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Little Penguin low poly papercraft
The birds currently known as penguins were discovered later and were so named by sailors because of their physical resemblance to the great auk. Despite this resemblance, however, they are not auks, and are not closely related to the great auk.They do not...
Little Girl and Hummingbirds light box
The multilayer (5 layer + 1 background) "hummingbirds svg" is an original, unique and creative our design for you.
6 layer little girl and hummingbirds template for paper cuts and laser cuts
Shadow box frame 8.5x8.5'' (22x22 cm) or greater..
(5"x5" -...
Little Prince low poly by QC PaperStudio papercraft
The prince describes his earlier days cleaning the volcanoes and weeding unwanted seeds and sprigs that infest his planet's soil; in particular, pulling out baobab trees that are constantly on the verge of overrunning the surface. If the...
Little Girl Praying Paper Cut Light Box Template, 3D 8x8, 12x12, 9x9 Square Shadow Box SVG, Cricut, Silhouette DIY
This is template for 8x8 SVG Light Box, Shadow Box SVG in Square, You can resize this shadow box to any size like 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, 8x8, 9x9, 10x10, 12x12 or even 20x20 if you want...
Little Fox low poly papercraft
The fox's irises are vertical for nocturnal hunting, the claws and tongue are rough like a cat's, and they also hunt by lurking and then suddenly leaping at their prey. Foxes are quite active, they can play with other animals, including humans. So, when you come...
Adorable Baby Fox papercraft
Foxes are generally extremely cautious in the presence of humans and are not domesticated and raised as pets (except for the Fennec fox); however, domesticated silver foxes have been successfully domesticated in Russia after 45 years of selective breeding. This...
Low Poly - Little Bear by World Of Papercraft Papercraft
Little Bear makes himself a moon hat out of a cardboard box and springs and voyages to the moon to discover that the moon has bears, flowers and animals just like the earth.
Electronic scan of Mishutka in pdf format.
Model size...