Anime Paper Toys Hatake Kakashi


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Hatake Kakashi paper toy
While trying to save Rin, Kakashi lost his left eye while parrying Obito. In that moment, for the first time in his life, Obito awakened the power of his Sharingan eye and killed his enemies. However, a bomb detonated caused the ground to collapse, Obito saved Kakashi, so he was crushed by a stone on the right side of his body. Before he died, Obito said to Kakashi, "I haven't given you anything yet, have I?", then asked Rin to transplant his left Sharingan eye into Kakashi's. Kakashi with that eye used all his remaining strength to kill the enemy. The friendship between Kakashi and Obito was mended but it was too late, Obito was no more, Kakashi always blamed himself for Obito's death. In the end, his team was left with no one but him.

You will see six translucent numbers in the video. The six numbers are your password.
Password: 812177


New Member
Reputation: 7%
اسباب بازی کاغذی Hatake Kakashi
کاکاشی در حین تلاش برای نجات رین، چشم چپ خود را در حین تقابل با اوبیتو از دست داد. در آن لحظه، اوبیتو برای اولین بار در زندگی خود، قدرت چشم شارینگان خود را بیدار کرد و دشمنان خود را کشت. با این حال، انفجار بمب باعث فروریختن زمین شد، اوبیتو کاکاشی را نجات داد، بنابراین او توسط سنگی در سمت راست بدنش له شد. قبل از مرگ، اوبیتو به کاکاشی گفت: "من هنوز چیزی به تو نداده ام، نه؟"، سپس از رین خواست تا چشم چپ شارینگان خود را به چشم کاکاشی پیوند بزند. کاکاشی با آن چشم از تمام نیروی باقی مانده خود برای کشتن دشمن استفاده کرد. دوستی بین کاکاشی و اوبیتو اصلاح شد اما خیلی دیر شده بود، اوبیتو دیگر نبود، کاکاشی همیشه خود را مقصر مرگ اوبیتو می دانست. در نهایت تیمش جز او هیچ کس باقی نماند.

شش عدد شفاف را در این ویدیو خواهید دید. شش عدد رمز عبور شماست.
رمز عبور: 812177


New Member
Reputation: 1%
Hatake Kakashi paper toy
While trying to save Rin, Kakashi lost his left eye while parrying Obito. In that moment, for the first time in his life, Obito awakened the power of his Sharingan eye and killed his enemies. However, a bomb detonated caused the ground to collapse, Obito saved Kakashi, so he was crushed by a stone on the right side of his body. Before he died, Obito said to Kakashi, "I haven't given you anything yet, have I?", then asked Rin to transplant his left Sharingan eye into Kakashi's. Kakashi with that eye used all his remaining strength to kill the enemy. The friendship between Kakashi and Obito was mended but it was too late, Obito was no more, Kakashi always blamed himself for Obito's death. In the end, his team was left with no one but him.

You will see six translucent numbers in the video. The six numbers are your password.
Password: 812177


New Member
Reputation: 1%
Calle boltaña 57, 28022
Juguete de papel de Hatake Kakashi
Mientras intentaba salvar a Rin, Kakashi perdió su ojo izquierdo al parar a Obito. En ese momento, por primera vez en su vida, Obito despertó el poder de su ojo Sharingan y mató a sus enemigos. Sin embargo, una bomba detonó provocó que el suelo se derrumbara, Obito salvó a Kakashi, por lo que fue aplastado por una piedra en el lado derecho de su cuerpo. Antes de morir, Obito le dijo a Kakashi: "Todavía no te he dado nada, ¿verdad?", luego le pidió a Rin que trasplantara su ojo Sharingan izquierdo al de Kakashi. Kakashi con ese ojo usó toda su fuerza restante para matar al enemigo. La amistad entre Kakashi y Obito se reparó pero fue demasiado tarde, Obito ya no estaba, Kakashi siempre se culpó a sí mismo por la muerte de Obito. Al final, su equipo se quedó sin nadie más que él.

En el video verás seis números translúcidos. Los seis números son tu contraseña.
Contraseña: 812177


New Member
Hatake Kakashi kağıt oyuncak
Rin'i kurtarmaya çalışırken, Kakashi Obito'yu savuştururken sol gözünü kaybetti. O anda, hayatında ilk kez, Obito Sharingan gözünün gücünü uyandırdı ve düşmanlarını öldürdü. Ancak, patlayan bir bomba zeminin çökmesine neden oldu, Obito Kakashi'yi kurtardı, bu yüzden vücudunun sağ tarafındaki bir taş tarafından ezildi. Ölmeden önce, Obito Kakashi'ye, "Sana henüz hiçbir şey vermedim, değil mi?" dedi, sonra Rin'den sol Sharingan gözünü Kakashi'ninkine nakletmesini istedi. O göze sahip Kakashi, kalan tüm gücünü düşmanı öldürmek için kullandı. Kakashi ve Obito arasındaki dostluk onarıldı ama çok geçti, Obito artık yoktu, Kakashi her zaman Obito'nun ölümünden kendini sorumlu tuttu. Sonunda, ekibi ondan başka kimseyle kalmadı.

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Şifre: 812177