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Ninja Gaiden papercraft diorama
Ninja Gaiden, released in Japan as Ninja Ryūkenden (Japanese: 忍者龍剣伝, literally "Legend of the Ninja Dragon Sword") and as Shadow Warriors in Europe, is a hack-and-slash platform game. Tecmo developed and published it for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles papercraft
Dimensions: 129 x 99 x 99 mm
Four teenage mutant ninja turtles emerge from the shadows to protect New York City from a gang of criminal ninjas.
Death Ninja papercraft
The mysterious Death Ninja desired to die but was cursed by the soulless man, known as Centurious, with everlasting life. The only way to break the curse was to die by the hands of the Spirit of Vengeance known as the Ghost Rider. The soulless man wanted the soul of the...
Ninja papercraft
Ninja or Ninja ( Japanese : 忍者にんじゃ? )orShinobi( Japan : 忍しの? _ )is the name given toindividualsororganizations ofespionage or mercenaries who specialize in clandestine activities underfeudal Japanon the unorthodox art of war fromthe Kamakura periodtothe Edo period. The mission...
Onion Knight (Ninja Form) papercraft
The Onion Knight (オニオンナイトOnion Naito ) is one of the basic jobs in the Final Fantasy series . Like the Job Freelancer , the Onion Knight has no real abilities, nor any good equipment. However, this Job's special ability will appear when reaching level 90, the...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Ninja Rùa) papercraft
The franchise began as a comic book, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which Eastman and Laird conceived as a parody of elements popular in superhero comics at the time. The first issue was published in 1984 by Eastman and Laird's company Mirage...
[League of Legends] Kennen Shuriken papercraft
Kennen turns into lightning for 2 seconds, becoming unable to declare basic attacks but gaining Ghost.png ghosting and Movement speed icon.png 100% bonus movement speed. He deals magic damage to enemies he passes through, halved against...
[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles] Mouser papercraft
The Mousers are robots developed by Baxter Stockman and through this affiliation enemies of the Ninja Turtles. They first appeared in the Mirage Comics.
[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles] Master Splinter papercraft
Splinter, often referred to as Master Splinter by his students, is a fictional character from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics and all related media.A mutant rat, he is the martial arts and ninjutsu instructor of the Turtles, as...
[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles] Leonardo papercraft
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is an entertainment franchise created by American comic book authors Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. It follows Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo, four anthropomorphic turtle brothers trained in ninjitsu...