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Dragon Ball - Gogeta SSJ (Stardust Breaker) Chibi Papercraft
In Dragon Ball FighterZ it appears as a followup to SSGSS Gogeta's God Punisher super, requiring an extra bar of super to perform. It is also used in his Dramatic Finish against Janemba, recreating the climax of Fusion Reborn...
[Dragon Ball FighterZ] Gogeta SSJ Chibi Avatar Papercraft
SSJ Gogeta is the result of the fusion born through the union between Goku and Vegeta performing the Fusion Dance of the metamorans, existing as Vegito's counterpart. He appears in the main story in the movie "The Fusion of Goku and...
[Dragon Ball FighterZ] Gogeta Blue Chibi Avatar papercraft
Gogeta Blue is the result of the fusion born through the union between Goku and Vegeta performing the Fusion Dance of the metamorans, existing as Vegito's counterpart. He appears in the main story in the movie Dragon Ball Super: Broly.
Dragon Ball - Gogeta SSJ Blue (Stardust Breaker) papercraft
In Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn, Gogeta uses this attack to defeat Janemba. While Pikkon is fighting Janemba, only to be defeated by the monster, Goku and Vegeta successfully perform the Fusion Dance to fuse into Gogeta. As Janemba...
Dragon Ball - Gogeta SSJ (Stardust Breaker) papercraft
Stardust Breaker (スターダストブレイカー Sutādasuto Bureikā), also called Soul Punisher (ソウルパニッシャー Souru Panisshā), is an Energy Sphere used by Gogeta.
[Dragon Ball Z: Budokai] Gogeta SSJ Blue papercraft
Vegeta and Goku are clearly the 2 strongest characters in Dragon Ball history , this is undisputed. However, that still seems to be not strong enough for author Akira Toriyama, who always comes up with new things for both main characters...
[Dragon Ball Z: Budokai] Gogeta Blue papercraft
In the manga, Gogeta first appears in base form to challenge Crimson. After getting the Warrior in Black Clothes to safety and verifying that he isn't "Kakarot", he declares he will take Crimson down. Crimson responds by calling him "one rude...
Dragon Ball - Gogeta SSJ1 Chibi Ppaercraft
During his respective battles with Hearts and the Crimson-Masked Saiyan, Gogeta retained his personality from Broly, retaining a mix of his serious attitude and his bold, taunting attitude, mocking his foes while still showing some degree of...
Dragon ball - Gogeta Chibi papercraft
Gogeta also presented himself as stern, staring down Saike Demon, who was the unfortunate host of Janemba's body, after the latter was freed from Janemba's energy, but chuckles after Saike Demon runs off, showing a lighter side of himself.
[Dragon Ball Z: Budokai] Gogeta papercraft
Shortly after being formed, Gogeta insists on coming up with his own name rather than immediately setting out to fight Broly, claiming it would make him "sound cooler". At the same time, however, Gogeta also displays his usual aggressiveness and...
Dragon Ball - Gogeta SSJ4 Papercraft
Gogeta (SS4) (ゴジータ(SS4), Gojīta (SS4)) is a playable character in Dragon Ball FighterZ. He was revealed alongside Super Baby 2 on December 20, 2020, with Gogeta being the fifth downloadable fighter from FighterZ Pass 3. Gogeta was released on March 12, 2021.
Dragon Ball - Gogeta SSJ1 Papercraft
Gogeta (ゴジータ Gojīta) is the Metamoran fusion of Goku and Vegeta when they perform the Fusion Dance properly. His voice is a dual voice containing both Goku's and Vegeta's voices. Like his Potara counterpart; Vegito, he is regarded as one of the most...