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mulindaManualidad de papel de impacto de Hutao Genshin
Este diseño de hu tao de Genshin Impact lo hice hace 1 o 2 años sin saber usar ningún programa de diseño 3D y nunca pude terminarlo como me hubiera gustado, pero aquí está para los que les guste o para los que quieran. para mejorarlo, en el futuro intentaré mejorarlo y arreglar algunas partes que no tienen mucho sentido.
good jobHutao Genshin Impact Papercraft
I made this Genshin Impact hu tao design 1 or 2 years ago without knowing how to use any 3D design program and I was never able to finish it as I would have liked, but here it is for those who like it or for those who want to improve it, in the future I'll try to improve it and fix some parts that don't make much sense.
god damnHutao Genshin Impact Papercraft
I made this Genshin Impact hu tao design 1 or 2 years ago without knowing how to use any 3D design program and I was never able to finish it as I would have liked, but here it is for those who like it or for those who want to improve it, in the future I'll try to improve it and fix some parts that don't make much sense.
love thisHutao Genshin Impact Papercraft
I made this Genshin Impact hu tao design 1 or 2 years ago without knowing how to use any 3D design program and I was never able to finish it as I would have liked, but here it is for those who like it or for those who want to improve it, in the future I'll try to improve it and fix some parts that don't make much sense.
Game Genshin Impact : Hutao by S.V
Game [Genshin Impact] Amber
Game [Genshin Impact] Ganyu
Game Genshin Impact: Klee
Game [Genshin Impact] Lumine