500 x 500 px (Comment obtenir la miniature du lienici)
4. Ressources : Source où le modèle a été créé
si inconnu, veuillez écrire « Reçu d'Internet, aidez-moi s'il vous plaît si vous connaissez son origine. »
5. Auteur : L'auteur a créé le modèle,
si inconnu, veuillez écrire « Inconnu. Je ne sais pas qui est l'auteur, aidez-moi s'il vous plaît si vous le savez. »
6. Format de fichier imprimé : Le format pouvant être utilisé pour l'impression se trouve dans la pièce jointe que vous fournissez.
7. Page(s) : Le nombre total de pages utilisées pour imprimer dans le fichier est mentionné dans Format de fichier imprimé
8. Pièce(s) : Le nombre total de pièces utilisées pour imprimer dans le fichier est mentionné dans le format de fichier imprimé (s'il est inconnu, vous pouvez l'ignorer)
9. Format des instructions : Le format qui peut être utilisé pour afficher les instructions est inclus dans la pièce jointe que vous avez fournie.
10. Classement par étoiles : évaluez le niveau de difficulté du modèle
11. Boîte vide pour écrire du contenu et des images
[nom général] nom du modèle Ver. (notes supplémentaires) par Author + Papercraft (conseils : copier-coller Titre + Papercraft) (Par exemple : [Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager Ver.2 (Evolution) par Author Papercraft)
Dimension : H x L x P
Présentation du modèle que vous souhaitez créer
Photos de modèles (ou photos de produits finis)

12. Pièce jointe :
Pièces jointes téléchargeables (PDF, PDO, RAR, ZIP, 7Z)
La limite de chaque fichier joint est de 100 Mo (si le fichier dépasse 100 Mo, vous pouvez rechercher sur Google le mot-clé « Comment diviser un gros fichier WinRAR à l'aide de WinRAR », puis joindre l'intégralité du fichier divisé)
13. Balises : balises permettant aux utilisateurs de trouver plus facilement d'autres publications connexes avec les mêmes balises et d'aider vos discussions à être vues par davantage de personnes.

*** Vous pouvez voir les instructions "Comment créer un nouveau fil de discussion" ici

* Les messages ne répondant pas aux critères régionaux, sont des doublons... seront supprimés sans préavis

Autre zone​

Zone Galerie : Parc des expositions, photos terminées
Zone Expériences : questions-réponses, partage d'expériences
Services : Achat et vente, services associés
Prévoyez de créer un fil de discussion complet comprenant : le nom du modèle Papercraft/le nom du service, l'image du modèle Papercraft/l'image du service associé, le prix, l'exemple d'image (le cas échéant), les coordonnées.
Pour que tout le monde puisse vous suivre et vous contacter de la manière la plus simple possible et travailler sur ce fil
Chaque utilisateur n'est autorisé à créer qu'un seul fil de discussion sur son propre service (en cas de triche intentionnelle, nous bannirons le compte pour toujours)

Bourse : Zone d'échange
Format pour créer de nouveaux fils de discussion

1. Titre du fil de discussion : écrivez toutes les informations sur le modèle que vous recherchez, y compris le nom et l'auteur du modèle, afin que tout le monde puisse le trouver facilement.
- Recherche d'un modèle de nom par auteur (Si vous recherchez un modèle)
- Modèle de nom d'échange par auteur (Si vous souhaitez échanger un modèle)
Par exemple:
- À la recherche du chibi Butterfly Snow de Hatsune Miku par l'auteur Youlingke
- Échangez le chibi Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow par l'auteur Youlingke

2. Boîte vide pour écrire du contenu et des images :

- Si vous recherchez un modèle :
Recherche d'un modèle de nom par l'auteur Papercraft
Image modèle que vous recherchez
Coordonnées : commentez directement sur le fil de discussion ou laissez vos coordonnées pour que les autres puissent facilement vous aider
Par exemple:

À la recherche du chibi Butterfly Snow de Hatsune Miku par l'auteur Youlingke Papercraft
Images photographiques
Coordonnées :

- Si vous souhaitez échanger un modèle :
Modèle de nom d'échange par l'auteur Papercraft
Image modèle que vous échangez
Échange contre le modèle de nom de l'auteur Papercraft
Image modèle que vous échangez
Coordonnées : commentez directement sur le fil de discussion ou laissez vos coordonnées pour que les autres puissent facilement vous aider
Par exemple:

Échangez Hatsune Miku Butterfly Snow chibi par l'auteur Youlingke Papercraft
Images photographiques
Échange contre genshin impact Klee par l'auteur Youlingke Papercraft
Images photographiques
Coordonnées :

* Veuillez utiliser le bouton de téléchargement d'images pour télécharger des images, n'intégrez pas de liens vers des publications/images provenant de l'extérieur.
* Les discussions publiées en dehors de cette zone seront supprimées sans préavis et les fichiers ne seront pas téléchargés dans ces zones.
* Les fichiers partagés peuvent être téléchargés vers la zone de bibliothèque de modèles correspondante .
* Les messages qui ne sont pas au bon format seront supprimés sans préavis. Lors de la publication, les utilisateurs doivent être actifs dans le sujet nouvellement créé. Ne créez pas trop de messages pour spam. Veuillez participer à la publication avec plaisir et contribuer.
* Utilisateur recherchant/échangeant sur le même sujet, veuillez commenter directement ce fil et laisser des informations afin que les autres chercheurs puissent l'aider. Ne créez pas d'articles sur le même sujet. Si vous enfreignez la loi 2 fois ou plus, nous bannirons le compte et supprimerons les informations relatives au compte.

