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3D Snowflake papercraft
A snowflake is a single ice crystal that has achieved a sufficient size, and may have amalgamated with others, which falls through the Earth's atmosphere as snow.
Each flake nucleates around a dust particle in supersaturated air masses by attracting supercooled cloud...
Christmas paper decorations
Don’t forget to put your loop of thread in before sticking the models together.
Đừng quên đặt dây treo vào trong trước khi dán kín các mẫu.
The traditional Christmas narrative recounted in the New Testament, known as the Nativity of Jesus, says that Jesus was born in...
Winter Soldier papercraft
Sergeant James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes is a World War II veteran, a former officer of the 107th Infantry Regiment and the best friend of Steve Rogers since childhood. Barnes had enlisted into the Army and was assigned to the 107th in 1943. His regiment was captured by...