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Kung Fu Panda: Master Oogway papercraft
Dimensions: 700 x 529 x 523 mm
Master Oogway was an elderly tortoise and the previous senior master of the Jade Palace. He is credited as the founder of the Valley of Peace, the creator of kung fu, and the developer of the Dragon Warrior legend.
Dragon Ball - Master Roshi Chibi papercraft
Master Roshi is bald, with a thick white fu manchu mustache and beard. He is almost always seen wearing his trademark sunglasses; sometime later Master Roshi left his old sunglasses and began to wear more futuristic ones. He wears beach clothes or a...
Dragon Ball - Master Roshi Ver. 2 papercraft
When he was a teenager while training under Master Mutaito and Korin, it is shown that he had black hair and wore a black pair of sunglasses along with a bluish-purple Qipao style martial arts uniform. He was also noted by Bulma to be very...