
  1. Gundam Super Deformed (SD) SD Blaze Zaku Phantom [Soniczero]

    SD Blaze Zaku Phantom [Soniczero] Papercraft The Blaze ZAKU Phantom is the ZGMF-1001 ZAKU Phantom equipped with the Wizard System's EX-M Blaze Wizard on its back. As a result, the suit has higher mobility in space and on earth due to additional high output thrusters mounted in the Blaze Wizard...
  2. Five Star Stories FSS - Phantom [One Star]

    FSS - Phantom [One Star] papercraft The White Phantom is piloted by Blanche Knight, Naias Brunehilde of the Kneu Syltiss White Group. The Scarlet Phantom by former Kensei, Ena dai gu Fillmore, the grandmother of the Fillmore Emperor. Finally, the Black Phantom is piloted by Madora Morai...