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Star GaoGaiGar papercraft
The GBR-01 GaoGaiGar (ガオガイガー) is the titular Brave robot featured in The King of Braves GaoGaiGar TV series. The first Super Mechanoid built by GGG, it is formed from the Final Fusion (ファイナルフュージョン), also known as the Superhuman Combination (超人合体 - Choujin Gattai) of the...
[Goldenglue] Star Gaogaigar papercraft
Star GaoGaiGar (スターガオガイガー) is a Brave robot from The King of Braves GaoGaiGar TV series. An upgraded space-oriented variant of G.B.R.-01 GaoGaiGar, it replaces the Stealth Gao with the Stealth Gao II during Final Fusion. Aside from being piloted by Guy and...