paper iconic

  1. 0 degree (Tencil) Nezuko

    Demon slayer: Nezuko stencil A simple pattern I make in my spare time. I hope you like it.
  2. Animals Low Poly Fawn (Young Deer)

    Fawn Low Poly Papercraft Dimensions: 250 x 300 x 193 mm Free DXF and SVG files for plotters are available at A fawn is a young deer, often associated with innocence and gentleness in nature. With its light brown coat and distinctive white spots, a fawn...
  3. Decorative Plane Head Sculpture

    Plane Head Sculpture Papercraft Dimensions: 290 x 160 x 199 mm Free DXF and SVG files for plotters are available at Plane Head Sculpture is an abstract sculpting style in which the human face or head is simplified into geometric planes. This style focuses...