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[Megaman] Mega Man 8bit Medal Papercraft
Megaman 8-bit Deathmatch is a fan game created by CutmanMike using the Zandronum engine (previously known as Skulltag), combining first-person shooter and Mega Man style gameplay. The game was first released on October 8, 2010, at 8PM GMT, and...
[Megaman] Break Man 8bit Medal Papercraft
Break Man (ブレイクマン Bureikuman) is an alias used by Proto Man in Mega Man 3. As Break Man, Proto Man's helmet covers his entire head, similar to the Sniper Joes' helmets (even with the single eye).
[Megaman X5] Mattrex Boss Papercraft
Mô hình khá to
Cao 350mm
Dài 572mm
Tự nhiên mò được link con Mattrex Boss Megaman X5 này, bạn nào thích có thể tải về làm nhé, mô hình con robot T-rex lửa khá đẹp.
Bữa nào làm xong sẽ up lên.
[Megaman X] Megaman X Ultimate Armor Ver.2 Papercraft
The Ultimate Armor (アルティメットアーマー Arutimetto Āmā) is a secret armor for X that bestows the most all-around fighting power in any of the games in which it appears. Because it appears in so many games in the Mega Man X series, it has the most...
[Megaman X] Third Armor X Papercraft
Third Armor X is the full set of armor that debuted in Rockman / Mega Man X3. The armor can turn gold with the hyper chip, granting X unparalleled offense and defense.
[Megaman X] Second Armor X Papercraft
Second Armor X is the second set of armor that X acquires in Mega Man X2 and Mega Man Xtreme 2. This set of armor specializes in double charged shots and converting damage received into Giga Crush energy.
[Megaman X] First Armor X Papercraft
First Armor X / X フルアーマー(Full Armor X) is the full set of armor that X acquires in Mega Man X, Mega Man Xtreme and Maverick Hunter X.
It's the first armor upgrade that X received. Though while it is said its capabilities fall short compared to later upgrades...
[Megaman X] Fourth Armor X Papercraft
The Fourth Armor (フォースアーマー Fōsu Āmā),[1][2] also known as the Force Armor,[3][4] is an all-around armor first found in Mega Man X4. In its debut game, it was collected in four parts in Light Capsules and slowly made X more powerful as the parts were...
[Megaman X] Megaman X (Ver.2) papercraft
X was the first robot to possess free will, sentience, and independent thought; no longer requiring restrictive programming or rules to dictate his behavior; based on technology pioneered by Dr. Light. Dr. Cain, the scientist who found him, was never able...
Megaman X papercraft
Dimensions: 400 x 273 x 250 mm
Mega Man X, named Rockman X in Japan, commonly called X, was the eponymous protagonist of the Mega Man X series. X also served as a guide during the Mega Man Zero series and appeared as Model X in the Mega Man ZX series. He was the successor of...
[Megaman] Mono Roader Papercraft
Mono Roader (モノローダー Mono Rōdā) is an enemy from Mega Man 4 and Mega Man IV that was originally used for street racing. They are able to shield their eyes and attack by spinning wildly. They are invincible when shielding. In Mega Man 4, Mono Roaders appear in the...
[Megaman] Zero Papercraft
Zero (ゼロ) is the deuteragonist of the Mega Man X series, the main protagonist of the Mega Man Zero series, and also an important supporting character in the Mega Man ZX series as the Biometal Model Z. He is the successor of Bass and the greatest creation of Doctor...
[Megaman] Snorkel Mettaur Papercraft
The Metall (メットール Mettōru), often called "Met", is an industrial robot created to supervise works. Mets appear in Guts Man's stage and sits on the floor hidden in its indestructible helmet, and when someone gets close it lifts its helmet and shoots three...
[Megaman] Pharaoh Man Papercraft
Pharaoh Man (ファラオマン Faraoman) is a Robot Master designed as an ancient Egyptian pharaoh that resembles Tutankhamun. He was originally created by Dr. Cossack with high resistance, agility, and adaptability to the dark to explore pyramids and other ancient ruins...
[Megaman] Moby Papercraft
Moby (モビー Mobī) is a giant robot blue whale mid-boss that appears twice in Dive Man's stage. It was originally made to catch fish. It attacks with mines, missiles, and by trying to suck Mega Man in. It is weak to Drill Bomb.
[Megaman] Metaur (Met) Papercraft
ets appears as enemies in the Mega Man ZX series, and a giant Met as a mid-boss. Area H is an abandoned Met-themed amusement park that contains several Mets in the area, including Met balloons, a genie Met and a Met doll in the crane game. The Cyber-elf Met from...
[Megaman] Metaur Papercraft
Mets are recurring enemies in the original Mega Man series, appearing in near every game with varying traits, including some appearances as mid-bosses and bosses. The most common type hides under its helmet and fires three projectiles when approached.
[Megaman] Oil Man Papercraft
Oil Man (オイルマン Oiruman) is one of the two new Robot Masters from Mega Man Powered Up, a remake of the original Mega Man.
Oil Man is a maintenance robot made by Dr. Light that is able to produce a special type of oil from the dispenser on his left arm that can work...
[Megaman] Skull Man Papercraft
Skull Man (スカルマン Sukaruman) is a Robot Master created specially for combat with balanced offense and defense by Dr. Cossack while he was working for Dr. Wily in Mega Man 4. He attacks with shots from his arm cannon, and can generate a skull-shaped energy shield...