PaperzoneVN is a non-profit community, with Papercraft, Kirigami, Origami content freely shared among its members.
PaperzoneVN is not responsible for any Files posted by members themselves.
Jerom is a French artist who created papercrafts from 2007 to 2010 which he shared for free on his blog.
His creations are in cubic and cartoon style and are often colorful.
The Girafle is a colorful mix between a giraffe and a Megaloceros Giganticus.
This papercraft has the distinctive...
African Landscape light box
3D paper cut light box, with multi contours layers and colorful LED light, is a wonderful decorative night light for nursery, living room, bedroom, etc. USB power supply, with light switch, convenient to use.
* Name: African landscape light...
Giraffe low poly papercraft
Dimensions: 520 x 81 x 276 mm
Giraffes are the world's tallest mammals, thanks to their towering legs and long necks. A giraffe's legs alone are taller than many humans—about 6 feet . These long legs allow giraffes to run as fast as 35 miles an hour over short...
Giraffe I Love Mom So Much light box
Love You Mom SVG 3D Paper cut light box template, Shadow Box Template Cricut and Silhouette files SVG - Png - Cdr - Dxf - Dwg - Eps - AI File For Paper Cut and Laser Cut
"love you so much" svg and other vector files for paper cuts & laser cuts
Giraffe Head low poly papercraft
Fully grown giraffes stand 4.3–5.7 m (14.1–18.7 ft) tall, with males taller than females. The average weight is 1,192 kg (2,628 lb) for an adult male and 828 kg (1,825 lb) for an adult female. Despite its long neck and legs, its body is relatively short: 66 The...