Light Box [Game of Thrones] Ellaria Sand Dorne Sun and Spear


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Light Box - [Game of Thrones] Ellaria Sand Dorne Sun and Spear
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This Light box is a variation of the cover illustration created for volume 3 of the French publication of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series. Each cover features an iconic character and location from the story, contained in a faction silhouette. Vol 3 depicts Ellaria Sand, Dorne, and the sun and spear sigil of house Martell.

House Martell of Sunspear is one of the Great Houses of Westeros. It rules the peninsula of Dorne in the far south of the continent from their castle Sunspear. Though loyal to the Iron Throne, the Martells were never conquered by the Targaryens and pursued a more isolated role in wider political events since Robert's Rebellion.

House Martell's sigil is a red sun pierced by a golden spear, on an orange field, a combination of the original Martell sigil - a yellow spear - and the emblem of Princess Nymeria - a red sun - to symbolize the marriage of the warrior-queen to Mors Martell. Their house words are "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken."

With the assassinations of Prince Doran Martell and his only heir, Prince Trystane, by Ellaria Sand and the three eldest Sand Snakes, the Sand Snakes carried the Martell blood through their father Oberyn Martell. The Sand Snakes also continued to use the Martell sigil to represent themselves and Dorne.

Under the leadership of Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes, the forces of House Martell and Dorne were aligned to support the cause of Daenerys Targaryen against House Lannister after they declared war against them.

Following the deaths of the older Sand Snakes and Ellaria's imprisonment in King's Landing and likely death, an unnamed Martell acquires the lordship of Dorne, becoming its prince.

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