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prfeitoCaixa de luz - Harry Potter e as Relíquias da Morte
8 arquivos PDF
8 arquivos CDR
8 arquivos SVG
Muitas pessoas me perguntam por que eu gosto de ler sobre Harry e seus amigos. Eu também estou pensando nisso. Provavelmente, nos livros de Harry Potter, as pessoas são mais atraídas não pela magia. Embora sobre ele, também, seja interessante ler. O mais importante é a amizade que conectou Ron, Harry e Hermione. Neville Longbottom e os outros caras são muito interessantes. Dumbledore me lembra Gandalf em O Senhor dos Anéis. Ele é tão sábio e corajoso.
Você pode baixar este modelo de lightbox abaixo na página.
MUCHAS GRACIASLight box - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
8 PDF files
8 CDR files
8 SVG files
Many people ask me why I like to read about Harry and his friends. I’m thinking about it, too. Most likely, in the Harry Potter books, people are more attracted not to magic. Although about him, too, interestingly to read. The most important thing is the friendship that connected Ron, Harry and Hermione. Neville Longbottom and the other guys are very interesting. Dumbledore reminds me of Gandalf in the Lord of the rings. He’s just as wise and brave.
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Boîte à lumière - Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort
8 fichiers PDF
8 fichiers CDR
8 fichiers SVG
Beaucoup de gens me demandent pourquoi j'aime lire sur Harry et ses amis. J'y pense aussi. Il est fort probable que dans les livres d'Harry Potter, les gens ne soient pas attirés par la magie. Bien qu'il soit également intéressant de lire sur lui. Le plus important est l'amitié qui a uni Ron, Harry et Hermione. Neville Londubat et les autres sont très intéressants. Dumbledore me rappelle Gandalf dans le Seigneur des anneaux. Il est tout aussi sage et courageux.
Vous pouvez télécharger ce modèle de lightbox ci-dessous sur la page.
Light box - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
8 PDF files
8 CDR files
8 SVG files
Many people ask me why I like to read about Harry and his friends. I’m thinking about it, too. Most likely, in the Harry Potter books, people are more attracted not to magic. Although about him, too, interestingly to read. The most important thing is the friendship that connected Ron, Harry and Hermione. Neville Longbottom and the other guys are very interesting. Dumbledore reminds me of Gandalf in the Lord of the rings. He’s just as wise and brave.
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Light Box Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
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Light Box Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Triwizard second task
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Light Box Harry Potter - Dobby when receiving the gift of freedom
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Light Box Harry Potter Ver. 4
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Light Box [Harry Potter] Lord Voldemort