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[Kemono Friends] Capybara chan papercraft
Capybara appeared in Episode 9: Snowy Mountains Area. She relaxed in the hot spring after Silver Fox and the others fixed the machine. Fun fact that she is only her head drawn by hand instead of fully 3D model.
Instruction: PDO
[Kemono Friends] Kinshiko Chan papercraft
Her name is written in Katakana as Kinshikou chan. Now usually words written in Katakana meant something in English. For example Servel is Sebaru, but for this one I couldn’t make it up what it’s trying to say in English…
Kemono Friends (Japanese...
[Kemono Friends] Toki-chan papercraft
In the first season of the anime, which is set sometime after the mobile game, a girl wakes up in Japari Park with no recollection of who she is or how she got there and encounters a serval Friend, who names the girl "Kaban". Together, they set out on an...
[Kemono Friends] Fennec papercraft
Fennec is very intelligent and patient. Her best friend is Raccoon who she normally refers to as "Arai-san". Fennec could best be described as the polar opposite of Arai-san. Fennec is calm, collected and prefers to observe and think through her choices rather...
[Kemono Friends] Arai-san papercraft
Common Raccoon (アライグマ, Araiguma) is a Friend that has appeared in all Kemono Friends media to date. She can almost always be found together with Fennec, who tends to follow her around wherever she goes.
Instruction: PDO
[Kemono Friends] Kotsume Kawauso - Small-clawed Otter papercraft
H199 W100 D103mm
Small-clawed Otter (コツメカワウソ, 小爪川獺, Kotsume Kawauso) is a Friends that appeared in the Kemono Friends game and anime.
[Kemono Friends] Serval Chan papercraft
Serval (サーバル) is an unknown generation Serval Cat Friend that plays a main character role in the Kemono Friends anime.
Likely born sometime after the Second Eruption, Serval lived a peaceful life in the savanna area within Japari Park until she met Kaban...
[Kemono Friends] Kyururu papercraft
Dimensions: 195 x 100 x 53 mm
Kyururu is the human main character of Kemono Friends 2. He has black hair with edges gradually shifting towards a turquoise-like color. While his eyes have blue irises, Kyururu's eyes are unique for having differently-colored...