
  1. Ranged Psycho-Pass: Dominator

    Psycho-Pass Dominator papercraft The Dominator Portable Psychological Diagnosis and Suppression System (Japanese: 携帯型心理診断鎮圧執行システム Romaji: Keitai-gata shinri shindan chin'atsu shikkō shisutemu)、ドミネーター or 45MW.TRG Dominator is the iconic firearm carried by enlisted Inspection and Enforcement...
  2. Anime Chibi [Psycho-Pass] Akane Tsunemori

    [Psycho-Pass] Akane Tsunemori papercraft Akane Tsunemori (常守 朱 Tsunemori Akane) is a protagonist and point-of-view character in Psycho-Pass, a main protagonist in Psycho-Pass 2 and a "behind-the-scenes force" in Psycho-Pass 3. At some point, she is arrested for an incident in which she stands...