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Pokemon 541 - Swadloon (Kurumayu) papercraft
Swadloon (Japanese: クルマユ Kurumayu) is a dual-type Bug/Grass Pokémon introduced in Generation V.
It evolves from Sewaddle starting at level 20 and evolves into Leavanny when leveled up with high friendship.
508 - Stoutland Papercraft
Stoutland is a canine Pokémon with a talent for rescuing people lost at sea or in the mountains. On its face, it has cream-colored fur that forms voluminous, white-tipped plumes and a three-pointed crest. The plumes are so long that they run the length of its body...
608 - Lampent Papercraft
Lampent (Japanese: ランプラー Lampler) is a dual-type Ghost/Fire Pokémon introduced in Generation V.
It evolves from Litwick starting at level 41 and evolves into Chandelure when exposed to a Dusk Stone.
Lampent is a Pokémon which has a clear, spherical head containing a...
Deerling Papercraft
Deerling (Japanese: シキジカ Shikijika) is a dual-type Normal/Grass Pokémon introduced in Generation V.
It evolves into Sawsbuck starting at level 34.
Sawsbuck Spring Form papercraft - (2 sizes)
Dimension: 330 x 140 x 270 mm | 500 x 214 x 415 mm
Sawsbuck are herbivores. Sawsbuck can live almost anywhere in the Unova region as they adapt to the season, but prefer to live away from humans.
499 - Pignite papercraft
Pignite has a fire in its stomach, which it fuels with food. The intensity of this flame increases as fuel is added or when Pignite is angered. As the flame grows stronger, Pignite's speed increases. If in danger, it will blow out large smoke clouds in order to escape.