How to get Premium for Free on PaperzoneVN


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daccord on felicite le plat pour pouvoir l obtenir et le gouter si il est pas bon on le dit apres avoir dit qu il est ( c est l oeuf et la poule)


New Member
331 East Avenue

Support policy for users contributing to PaperzoneVN library​

Free Users Reach the Reaction Score Point (RSP) RSP 1: 1500 reactions, You will receive the Premium Mini package RSP 2: 3200 reactions, You will receive the Premium Mini package RSP 3: 7040 reactions, You will receive the Premium Mini package RSP 4: 15488 reactions, You will receive the Premium Mini package RSP 5: 34074 reactions, You will receive the Premium Max package RSP 6: 74963 reactions, You will receive the Premium Max 3 month package RSP 7: coming soon Support offers: Premium Mini up Premium More: for only $10 Premium Mini up Premium Max: for only $15 Preferential support conditions: When you reach RSP 1 and receive Premium Mini, We will support the conversion for you at "Support offers" at the time you receive it Note: * Threads must follow the format we mention here. * Users with warnings will not be able to participate in the reward Tips: The more carefully the threads is taken care of, the more beautiful it will be, the more people will like to download it, you will quickly achieve RSP Premium Users Mystery Zone: Contribute 4 templates, you will get free premium Max package in the next month Premium Zone: Contribute 12 templates, you will get the premium Mini package for free the next month Contribute 36 templates, you will get free premium package More in the next month *** 1 month we will summarize the quantity once, it will not accumulate in the next month The change period will begin on October 1, 2023 In addition, we have some specific Premium Max package value changes as follows Monthly Premium Zone downloads (6 categories, without Kirigami category): reduced from 24 to 8 Monthly Mystery Robot category downloads: increased from 1 to 2 See more ‘Plans and Pricing'.


New Member

Política de suporte para usuários que contribuem para a biblioteca PaperzoneVN

Usuários Livres​

Recompensas de Pontos de Pontuação de Reação (RSP):
  • RSP 1: 1.500 reações – Receba o pacote Premium Mini .
  • RSP 2: 3.200 reações – Receba o pacote Premium Mini .
  • RSP 3: 7.040 reações – Receba o pacote Premium Mini .
  • RSP 4: 15.488 reações – Receba o pacote Premium Mini .
  • RSP 5: 34.074 reações – Receba o pacote Premium Max .
  • RSP 6: 74.963 reações – Receba o Premium Max (pacote de 3 meses) .
  • RSP 7: Em breve.
Ofertas de suporte:
  • Upgrade de Premium Mini para Premium More: $ 10
  • Upgrade de Premium Mini para Premium Max: $ 15

(*) Condições de Suporte Preferencial:
  • Ao atingir o RSP 1 e receber o pacote Premium Mini , os usuários podem fazer upgrade com as taxas de desconto disponíveis em "Ofertas de suporte" no momento da recompensa.
(**) Observações importantes:
  • Os tópicos devem seguir rigorosamente o formato especificado descrito [aqui].
  • Usuários com avisos ativos não são elegíveis para recompensas.
  • Dicas: Tópicos de alta qualidade e visualmente atraentes atraem mais downloads, ajudando você a atingir os marcos do RSP mais rapidamente.

Usuários Premium​

Zona Misteriosa:
  • Contribua com 4 modelos para receber um pacote Premium Max gratuito no mês seguinte.

Zona Premium:
  • Contribua com 12 modelos para receber um pacote Premium Mini gratuito no mês seguinte.
  • Contribua com 36 modelos para receber um pacote Premium More gratuitamente no mês seguinte.

(*) Regras mensais:
  • As contribuições são contabilizadas no final de cada mês. Os pontos não são transferidos para os meses subsequentes.

Atualizações de política (em vigor em 1º de outubro de 2023):
Alterações no pacote Premium Max:

  • Downloads mensais da Zona Premium: reduzidos de 24 para 8 (excluindo a categoria Kirigami).
  • Downloads mensais da categoria Robô Misterioso: Aumentou de 1 para 2 .
Para mais detalhes, consulte' Planos e preços '


New Member

Support Policy for Users Contributing to PaperzoneVN Library

Free Users​

Reaction Score Point (RSP) Rewards:
  • RSP 1: 1,500 reactions – Receive the Premium Mini package.
  • RSP 2: 3,200 reactions – Receive the Premium Mini package.
  • RSP 3: 7,040 reactions – Receive the Premium Mini package.
  • RSP 4: 15,488 reactions – Receive the Premium Mini package.
  • RSP 5: 34,074 reactions – Receive the Premium Max package.
  • RSP 6: 74,963 reactions – Receive the Premium Max (3-month package).
  • RSP 7: Coming soon.
Support Offers:
  • Upgrade from Premium Mini to Premium More: $10
  • Upgrade from Premium Mini to Premium Max: $15

(*) Preferential Support Conditions:
  • Upon reaching RSP 1 and receiving the Premium Mini package, users can upgrade at the discounted rates available under "Support Offers" at the time of reward.
(**) Important Notes:
  • Threads must strictly follow the specified format outlined [here].
  • Users with active warnings are not eligible for rewards.
  • Tips: High-quality and visually appealing threads attract more downloads, helping you achieve RSP milestones faster.

Premium Users​

Mystery Zone:
  • Contribute 4 templates to receive a Premium Max package for free the following month.

Premium Zone:
  • Contribute 12 templates to receive a Premium Mini package for free the following month.
  • Contribute 36 templates to receive a Premium More package for free the following month.

(*) Monthly Rules:
  • Contributions are tallied at the end of each month. Points do not carry over to subsequent months.

Policy Updates (Effective October 1, 2023):
Premium Max Package Changes:

  • Monthly Premium Zone downloads: Reduced from 24 to 8 (excluding Kirigami category).
  • Monthly Mystery Robot category downloads: Increased from 1 to 2.
For more details, see'Plans and Pricing'.

Paper Iconic

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Reputation: 100%
daccord on felicite le plat pour pouvoir l obtenir et le gouter si il est pas bon on le dit apres avoir dit qu il est ( c est l oeuf et la poule)
Je comprends votre point de vue, mais montrer son soutien avant de télécharger est aussi un moyen d’encourager les créateurs à continuer de partager du contenu gratuitement. De plus, après avoir essayé, si vous changez d’avis, vous pouvez toujours ajuster votre réaction ou donner un retour objectif