Zone d'assistance​

Annonce : endroit pour annoncer de nouvelles activités ou des changements et mises à jour importants de l'administrateur
Commentaires : lieu permettant de donner des commentaires sur les problèmes d'erreur des utilisateurs et sur la manière de résoudre les erreurs.
FAQ : questions fréquemment posées

Toute autre question nécessite une assistance privée : cliquez ici pour contacter notre équipe d'assistance
Bonjour et Merci


New Member

Introducing and guiding the regulations of zones in Paperzonevn​

Template Library Zone​

Free Zone: Place to post and store free templates
Premium Zone: Place to post and store popular paid templates
Mystery Zone: Place to post and store special, highly rare paid templates
Samplate and location information to create new threads format

1. Prefix… : Select the category for which template you want to create
2. Thread title: Title you want to create
[general name] model name Ver. (additional notes) by Author
For example:
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager (Simple Ver. )
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager Ver.2 (Evolution)
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager defense Ver.
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager defense Ver. by Author
[Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager defense Ver. - Author

3. Thumbnail: Square image, size 500x500 px (How to get the link thumbnail at here)
4. Resources: Source where template was created
if unknown, please write "Received from the internet, please help me if you know its origin."
5. Author: The author created the template,
if unknown, please write "Unknown. I don't know who the author is, please help me if you know."
6. Printed File Format: The format that can be used for printing is in the attachment you provide
7. Page(s): The total number of pages used to print in the file is mentioned in Printed File Format
8. Part(s): The total number of parts used to print in the file is mentioned in Printed File Format (if unknown, You can skip)
9. Instruction Format: The format that can be used to view the instructions is included in the attachment you provided
10. Star rating: Evaluate the difficulty level of the template
11. Empty box to write content and images
[general name] model name Ver. (additional notes) by Author + Papercraft (tips: copy and paste Title + Papercraft) (For example: [Attack on Titan] Eren Yeager Ver.2 (Evolution) by Author Papercraft)
Dimension: H x W x D
Introducing about the template you want to create
Template photos (or finished product photos)

12. Attachment:
Uploadable attachments (PDF, PDO, RAR, ZIP, 7Z)
The limit of each attached file is 100MB (if the file exceeds 100MB, you can google the keyword "How do I split a large WinRAR file using WinRAR" and then attachment the entire split file)
13. Tags: tags so people can find other related posts with the same tags more easily and help your threads be seen by more people.

*** You can see the "How to create a new thread" instructions here

* Posts that do not meet regional criteria, are duplicates... will be deleted without prior notice

Other Zone​

Gallery Zone: Exhibition center, finished photos
Experiences Zone: Q&A, sharing experiences
Services: Buying and selling, related services
Plan to create a complete thread including: papercraft template name/ service name, papercraft template image/ related service image, price, sample image (if any), contact information
So that everyone can follow and contact you in the easiest way and work on that thread
Each user is only allowed to create 1 thread about their own service (if intentionally cheating we will ban the account forever)

Exchange: Exchange area
Format for creating new threads

1. Thread title: Write all the template information you're looking for, including the template name and author, so everyone can easily find it
- Looking for Name template by author (If you are looking for a template)
- Exchange Name template by author (If you want to exchange template)
For example:
- Looking for Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi by author Youlingke
- Exchange Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi by author Youlingke

2. Empty box to write content and images:

- If you are looking for a template:
Looking for Name template by author Papercraft
Template image you are looking for
Contact information: comment directly on the thread or leave contact information so others can easily help
For example:

Looking for Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi by author Youlingke Papercraft
Photo images
Contact information:

- If you want to exchange template:
Exchange Name template by author Papercraft
Template image you are exchange
Exchange for Name template by author Papercraft
Template image you are exchange
Contact information: comment directly on the thread or leave contact information so others can easily help
For example:

Exchange Hatsune miku Butterfly Snow chibi by author Youlingke Papercraft
Photo images
Exchange for genshin impact klee by author Youlingke Papercraft
Photo images
Contact information:

* Please use the upload images button to upload images, do not embed posts / images links from outside
* Trading threads posted outside this area will be deleted without notice and files will not be uploaded to these areas.
* Shared files can be uploaded to the corresponding Template Library Zone.
* Posts that are not in the correct format will be deleted without notice. When posting, users must be active in the newly created topic. Do not create too many posts to spam. Please participate in the post happily and contribute.
* User searching/trading for the same topic please comment directly on that thread and leave information so that other searchers can help. Do not create articles with the same topic. If you violate the law 2 times or more, we will banned account and delete account related information

Support Zone​

Announcement: Place to announce new activities or important changes and updates of administrator
Feedback: Place to give feedback on user error issues and how to troubleshoot errors
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Any other questions want private support: Click here contact our team support
im new member


New Member
Reputation: 1%
merci de m'avoir accepté et de partager vos créations. je créé pour ma famille pour offrir des petits cadeaux faits maison et pour moi-même et des collègues pour offrir aussi
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Leona Trarbach

Reputation: 81%
Rio de Janeiro Brasil
obrigado por me aceitar , no momento estou em recuperação de um cirurgia a qual não posso fazer nenhum esforço e na busca de uma atividade para fazer nesse período encontrei o paper craft que está me fazendo muito bem pois me mantem com as mãos e mente ocupada para não pensar nas inúmeras coisas que gostaria de estar fazendo que exigiria esforço físico e o mais bacana que posso dar vida aos bonecos que sempre quis ter, gratidão paperzone
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New Member
Reputation: 1%
Bonjour je suis nouvelle merci d'avoir créé ce site c'est formidable, je dois me présenter quelque part ou c'est pas nécessaire ?


Staff member
Reputation: 100%
Bonjour je suis nouvelle merci d'avoir créé ce site c'est formidable, je dois me présenter quelque part ou c'est pas nécessaire ?
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