
  1. Ranged Custom Weapons [Honkai Impact 3] Judgement of Shamash

  2. Ranged Psycho-Pass: Dominator

    Psycho-Pass Dominator papercraft The Dominator Portable Psychological Diagnosis and Suppression System (Japanese: 携帯型心理診断鎮圧執行システム Romaji: Keitai-gata shinri shindan chin'atsu shikkō shisutemu)、ドミネーター or 45MW.TRG Dominator is the iconic firearm carried by enlisted Inspection and Enforcement...
  3. Ranged Custom Weapons AXL GUN

    AXL GUN Papercraft In Mega Man X7, Axl only has four guns and the same Special Weapons as X's, the only difference being that Axl won't be able to charge his special weapons, and his range is slightly bigger due to the muzzle of his guns. In Mega Man X8 and Mega Man X: Command Mission, Axl has a...